Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How To Win The Girl

Chapter 14 - Lovers Tiff

by MCR_Vampire_321 0 reviews

"You're paying more attention to Gerard than anybody else."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-11-13 - Updated: 2011-11-13 - 920 words

Please review – It motivates me to write more:)

Jason paused at our table and opened his mouth to say something. His mouth remained open for a second or two before he shut it again, obviously wondering whether or not he should say what he was thinking.
I glared at him “Umm can we help you?”
Jason took a seat opposite me. Mikey remained under the table “Is it true about Lexa losing her virginity?”
“How should I know?”
“Maybe because you’re her best friend?” Jason asked, narrowing his eyes at me.
I was about to tell him that even Lexi was unaware of that when he butt in with “That’s what I dislike about you recently. You’re paying more attention to Gerard than anybody else.”
“That is so not true!” I cried “I went prom dress shopping with Lexi and Lexa on Sunday.”
“Oh big deal!” Jason laughed “And before that? When was the last time you hung round with them?”
“We spend every night together waiting for you to come out of detention.” I groaned “Though I don’t see why I still wait for you.”
“Neither do I. I’ve got Mandy to wait for me.”
I snorted “Mandy doesn’t wait for you. Mandy’s usually in detention with you.”
“It’s still the thought that counts.”
“So Mandy does it for a week and it’s considered a great favour that we should all be grateful for. I’ve been doing it since the start of secondary school and nobody gives a shit.”
“Because you kept moaning about it.”
“No I didn’t.”
“Yes you did.”
“No I didn’t.”
“Yes you did.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Yes you did.”
“Guys, this isn’t really going anywhere…” Gerard interrupted, causing Jason to glare at him.
“Oh sorry, I wasn’t aware this was any of your business?” Jason barked.
Gerard blushed “If you must know, I was trying to stop the argument.”
“This argument won’t be over until you’re out of both our lives!” Jason yelled, getting up “Why don’t you go back to whatever country you’re from huh?”
“I didn’t move countries to get over here, I come from…” Gerard began but Jason was already walking away “Do I really look foreign?”
“Umm no, he’s just an idiot.” I told him.
Mikey re-appeared “Is Jason gone now?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it.” Gerard mumbled.
I looked at Gerard and asked “Is everything okay?”
“Gerard’s jealous because that Jason guy has a huge crush on you!” Mikey told me proudly “Gerard told me last night.”
“Mikey, you weren’t supposed to tell her that.” Gerard said moodily.
I was about to ask a whole bunch of questions when suddenly the bell rang for fourth lesson. Gerard grabbed his bag and ran off before I could ask him anything.
Mikey looked worried “Did I upset him?”
“No, he’ll be fine don’t worry.” I replied though we both knew that this wasn’t true.

Later at home I sat down to eat dinner with my Mom “So how are things?” Mom asked.
I shrugged my shoulders and continued eating. I really didn’t wanna tell Mom how things were going at school.
But Mom was apparently desperate to find out “I haven’t seen Jason over here in a while. Have you two had a lovers tiff?”
“We are not lovers.” I mumbled moodily “Nothing’s going on, Jason just never feels like coming over.”
“Oh, that’s a shame.” Mom replied “I quite like that boy.”
“So did I.” I spat before I could stop myself.
Mom smiled “Oh so you have had a lovers tiff?”
“Stop saying that!”
“What happened Honey?”
“It’s none of your business!” I snapped, grabbing my plate and shoving it next to the sink “I’m finished.”
“You’ve barely touched it!”
“I’m not hungry.” I lied, storming upstairs to my room.
I lay on my bed for a while until I got a phone call off an unknown number. I picked it up and held my phone to my ear “Hello?”
“You’re such a geek, freak and loser!” A familiar voice yelled down the floor, laughing like a maniac “It’s no wonder that nobody likes you!”
“Where’d you get my number from Mandy?” I asked, though I already knew where she’d got it from.
But Mandy wouldn’t admit it “I guess it’s none of your business you Loser. You’d better watch your back tomorrow because I’m so gonna get you. You don’t deserve to be alive you little freak.”
“Just leave me-“
“You were just using Jason weren’t you?” Mandy sneered “And as soon as a better looking boy came along, you just gave him the flick.”
“It was never like that between me and Jason. He’s just a jealous bastard.”
“And you’re a jealous virgin.”
“Oh but I thought you hadn’t lost your virginity?”
“Well I wasn’t about to admit that to thing one and thing two was I? They’re so pathetic the way they giggle and talk about what they want from a guy. What a guy wants from them is to stop being so babyish and just grow the hell up!”
“Why don’t you mind your own business you stupid cow?”
That was when I hung up the phone, lay back on my bed and started crying.
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