Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We'll wake the Thought Police

Night 1

by akeala1089 3 reviews

Frank and Gerard share a room.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-11-06 - Updated: 2011-11-10 - 620 words

"This'll be where you sleep." I say, pointing to a neatly made bottom bunk of a two story bunk bed in my, no our, sleep room.

"Ah. We share a room, then?" Frank asks.

I nod. "Every room has a bunk bed, thus two people per room.""

"Ah. I see...Who was your roommate before?" He asks.

"My brother." I say. My wonderful, loving, zombie brother. He always meant so much to me.

"Ah...He moved?" Frank inquires, sitting on the bottom bunk. I sit next to him.


"No?" Frank asks, obviously confused. Then a look of understanding crosses his face. "Oh God, I'm so sorry."

I chuckle, though I don't know who this 'God' is. " My brother was different from the other zombies. He was occasionally unaffected by The Drug. He usually was, but he could be so loving." I say, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"He meant a lot to you." Frank says softly. I laugh a little.

"I remember first noticing he was sometimes...into it. I was so happy. We were good friends. Sometimes the Drug wouldn't work, but after the those times having The Drug was always worse for him." The tears stop threatening to fall off my face, they just fall, salty and wet.

"I'm sorry...How'd know, go?" Frank asks in a kind, warm tone.

"He over dosed." I choke out. "God, now I'm even breaking rule 8." I whisper.

"Rule number 8?" He asks. I nod.

"Never show passion." I manage. Frank must think I'm a wuss.

Frank puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a hug. A hug is something I've missed, but I don't remember it making my stomach summer salt like this.

"Thank you." I whisper.

Frank pulls out of the hug, grinning at me.

"You need to tell me all about this place." He says. I grimmance. I look around our room. It's small, and white, a bathroom, two dressers and the bunk bed. Everything is tasteless and uniform. What I wouldn't do to get some black in here. Or have some music. Nan, my nanny, used to sing to me. She'd tell me of the world Frank came from, too.

"Where you come from...Do you ever listen to music?" I ask.

Frank grins. "Yeah. Everywhere you go, you can bring it, make it or it'll already be there. You don't have music here, do you?" He asks. I shake my head.

"My Nan used to sing to me, teach me about music. She remembered your world, and she was immune to The Drug, like me." I say. I get up and quickly strip into my boxers. I put them down the laundry chute. Frank does the same.

"What was she like?" He asks.

"She was nice. She cared, she covered for me when I made a mistake. She taught me the rules of living here." I say, climbing up to the top bunk.

"She sounds like a remarkable woman." Frank says.

"She was. Her file was deleted because she wasn't affected by The Drug." I sigh.

"I'm sorry, Gerard." Frank says from the bottom bunk." I didn't realize being immune was so dangerous. This place is awful."

"Yet, at the same time, it's paradise." I say, drifting into sleep.

YES!!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW YOU LOVE THIS STORY (I just typed that with shift up. In my brain, caps lock doesn't exist.) Anyway, I need topics for Frank and Gerard to talk about. Things like music, clothes. Everything you love about your life. Technology. That sort of stuff. R&R, or I cut off your feet and give them to the hospital for someone else to use. You love me, now R&R!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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