Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Personal Stories:)

Emily stood watching her boyfriend as he played one of his many live shows. He smiled at her and she smiled back, feeling quite proud that so many people would’ve seen him smile at her.
She loved Mikey so much but she often wished that he didn’t have to go on tour. She loved seeing he and his band play live but she hated waiting for him to come off stage. Emily wanted a bit more time to spend with just him.
But the show was nearly over so Emily tucked a strand of her long brown hair behind one of her ears and began singing along to Vampire Money, the last song that they were going to play.
Once the song was over, Emily grinned and ran backstage. She watched her boyfriend wave goodbye to the crowd, give them one of his shy smiles and wander off stage. Mikey dumped his bass down and ran to Emily, throwing his arms round her.
Emily giggled and hugged him back “Hey Hunky!” She teased. Emily’s phone had broken and Mikey had lent her his old one. When Emily charged it and turned it on, Mikey’s welcoming message was ‘Hey Hunky!’ though he tried hard to deny it when Emily laughed at him about it “That was a great show.”
“Thanks,” Mikey grinned, running his hand up and down her back “I was thinking we could go out for a bit, go get some drinks?”
“Mikey, you know for a fact that if you step out of those doors that about a million fans will swarm you asking for your autograph.” Emily laughed, pulling back and holding his hands “We could go out tomorrow.”
“I’ve got an interview at ten in the morning which should be done at around twelve and the sound check won’t be until about five.” Mikey told her with a small smile “So yeah that should be fine.”
Mikey let go of one of her hands and pulled her down to a small room where the band were supposed to just socialise before and after shows. They had to wait in the venue for a couple of hours before getting into the tour bus and going to the next venue.
Mikey wrapped one arm round Emily’s shoulders. They talked with their friends for a bit before Emily pulled away and said “I’ll be back in a second.”
“Why? Where are you going?” Mikey asked.
Emily smiled at him. He always had to know where she was and why she was going. If she disappeared for a few minutes without Mikey knowing where she was, he went insane with worry. “I’m just going to the bathroom.” She replied and winked at him “I won’t be long!”
Mikey laughed and waved at her. Emily waved back and walked down the corridor to where the girl’s bathroom was.
Once Emily was done doing ‘her business’ she went to wash her hands. As she was washing off the soap she heard a loud scream outside the venue. She wiped her hands dry on her jeans and ran outside.
Emily found a woman a few years older than her and a few inches taller. She was pretty plain with short brown hair and mud brown eyes. Emily looked at her, slightly confused “Umm were you the one that screamed just now?”
The woman blinked at her. Emily walked down the three steps and round the small barrier to stand next to the woman. The brown haired woman looked at her “My name’s Raechel.” The woman told her in a Scottish accent “What’s your name?”
“Oh, it’s Emily.” Emily told her “I’m sorry, do you need some kind of-“
“Are you the one that’s dating Mikey Way?” Raechel interrupted her.
Emily paused then nodded “Umm yeah, why?”
“You don’t deserve him.” Raechel snorted “He’s way too good for you.”
Emily blinked at her then smiled politely “Well I guess that’s your opinion but Mikey and I are in love.” Emily wondered whether the woman was a jealous fan. “I guess I’d better be going.”
Emily went to walk away but Raechel grabbed her arm “Don’t go.” Raechel stated, looking Emily up and down “What does Mikey see in you…?”
“C-Could you possibly let me go please?” Emily asked, feeling sudden tears well up in her eyes.
Raechel smirked “You’re so ugly.” Raechel spat the words at her like poison “Wanna see how much Mikey really loves you?”
Emily didn’t say anything, just looked at the strange woman in front of her. Raechel nodded slowly “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Suddenly Emily felt a hard bang on the back of her head. She fell to her knees and glanced up at Raechel. Raechel laughed and said something but Emily didn’t hear what it was because she was unconscious.

