Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Scavengers of the Damned

Chapter 2

by crimsonkiss 2 reviews

“BLIND… BLIND is what this country needs…”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Horror,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-11-09 - Updated: 2011-11-10 - 2025 words - Complete

It all happened quickly. Mikey and I were thrown into the back of the van. There were two other boys near our age and a SWAT member. Before we have a chance to get to our seats, the van lurches forward causing me to fall on top of Mikey. He looks up at me with nervous eyes, his shaggy dirty blonde hair spread out across the dirty floor of the van. I reach down and brush a strand away from his eyes, getting a better look at the kid.

“You are to remain silent at all times.” The swat guy begins as I scramble off the terrified boy and into my seat as the van screeches around a corner. “Questions will be answered at another time. Failure to follow this rule will result in being put up for review by the Board and possible termination.”

Mikey whimpers next to me as he buckles in his seat belt. “Termination?”

I gulp as the word sinks in. Surely they wouldn’t kill any of us? Right? I mean, we’re just kids! In all honesty, we are the victims in armed kidnapping!

My blood boils the more I think about it. “What the fuck do you mean termination?”

The SWAT man points his gun at me. “Want me to show you?”

“Look at the badass with his mother fucking gun!” I yell angrily at the other boys in the van. “Let’s all applaud his big bad behavior!”

I feel the cold metal press against my temple and I quiet instantly.

“You got shit to say punk? I beat up losers like you in high school every goddamned day.” The SWAT guy hisses through gritted teeth. “What makes you think I won’t do that now?”

“Go ahead and fucking TRY.” I snarl back, slowly locking eyes with him.

A loud click echoes through the cramped van as he releases the safety. “You feel like dying?”

Before I could respond, Mikey makes a strange sound next to me; a sort of muffled whine. I break my eyes away from the asshole with the gun to my head and look at him. The poor kid was near tears. I look back at the SWAT member and shoot him a deadly look before sulking back into my seat. He slowly with draws his gun and places it at his side, clicking the safety back into place. Mikey softens slightly as the imminent danger ceases.

The rest of the car ride seemed to drag on in the deafening silence. I stole a few glances at Mike who seemed ready to vomit at any given second. His eyes kept clamping shut as he took in deep breaths.

“You ok?” I ask in a low whisper, glancing at the SWAT guy to make sure he didn’t hear.

He was too consumed in his cell phone to notice. Mikey shakes his head as he closes his eyes, his face turning a slight shade of green.

“Dude!” I shout, grabbing the SWAT guy’s attention. “You might want to stop this piece of shit. The kid isn’t looking too good!”

The SWAT guy glances at Mikey before knocking the butt of his gun on the small window leading to the front seats. The van pulls over and the back doors are thrown open. Mikey barely makes it out of the vehicle before expelling all the contents of his stomach out on the pavement below. I hop out after him, rubbing his back in comfort. My eyes quickly begin darting around our dark surroundings as I plan out the best possible escape route.

Mikey groans as his body heaves again sending a disgusting wave splashing against the ground. I shiver in disgust, holding back my own nausea as I try to convince myself to look away. Ever since I was little I’ve always been interested in gross out things, yet they always triggered my own weak stomach.

A cold breeze kicks up around us and tall trees bow down towards the ground. I instantly spot a few different hiding spots that would be perfect for Mikey and I. A loud rumbling echoes around us and my heart drops as I spot the large gate quickly shutting, locking us in the facility parking lot. I quietly swear to myself Mikey begin standing. I pat his back in understanding as he fails to meet my eyes. I shoot him a small smile and he turns a bright shade of red. Hands press against our backs and we are quickly shoved back into the van.

The engine turns on and we drive a few more moments before coming to a complete halt. The doors open and white fluorescent lights flood our dark holding space.

“Well what the hell are you idiots waiting for?! Get the fuck out!” The SWAT man shouts.

We quickly exit the vehicle and are instantly forced to stand in a single file line.

“Gentlemen!” A friendly voice calls out from the stop of a staircase at the back of the room. We look up and are greeted by an older man in a white lab coat. “Welcome to BL/IND laboratories!”

I choke on my own spit as the man smiles down at us. “Are you fucking kidding me?!”

“I’m sorry? Do you have something you’d like to share?”

“It’s your fucking company that started all this shit in Pennsylvania!”

“I’m sorry son, but I think you have it all wrong. The whole purpose of Better Living Industries is to improve daily life --”

“-- By creating cannibalistic monsters?!”

“Please control him!” The older man orders in panic.

Two SWAT members grab me and remove me from the group, pulling me down a long white hall. I struggle violently as I try to remove myself from their grips. At one point I’m even pulled off the ground, my feet kicking wildly. They all stare back at me through their black masks, none of them speaking a word.

