Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mama we all go to Hell

Mama we all go to Hell

by xParamoremeetsMCRx 7 reviews

not sure what to rate it so i took a guess, frerard haha, this is my first fanfic, so be nice??? if i get a comment then ill post the next chapter

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] [Y] - Published: 2011-11-07 - Updated: 2011-11-09 - 656 words

"What are you doing?!?!? You ungraeful hellion! I kept you under my roof through all of your drama, and this is how you repay me?!" my father screamed at me as i stood in the living room, "Get out! Pack your stuff and get out of my house! i will not have a homosexual in my home!" I look over to my mom for some support. She still loves me right? ... Wrong. She met my gaze with hardened eyes, no love for a son there. "Fine," i said, keeping my voice steady "If im not wanted here I'll leave." I ran up the stairs, two at a time, and started packing. I grabbed 5 pairs of pants and 5 shirts, deoderant, and my phone/charger, shoving them into my backpack. "Hurry Up!" my father screamed up the stairs. I quickly packed up pansy and rushed down the stairs, hoping to get to the door before my so called "parents" could stop me to bitch more about my being gay. I had already deemed it the better part of valor to be calm and to just leave before i lost my temper, but i was getting pissed. How could they throw away 16 years of raising a child and just toss him out without caring what so ever? As soon as i placed my hand on the doorknob, i heard my mother say "Go to hell". I spun on my heel so we were face to face. with as much venom as i could put into my voice i said, "Mama, we all go to hell." with that i spun on my heel and stepped outside the door into the pouring rain. I was so angry adn upset i was shaking and i didnt even notice the rain or the fact that i was so soaked with water i should have been freezing, but i wasnt. I didnt even register that it was raining till i got to the park, where i slipped on a patch of mud and fell flat on my ass. 'Great, just what i needed' i thought, picking myself up out of the mud, and going to one of the tube slides, so i could get out of the rain. After i got myself situated in the slide i pulled out my phone and skimmed the contacts till i found who i was looking for. Mikey Way. With shaking hands i hit dial, so nervous i almost hung up then and there. "Hello?" Mikey answered on the third ring. "H-Hey, its F-F-Frank." i stuttered into the phone. there was no answer for about 20 seconds, then "FRANK! IVE MISSED YOU MAN! WHATS UP???" i was so relieved that he wasnt mad at me. "not much, but could you come pick me up? im at the park"
"yeah, sure. be there in 10" mikey said and i could hear in his voice that he was smiling too. "thanks. see ya" i said, then i hung up waiting for him to get to the park. true to his word, mikey showed up about 10 minutes later. I slid down the slide and ran to his car where i was greeted by a smiling mikey and warm air. thank god for heaters! I was so nervous he would be mad at me, i remembered how my family treated him when he had come over 5 months ago. they pretended he wasnt there the whole time, just shunning him. i looked up uncertainly, but was greated with a huge smile. "Where have you been? ive missed you dude!"
"ive been fine." i lied, but i wasnt ready to tell him i was kicked out."sorry i didnt ever call, my parents wouldnt let me."
"its fine man, im just glad you dont hate me." mikey said, still smiling.
"well lets go to your house?" i said, making it sound like a question. "sure" so we drove the 10 minutes out of town to mikeys house.
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