Mikey glanced around nervously. He wandered over to where his brother Gerard was talking to Frank “Have you guys seen Em round here?” Mikey asked “She went to the bathroom around ten minutes ago and she hasn’t come back.”
“Come on Mikey, you know that girls take forever in the bathroom.” Frank laughed “I wouldn’t worry about it Mikey.”
But Mikey did worry about it of course. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other for another ten minutes. Then finally he decided to go and see where his girlfriend was.
He walked down the corridor to the girl’s bathroom. He stood outside for a few moments before kicking the door open a few inches and calling inside “Em!” Mikey called “Emily, are you in there?”
Mikey waited a few more minutes before daring to walk inside “Emily…” He muttered “Em…”
Mikey looked under all the cubicle doors before realising that no one was in the toilets. He ran out quickly, hoping that no one would walk inside the bathroom while he was still in there.
Mikey looked around and noticed the door at the end of the corridor. He walked down there and peered outside “Emily?” He called.
Suddenly he noticed a girl who looked about thirteen. “Hey Mikey,” She called. Mikey was about to step back inside when the girl asked “Are you looking for Emily?”
Mikey re-opened the door and wandered outside to where the girl is standing “Where is she?” Mikey asked in a serious voice to show that he wasn’t kidding around.
The girl blushed “I saw her around here. There was this woman talking to her and then this guy sneaked up behind her and knocked her out. They dragged her into this car and drove off…”
“And you didn’t do anything?” Mikey cried, suddenly furious.
The girl burst into tears “I was scared!” She whimpered “I didn’t know what to do, they were years older than me!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Mikey pulled the small girl close “I’m just worried about Em, okay? Please don’t cry!”
The girl pulled away from Mikey “This might not be an appropriate time but can I have your autograph please?”
Mikey sighed but took the piece of paper off the girl and scribbled his name at the bottom “Now listen to me.” Mikey said, handing the girl her paper back “You need to come with me and describe those people to the police.”
The girl looked a bit alarmed “I dunno if I wanna get involved…”
“Nobody will have to know you got involved apart from me and the police.” Mikey told her “Please, you don’t understand, I love Emily! And I need to make sure she’s safe!”
The girl stood there for a moment before nodding and following Mikey down the corridor. Mikey pulled out his phone and started phoning the police.

Emily woke up to find herself in unfamiliar surroundings. She tried to move but her wrists were tied behind her back and her ankles tied together. She rolled onto her back, decided it was uncomfortable and rolled back onto her side.
Her eyes instantly filled with tears. Where was she? Did Mikey know where she was? Who would do this to her?
Suddenly last night came back into her head. Raechel calling her all of them mean names, questioning whether Mikey loved her and then asking if she could prove how much Mikey loved her.
The door opened and Raechel entered the room. She smirked as Emily looked up at her with fear in her eyes “You got what you deserved.” Raechel shrugged “I wonder if Mikey knows you’re missing yet. And if he does, does he care?”
Emily didn’t reply because she was too scared. Raechel noticed this and her smile grew even wider “You’re probably wondering what you’re doing here.” Raechel said, sitting cross-legged in front of Emily “Well it’s a kind of test I suppose. A test to see if Mikey really does love you…”
“Mikey does love me.” Emily finally found the guts to speak.
Raechel cackled “Oh really? Well let’s find out, shall we?”
Raechel stood up and left the room. “Please let me go!” Emily cried “Please, just let me go!”
But Raechel didn’t return, ignoring Emily’s cries and pleads. Emily’s tears started rolling down her cheeks.

Once Mikey returned to the room where his friends were “Guys, this girl said…” Mikey turned around. The girl had gone. Mikey cursed and everyone looked over at him.
Gerard walked over “What’s wrong bro?”
Mikey explained what had just happened “And now this girl just walked out on me! I don’t know what those two people look like! What am I supposed to do?”
“Are the police coming over?” Mikey nodded “We’ll tell them about it and maybe they’ll be able to trace her cell phone or something?”
Mikey just nodded again feeling tears appear in his eyes. “Hey, don’t cry!” Frank said, coming over and hugging Mikey “They’ll find her, I promise!”
But Mikey still burst into tears and leaned his head on Frank’s shoulder. “What am I gonna do?” Mikey asked “I get worried when she’s gone for ten minutes! And now I know she’s been abducted! What am I supposed to do?”
“The police will know what to do.” Frank re-assured him “Don’t worry Mikes.”
“Don’t tell me not to worry!” Mikey cried, pulling away from Frank “If Jamia went missing, you’d bloody worry so what do you expect me to do?”
“Mikey, you gotta calm down.” Gerard told him “We know you’re upset but we’re only trying to help.”
Mikey looked down “I-I’m sorry…” He whispered “I’m so sorry…”
Gerard gave him a hug while Mikey continued to cry into his shoulder.
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