Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forever and Ever Continued....

Remember Who He Is

by MCArmyWife 1 review

Jacob and Katherine arrive at the estate.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-11-06 - Updated: 2011-11-06 - 4629 words

As soon as they walked into the house Anna threw her arms around Jacob. “I am so glad you are here.”

He hugged his child tightly. “I am sorry we could not arrive sooner.”

Katherine looked over at Gerard. “Uh, so he’s pretty bad?”

Gerard nodded, “You could say that.”

They walked into the living room and were seated. Anna began to explain. “Marcus refuses to leave her side.”

“But he has fed?” Jacob asked quickly.

Anna nodded, “I have taken care of that. I am the only one he as agreed to take nourishment from. Annie offered but he refused.”

“Claire’s grandchild, correct?”

“Yes, my blood bound.” Anna explained not sure Jacob had shared this information with Katherine.

However Katherine did know. “She still feels connected to him? I’d think that would have faded by now.”

“Annie is not like most mortals.” Anna said softly. “Her emotions run deep, She is very concerned about Marcus.”

“Not like most mortal, how?" Katherine asked not having heard much about the girl.

“She can sense things.” Gerard said taking over. “Almost I guess kinda like a psychic.”

“You have bonded a psychic to you?” By her tone it was obvious Katherine did not think it was a good idea.

“She is Claire’s grandchild.” Anna answered. “I have complete trust in her.”

Jacob sighed, “I understand Katherine’s concern in this matter but for now we can not get sidetracked. We must deal with Marcus.” He turned to Katherine who nodded then stood.

“What’s going on?” Gerard asked.

“Marcus must take nourishment from Katherine.” Jacob answered.

“But I have….oh of course.” Anna said softly. “I understand.”

Gerard was still confused. “Understand what?”

It was Jacob who explained. “Marcus needs the blood of a Pure.”

“Why? Because our blood ain’t as good?" Gerard asked angrily.

“Gee.” Anna said softly. “A Pure’s blood is much stronger. They are doing this because it is best for Marcus.”

“Yes.” Jacob nodded. “What Annabelle says is true. And believe me with what is to be Marcus will need that strength.”

Anna gave her Maker a frightened look. “Jacob what is going to happen?”

He sighed, “Soon many will arrive here. The turning of a Ingredior Utriusque is an extraordinary event to our world.”

As much as it pained him Gerard had to say. “That is if she’s been turned.”

Jacob nodded sadly. “I understand that Marcus feels nothing.”

Anna looked down and whispered. “He told me he has turned others and could always feel they would return. With Casey he feels nothing.”

“I pray that is because she is Ingredior Utriusque” Jacob said.

Suddenly Anna looked at her Maker. “Jacob please do not lie to me. I feel there is much more going on here that I do not understand. Do you know that it is?”

Gerard didn’t miss the look that passed between Jacob and Katherine.

Walking over Jacob took Anna’s hand. Once she was standing he hugged her tightly. “My child, I will not lie to you. Yes, I believe you are correct, there does seem to be much more going on with this turning than what has been revealed. I have been in close contact with His Excellence and he has made his wishes clear to me. However, he has not taken me into his confidence. I know no more than you.”

Anna was having trouble controlling her emotions. “Jacob I am scared. Scared she will not return and scared that she will.”

“I understand.”

“And I do not want a house full of Healers.” She admitted as he eyes filled with tears.

Jacob knew his child must be strong. “Annabelle, do not say that. This is my home and it will be an honor to have so many Pures in attendance.”

“How many Pures?” Gerard asked.

Jacob sighed, “A great number of Pures and turned Healer will be arriving soon. That is why we must ready Marcus. One Pure in particular who will arrive will not be welcomed by him.”

Anna stood back. “Who?”

“I did not want to get into this but….” He sighed, “William was been invited.”

“William?” Anna gasp.

Jacob nodded.

“But why? I know Marcus reported William’s actions toward mortals to you.”

“He did. However before the council could look into it His Excellence caught wind of the situation. He ordered me to ignore William’s actions and to invite him here.”

“Oh shit.” Anna muttered.

Jacob smiled over at Gerard. “I see you are still a bad influence on my child.”

While Gerard understood he was trying to lighten the heavy mood he couldn’t help but say. “Hey, I agree with her. What kind of shit is this? Marcus told you about William which was fuckin’ hard for him to do. And you do nothing? So, do rules not apply to Pures?”

“You would do well to contain that attitude.” Jacob said sternly. “You must remember that what His Excellence demands is done. We can not question him.”

Angrily Gerard stood. “I’m gonna go check on Elena.”

