Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mama we all go to Hell

Chapter 2

by xParamoremeetsMCRx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-11-08 - Updated: 2011-11-09 - 907 words

The house was huge! It had 2 storys plus a basement that they had converted into a bedroom for Gerard. Mikey showed me around the first floor since this was my first time ever being at their house. My parents had never let me go over to even visit, god forbid I stay the night at a guys house.
The first bedroom I was a deep green and black themed room. There was a large queen size bed in the middle of the room, to the left from the doorway there was a dresser, with a mirror. On the wall connecting to that there was a window seat with a great view of the forest surrounding the house. “Wow” I said “Just wow. This house is amazing!” I already thought the house was awesome and I had only seen the first floor.
“Pretty cool huh?” said a voice from behind us. Mikey and I both jumped forward, away from the sudden appearance for Gerard, Mikey’s older brother. “Gerard!” scolded Mikey, “You just scared the shit outta me!”
“Well.” Gerard started, sounding as if he was weighing the effect of each word before he said them, “That’s your problem, now isn’t it?” wow leave it to Gerard to go from a mature young man (NEVER HAHA) to a sarcastic teen in about 2 seconds. Next thing you know Mikey tackles Gerard so they go sprawling out onto the floor. I take a step back, away from the dangers of wrestling brothers. Gerard suddenly rolls to the side, flipping them, so he was now on the top. He had Mikey’s hands pinned above his head and started tickling him.
I start laughing again, and suddenly Gerard’s head whips around as if My laughter startled him. Then, “FRANKIE! YOUR BACK!” next thing I know, Gerard tackles me, but since he was ground level, he knocked us both over, and we land in a tangled heap on the floor outside the bedroom. Right when we were almost untangled, Mikey takes a running leap and lands on us, exclaiming “Pig pile on Frankie!!!”
10 minutes later we finally manage to get Mikey off us. “now what?” Gerard asks, scratching the back of his neck. That simple question was all it took to break the awkward silence that had been dragging on for almost 10 minutes. “Video Games!” screams Mikey, even though we were less than two feet away. We all head downstairs to Gerard’s bedroom, where we kept the Playstation, and started playing Silent Hill.
“Gee” Mikey whimpers from his hiding place under the blankets on the bed, “Can we play something else? Like Rock band? Rock band is good.” Mikey continues whining till we turn off the game and join him on the bed.
“So,” starts Gerard, trying to think of something to talk about, “How long are you gonna be hanging out with us? I thought your parents didn’t like me and mikey.”
I sit, suddenly content studying the Halloween tattoo on my knuckles. “Umm…I don’t really have a timeline.” I mumble, hoping that’s enough of an answer to keep them happy. Wrong again. “Since when do your parents let you out of your house without a timeline? They always tell you when to be home and where to go and whatever else they can think of to control.” Mikey babbled, “they never do that!”
After about a minute of silence I finally say, “Im not going back, they kicked me out.” I look down at the floor, embarrassment flooding my face.
“do you have a place to stay?” Gerard asked, looking slightly shocked at my news of being kicked out.
“No, I don’t. None of my family will take me in.” I state, still looking down, trying to hide my face as best as I can, too embarrassed to meet their gazes. Gerard reaches over, putting his hand under my chis and lifts my face till I finally meet his gaze. “Then you’ll stay here,” Gee says, no hints of doubt or regret in his voice. “T-Thank you.” I stutter. God I HATE stuttering.
“Eh-Hem!” Mikey clears his throat, pointedly looking away from the intimate-ness of our situation. Gerard hurriedly retracts his hand and looks away. “So, where can I put my stuff?” I ask, searching for a way to break the silence. I glance over to the corner of the room near the door where my stuff is piled. “You can have either of the rooms on the first floor.” Mikey said, clearly grateful for the chance of subject. “Hmmm…” I said, pondering about what room I wanted. “I think ill take the green room if it makes no difference to you.”
“That’s totally fine!” Gee says with a bit too much enthusiasm.
“Well, im gonna go to bed, Im pretty tired, it was a long day. Night!” I say, getting up and gathering my stuff from the corner of the room. “Night, see ya in the morning!” Gerard and Mikey say at the same time. I Head up the stairs, leaving Mikey and Gerard still sitting on the bed, watching me retreat up the stairs. I wander over to the green room, my new bedroom, and set my stuff on the window seat. Climbing into the huge bed I think ‘I think ill explore the house some more tomorrow.’ I slowly sink into the comforting embrace of sleep.
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