Categories > Original > Erotica > Backstage Animals

Cherry Flavored Antacids

by NirvanaCobain 0 reviews

They'll be peace when you are gone

Category: Erotica - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-11-04 - Updated: 2011-11-05 - 203 words

I looked down at Kurt to see him staring up at me with a pitiful frown on his pale sickly face, "Molly, I'm sick... Again." He whimpered. I wiped a pain induced tear from his eye, "Well sugar do you need anything?" I asked wiping the sweat from his upper lip. "Just hold me." He said weakly as he crawled up to the pillows. I pulled the covers over us and I wrapped my arms around him, gently lurring his head into my chest. "It's okay." I whispered, "I love you." I looked down to see that he had fallen asleep. I smiled and kissed his forehead. I hated it when he was sick. I loved taking care of him and I loved how me holding him close seemed to make him feel better but I hated seeing him in pain. The phone rang again, "Shit." I whispered as I gently got out of the bed. I picked up the phone, "Hello?" I whispered "Hey Molly. It's me Dave. Can Kurt spare me a minute I gotta talk to him." He said awkwerdly. "Sorry Dave, he's not feeling well." I said looking over at Kurt who was curled up in the fetal posiotion.
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