Katherine sighed, “I’ll go with you. You can point out the bedroom where Marcus is holed up.”

While he didn’t like Katherine’s apparent attitude Gerard kept his mouth shut. He nodded to her and they left the room.

Jacob took Anna’s arm and led her back to the sofa. “I have a request I hope you will honor.”


“Given the fact that so many Healers will be here I believe it would be best for you and Gerard to control your blood bounds.” When he saw her surprised look he added, “At least until this is over.”

“But Gerard and I trust our blood bounds completely. It do so would seem to say otherwise.”

“Annabelle, I say this out of love for you. Tonight will be a very difficult time. And you must realize that you and Gerard are both still watched closely.”

“Well that is wrong.” Anna said angrily. “We are excellent Healers. We have been given a Pure to raise. If that does not mean anything then he and I will never be free from fear, fear of our own kind.”

“I too live with that fear.” Jacob said stroking her hand gently.

“It is wrong we must live this way.”

Jacob looked down, “I am sorry for what I can not change.”

“I do not blame you.” Anna said sadly. “I am sorry if it seems that I do.”

“Uh excuse me.”

They looked up to see Gerard standing in the doorway holding the baby.

“Just thought you should know that I just walked by and Marcus and Katherine are having a shouting match.”

Jacob got to his feet offering his hand to Anna. “Come. We must talk to him. I was afraid this would happen.”

As they walked towards the stairs Anna asked. “You were afraid he would refuse Katherine’s blood?”


As they reached the top of the stairs the argument had escalated.

“I can’t believe this.” Katherine’s voice sounded angry. “Look at you, Marcus. How can a Pure allow himself to act this way?”

“Shut up. You do not understand.” Marcus yelled.

“Oh I understand.” Katherine responded. “You are pining over your mortal. You are pathetic.”

Anna inhaled sharply. Her anger made her eyes flash as she started to enter the room. Jacob grabbed her arm. “Annabelle, she is deliberately provoking him. What Katherine is doing is done out of respect and concern for Marcus.”

“She’s trying to make the Pure remember who he is.” Gerard muttered understanding the situation. He quickly walked down the hallway to place Elena in her room for the moment fearful the situation could become violent. When he returned a moment later Jacob and Anna were still standing in the hallway listening.

“I have known you for a very long time, Marcus.” Katherine said. “This is not you.”

“You have no idea who I really am.” He yelled. “None of you know me except her.”

Jacob pushed open the door and they entered.

Marcus’s eyes flashed. “Great. Let me guess you all have come to tell me how fucked up I am.”

“I don’t need any help in that department.” Katherine said trying to push his anger further. “It is obvious to everyone how fucked up you are. I’m beyond shocked. What have you allowed to happen to yourself?” She nodded towards the bed. “She’s pussywhipped the Pure.”

Anna’s hand few over her mouth to stop herself from speaking. Jacob stood ready to protect Katherine. Gerard hung back waiting. Several seconds passed as the tension in the room mounted. No one had ever seen Marcus look so angry. Fury was written on his face, it flashed in his eyes.

“You believe that?” He said menacingly.

Katherine stood her ground. “What I see standing before me is not a Pure.”

Before her words died away Marcus reacted. He grabbed her, his fingers painfully digging into her skin. He bit into her neck savagely. Anna could feel her Maker trying to contain his anger. Jacob knew this needed to happen but it took all his control not to stop Marcus fearful he would hurt Katherine.

As Katherine’s Pure blood filled his mouth Marcus’s mind began to clear. The Pure he truly was took over. However that Pure was still furious. Knowing that they were watching, knowing this had been done to make him react this way and wanting to lash out he continued to drink Katherine’s blood. He pulled her even closer locking his arms around her. A part of him knew he needed the blood of another Pure but part of him wanted to hurt her and those watching. He let his arms slip down her back to cup her ass. He ground his hips against her, pressing her to his need. Minutes passed when finally he lifted his head. Again his anger took over and he pushed her back. Had Jacob not acted so quickly she would have fallen.

“There.” Marcus growled. “I felt her up while I fed. That Marcus the Pure enough for you? Or should I feed some more? I could throw her on the ground and fuck her while I take more of her blood. You all could watch. That would be the Marcus that’s expected, right?”

Gerard placed her arm around Anna who was shaking. She feared what her Maker might do. His anger reverberated through Anna’s mind.

Jacob’s topaz eyes flashed. However instead of responding to Marcus’s taunts he turned Katherine who was still in his arms to face him. Gently he leaned down to lick the wound inflected by Marcus stopping the blood. Then he faced Marcus. “Were you not a dear old friend this would end differently.” His voice a low growl.