“What the fuck did I do to deserve this?!” Again no answers…

The clock ticks by painstakingly slow, each tick of the small hands getting louder and louder.

“I have to piss.” I state simply, not breaking my gaze from the white tile below. “I HAVE TO FUCKING PISS!” I scream after getting no reaction the first time.

My body starts thrashing around as hard I could manage, trying desperately to pull the bolted chair out of the floor.

Even after my violent outburst, not a single word was spoken back to me. The piece of shit SWAT team just stood peacefully in their positions, clutching their precious weapons close to their bodies. I could feel myself slowly going crazy as the white walls began closing in on me. My breathing sped up and beads of sweat slowly ran down my cheek. My arms instinctively went to wipe the annoyance off, but the leather straps held them down too tightly.

“Please… Fucking say something…” I whimper, feeling myself near tears.

The door swings open and I crank my neck to see who the intruder was. A white lab coat rushes past me.

“Frank Anthony Iero Jr?” The older man asks as he takes a seat at the desk in front of me.

“What the fuck are you people doing here?!”

“Calm down Frank. If you’re looking for answers, that’s no way to get them.”

“Then just answer my fucking question!” I scream out, my face turning red in anger.

“We here at BLIND take pride in providing safer living environments for everyone on the outside. It’s our number one goal to –“

“—Kill everyone and take over the world?!”

“Frank, please let me explain—“

“—Explain why some jackass turned a fucking person into a zombie! Explain how they keep getting free! Explain how you have the right to fucking KIDNAP kids to do your dirty work!”

The old man abruptly stands and reaches across the desk. A sharp stinging pain flashes across my face and a loud smacking sound echoes through the room. I scream out in pain as he sits back down at his desk, a leather strap dangling from his grasp.

“You fucker! What the fuck is going on around here?!”

“I’ll make you understand how important BLIND is for the country. You’ll realize that soon enough.”

“I’ll NEVER understand how an out of control power hungry corporation will EVER be good for the country!”

He stands up once more, but this time slowly walks around the desk, leaning against it in front of me.

“I want you to admit right now what we are doing is the right thing.” He demands seriously.

“Go to hell.”

He winds back his fist and it collides with my nose. I can feel the bones shattering as blood starts running down my face. I wince in pain, trying to hide any emotion from the psychotic asshole.

“Admit BLIND will be the saviors of the country.”

“You mean admit how BLIND is the cause of the problem to begin with? Kind of convenient eh? Cause mass hysteria and then come in and play superhero –“

Before I can finish my sentence, his fist connects with my already broken nose. A new rush of pain courses through my body and I can’t help but scream out.

“All it takes Frank is a few simple words, and you’ll be free to join the rest of your class. I don’t want to do this Frank. But it’s solely up to you…”

“You can torture me all you want, but that will never change my mind on you assholes.”

Enraged, the older man lunges at me, his fist hitting anywhere on my face he could manage. I try desperately to get out from under him, but find it impossible. A SWAT member pulls him off me. I can feel my left eye swelling and can taste the blood in my mouth.

“Fuck! This isn’t working!” He yells out in frustration.

He storms out of the room and I let out a sigh of relief. All I wanted was some fucking answers. From what I’ve heard on the news, some dude from the BLIND Corporation tried to come up with a vaccine for something. He tested on dozens of infected rats and found the results promising. When he switched to human subjects, the serum in the vaccine mutated their cells and they became zombies. Now please tell me how that is trying to better our country?

The door opens again and I stiffen in my seat. The old man walks in front of me, holding out a long sharp knife. I gulp as he walks right up to me. His hands shoots out and grabs mine, holding it open against the arm of the chair.

“Fuck please don’t do this!” I choke out, wishing I had an ounce more of strength to break through the restraints.

With an evil smirk, he presses the blade against my pinky, the blade digging in slightly.

“Just say what I want to hear Frank.”

I sob, shaking my head no. “Please don’t…”

He presses the blade into my finger, blood pooling up around the steel. I scream out in pain as he pushes down harder.

“Just say it.”

“FINE! FUCK, FINE! JUST PLEASE STOP!” I scream out, afraid to look at my finger. The pain shooting through my hand was almost unbearable. He slowly pulls back the knife. “BLIND… BLIND is what this country needs…”

The older man in the white lab coat smiles and leans back against his desk.

“Good boy. Someone get him cleaned up and out of here. He’s got class starting in 10 minutes…” The man turns and leaves the room, the door closing softly behind him.

I whimper in pain as the SWAT members slowly unbind my sore arms. With a cringe, I look down at my finger, surprised to find the cut a lot shallower than I was planning on seeing. That asshole was going to get it if it killed me…
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