Marcus crossed his arms as Katherine’s Pure blood renewed him. He smirked. “I just did what you all wanted.”

“Yes, you did.” Jacob said slowly trying to control his anger. “It was what had to happen. All of us know it needed to happen. Soon many from our world will be arriving. No one could have seen you the way you were acting.”

Marcus’s eyes flashed, “I don’t give a shit.”

Katherine spoke softly. “Yeah, you do.” She glanced over at the bed. “You care because of her. You know your actions reflect on your child.”

Marcus closed his eyes gathering all his strength. He knew what Katherine was saying was true. “I am a Pure. I am simply awaiting my child’s awakening.”

Jacob nodded. “Good.”

Not allowing himself to glance at the bed Marcus asked, “How many will be in attendance?”

“I am not sure of the exact numbers yet. His Excellence will let me know soon.”

“Fine.” Marcus said trying to focus. “But I wish to speak to Anna alone.”

Gerard tightened his hold on his wife. What he’d just witnessed had shocked him and he feared leaving Anna alone with the Pure.

“Of course.” Anna said softly.

Jacob nodded. “We will be downstairs.” He kept his arm around Katherine as the started to leave the room.


She turned back to face Marcus.

For a moment he simply stared at her. When he spoke is voice was low. “Thank you.”

She nodded then allowed Jacob to lead her to the doorway. Once there Jacob looked pointedly at Gerard. It has difficult but the young Healer dropped his arm from Anna’s shoulder and followed them out.

Anna closed the door then turned to Marcus waiting for him to speak.


Annie and Shawn looked up as the others came down the stairs. They had arrived from the shop and having heard the angry voices upstairs, they had remained in the living room.

Gerard spoke to Annie. “Could you go get Elena?”

“Of course.” She answered jumping to her feet.

Sean stood. “If you don’t need me I’ll be upstairs.”

Right now Gerard wasn’t sure what he needed. He simply stared at Sean.

Katherine spoke. “Perhaps it would be best for you to go upstairs.”

Gerard was once more trying to control his anger. This place though owned by Jacob was his and Anna’s home. Sean and Annie were like family. He did not like the fact that a Pure was deciding what his blood bound should do. “Sean does understand what is going on.” He said slowly.

Katherine looked over at Jacob. “You spoke to Anna about the blood bounds?”

“We had just started discussing it when we were interrupted by the situation with Marcus.” Jacob answered.

Gerard’s eyes narrowed. “Discussing what about Sean and Annie?”


Anna sat in the chair and Marcus once more sat on the bed. However this time he did not look or touch Casey.

“When the time comes I want Annie to be the blood bound used to teach my child.” Marcus said flatly.

Anna was shocked. “Annie?”

He nodded retaining his non emotional attitude. “Yes, Annie. This is not like when Gerard awakened. You had turned him without permission. I had permission to turn Casey. I choose who is used to teach her how to feed.”

“But Marcus.” Anna clutched the sides of the chair nervously. “Annie is Casey’s friend, she’s like her little sister.”

“So?” He shrugged. “She is a mortal, a blood bound.”

Anna tried to keep her emotions in check. “She is my blood bound.”

“And you and your husband belong to me. You are mine and what is yours is also mine.”

“Marcus don’t do this to Casey.” Anna pleaded. “She wouldn’t want that.”

His Pure blood was running strong. “Annabelle, Casey will be a correct Healer. My children are correct Healers. It won’t matter to her what mortal she uses to learn to feed.”

Anna’s eyes teared, “But no one is sure how she will be turned.”

“I am sure.” He yelled. “If she awakens she will be correct. That’s just how it is.”

While she understood Marcus needed to be the Pure is was at this moment it was hard for her not to be hurt by his attitude. He was acting as if he wasn’t concerned about Casey awakening. “She will return.” Anna said softly.

Marcus glanced away from her but still averted his eyes from the bed. “That remains to be seen. However I demand that if she does Annie will be the blood bound used.”

Anna stood unable to continue the conversation.

“Where are you going?” Marcus demanded. “I am not finished talking to you.”

“You have made your request, your demand.” Anna said without turning. “There is nothing for me to say.” With that she fled from the room.


Gerard knew immediately that Anna was upset. He stood as soon as she entered the room.

“Sugar, what is it?”

Anna allowed him to lead her over to the settee. He placed his arm around her shoulder. “Anna?”

Instead of answering she looked around and noticed Jacob was gone.

Katherine understood. “His Excellence requested Jacob call him once we arrived and spoke to Marcus.”

Anna nodded.

A moment later Jacob walked in and returned to his seat next to Katherine.

“Jacob, Marcus had demanded….” Her mouth snapped shut when Annie suddenly entered the room.

“Elena is sleeping.” Annie said looking at Anna.

Anna could sense her blood bound was upset. “What is wrong?”

Annie nervously looked around the room. “Uh, I heard Marcus. I know what he wants.”

“What he wants?” Gerard asked.

Anna motioned for Annie to come over. The young girl sat on the floor at Anna’s feet. “I am sorry.” Anna whispered stroking her hair.

“Would someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?’ Gerard asked.

Anna forced her voice to sound calm. “Marcus wants Annie to be the blood bound used to teach Casey.”

“Oh shit.” Gerard muttered looking over at Sean. He knew his blood bound was upset by this information.

“If you controlled his minds this wouldn’t be an issue.” Katherine pointed out.

Gerard was about to give an angry retort when Anna placed her hand on his arm. “Please.” She whispered. She knew what Katherine said was true.

Annie spoke while looking down. “I really don’t mind.”

“Because you really don’t know what this involves.” Gerard said his anger not towards the young girl but at the Healer world.

“I kinda can guess.” Annie whispered. “Besides she will be expected to glamour me, right?”

Gerard saw Sean’s eyes on him, pleading.

“Just tell him no.” Gerard said looking at Anna. “He can use one of the blood bounds that will be coming with the guests.”

Anna sighed, “Gee, I can not tell Marcus no.”

“Annie is your blood bound.” Gerard ground out.

“And we belong to Marcus.” Anna whispered. “What is ours is also his. That is the way it will always be.”

“Fuck.” Gerard exploded. “That ain’t right.”

“Gerard.” Jacob’s tone was stern. “You are not acting as a correct Healer. That could be deadly. Not just for yourself but for Annabelle.”

Gerard glared at the Pure but remained silent.

Jacob sighed, “Besides this is all a mute point. I just spoke to His Excellence and he has made his wishes known to me. Casey’s awakening will be handled differently. Marcus will not be allowed to be in the room when she awakens.”

“What?’ Katherine asked clearly shocked.

Jacob took her hand in his. “Because she is Ingredior Utriusque this awakening will be like no other. He has given me exact instructions what is to happen. And before I am asked, no I am not to reveal the details until the time for her to awaken is near.”

“Oh shit.” Gerard said digesting this information. “Marcus is gonna be forced to leave that room? Who the fuck is gonna tell him that?”

“I will deliver the news to him.” Jacob said. “As the head of the high council I am in charge of this.” He looked at Anna. “Now the time is drawing near for the guests to arrive. Since you do not have a household of blood bounds we must make the preparations. He glanced at Gerard then back to Anna. “I know both of you resist my request concerning your blood bounds.” He paused then looked at Annie. “Child, please do not think what I suggested is because I do not trust you.” He smiled, “Annabelle has complete trust in you and I value her opinion. Therefore I am sure you are an excellent blood bound just as your grandmother was.”

“She is.” Anna said as she stroked Annie’s hair lovingly.

Jacob smiled still looking into Annie’s eyes. “And let me just say your resemblance Claire started me at first. I was very fond of your grandmother something I regret never really telling her.” He lifted his gaze from the girl to Anna. “The decision, wither or not, to control their minds is up to you and Gerard. But as time is slipping away and we have much to do I would like to suggest both of you feed soon. Once the guests begin to arrive there will not be time. And you both need to call on your Healer blood for strength.”

Anna nodded. “We understand.”

Gerard locked eyes with Jacob. “I’m sorry about my out burst. I know you are right but don’t worry. Anna and I know what we have to do, how we must appear.”

Jacob nodded. “I am glad to hear you say that, Gerard.”


Anna took Annie up to the nursery. Once there she closed the door but instead of turning to her blood bound she walked over to the baby bed. “She is so beautiful.” She whispered looking down at the child.

“You are frightened.” Annie said softly as she moved to stand beside Anna.

“Yes.” Anna sighed. “For many reasons.”

Annie reached out to touch her arm. “If you think it would be best to control my mind during this time, I do understand.”

“That is one thing that does not worry me.” Anna said turning to face her. “I have complete faith you will appear to be a normal blood bound. And I know Gerard feels the same towards Sean.”

“Can I ask you something?” Annie whispered.

“Of course.”

“I understand that Marcus is a Pure and they are set apart from most Healers.”

Anna nodded, “Yes, that is true.”

“I get that they way he was acting about Casey would seem wrong to other Pures. So I understand why it was important for him to regain his control.”

“He took blood from Katherine, another Pure, it helped him gain that control.”

Anna nodded, “Yeah, I figured that. But I have to admit when I heard you two talking, how he was demanding what he wanted, I was frightened of him. And I don’t like that feeling.” Tears appeared in her eyes. “If something happens, if Casey doesn’t return will he stay that way?”

Taking her arm Anna led her over to the small sofa against the wall. “This is hard for me to explain but you must know. When you bonded with Marcus his love for Casey made him different. But even for a Pure that difference would not be tolerated.”

“You mean he wouldn’t be able to show he loves her?”

“His love for her once turned would be acceptable as the love shared by a Maker and their child. That would not seem out of the ordinary. However, the depth of his love for a blood bound would not be ordinary and he would be called out for his actions. It is difficult to explain but the love a correct Healer or Pure feels for a blood bound is different than the love mortals share.”

Annie nodded, “I understand that. But if…” She paused trying not to cry. “If she doesn’t come back what will happen to him?”

“I fear for him.” Anna whispered. “I believe he would completely turn his back on mortals. I fear he would hide himself away from the world. He would truly be a cold, uncaring Pure and that breaks my heart.”

The sound of a car door outside startled both women.

“Someone has arrived.” Anna said nervously.

“You must feed now.” Annie smiled.

“Thank you.” Anna whispered before leaning over to bite into Annie’s neck.

Annie put her arm around Anna pulling her closer as the Healer feed. “Thank you, for trusting me, Anna.” She whispered.


Gerard stroked Sean’s hair as he feed. With everything that had happened he had intended to use the synthetic but Sean had convinced him otherwise. He knew Gerard was upset about what had been discussed involving Annie and therefore had not wanted to take his blood. But Sean knew his blood, real blood, would offer Gerard more strength. Therefore when they had walked into the bedroom Sean had insisted Gerard take nourishment from him.

As he continued to feed Gerard tried not to think as a mortal. He knew he needed his Healer nature to take over. However, it was difficult.

Sean could sense his inner turmoil. “Gee, it’s okay.” He whispered gently caressing his cheek.

Gerard took a bit more blood than normal knowing he would need the strength then before raising his head from Sean’s neck he licked the wound. When he sat back he looked deeply into Sean’s eyes. “Thank you.”

Sean smiled, “I know you are worried about how I felt earlier. I realize now it was wrong of me to think you could stop Marcus from using Annie.”

Gerard sighed, “You are my blood bound, it is my duty to protect you.”

“And knowing I love Annie you wanted to stop Marcus for me. I get that. Annie gets it too. Both of us know we are loved by you two. However we both understand that there are things in the Healer world you can’t control. What a Pure wants is one of those things.”

“Ain’t right.” Gerard sighed still holding Sean close. “I have always had a deep respect for Marcus but what he wanted…”

“Gee, I think that while we both didn’t want it, we understand why he did. He’s acting like a Pure, demanding what he wills be done. But by wanting to use Annie his deep love for Casey was still showing. I’m sure he wouldn’t want a male blood bound used to teach her how to feed. He wouldn’t want to watch that.”

“But if Casey does awaken and is a true Healer it wouldn’t matter to her. Sex while feeding is just natural.”

Sean gently kissed Gerard before saying. “I know that. Believe me I understand. When we bond I feel emotions that before understanding the Healer world would have shocked me.” He laughed softly. “I ain’t gay but the bond makes me feel things for you I’ve never felt for any other man. That’s just a fact of the bonding. I know you feel the same towards me but your love for Anna keeps those feeling in check.”

Gerard smiled, “Yeah, for sure.”

Sean hugged him. “But the feeling of closeness we share is one I treasure. Nothing about his feels wrong. What we share is a pure love. Knowing that you chose me to be your blood bound, knowing you saved my life, I can’t put into words how that makes me feel. And I know Annie feels the same way for Anna. The Healer world ain’t always easy but neither of us would ever want to give this up.” He looked deeply into Gerard’s eyes. “I just want you to know that.”

Gerard sighed, “I just want this to be over, you know? I want our lives to go back to normal.”

Sean grinned, “Well normal for us.”

“Yeah, normal for us.” Gerard smiled. However as he heard the sound of guests arriving that smile faded. “This is gonna be tough. Even though I know you and Annie understand that Anna and I have to appear to be correct Healers we hate it has to be that way.”

“Annie and I do understand. We will appear to be nothing more than blood bounds who are used in this household. Nothing we do will say otherwise.”

Gerard dropped his arms from around the man then stood. “And I fuckin’ hate it has to be that way.”
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