Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > If You Look in the Mirror and don't Like What You See

Collisions, drama queens, and a very creeped out Mikey Way

by YouCanRunAwayWithMe 5 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-11-13 - Updated: 2011-11-13 - 2220 words

HEY THERE! How are you? I hope you're well (: So here we go. Chapter two. This story has no plot line yet, I don't know where its going right now. BUT HEY! LET'S GO!! Also I've uploaded another story. Its a gang fic. I'd be grateful if you read it. thanks (: oh and sorry for self promoting. I shall make up for it by promoting "AnotherKnifeInMyHand": - one of my best friends who writes AMAZING mooseshit so go read her stuff if you haven't already ~le hi emii!~

Gerard stepped carelessely into the kitchen, making a beeline for the coffee machine. But being Gerard, he tripped over something long and diagonal. Mikey jumped in shock and withdrew his legs froom under the mass of Gerard's body that landed heavily on the floor.
"Oh hey Gee," Mikey said brightly before turning back to the math book on the table in front of him.
Gerard groaned in response and picked himself up, continuing to the sideboard that held his lifeline, limping slightly from where his kneecap made heavy contact with the grey stone floor.
He grabbed his batman mug and poured the deep brown steaming liquid into his mug, humming a tune to himself. He turned to sit at the table, slurping his coffee loudly. Mikey looked up from his maths textbook gulping his own coffee quickly. When his eyes fell on Gerard's appearance, his eyes widened in shock. He leapt up, spitting his coffee out, spraying it all over the kitchen.

"THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU?!" he screamed, striding up to his brother and grabbing hold of his black hoodie incredulously.
"Umm... I really don't know Mikes. Uh... couldn't find what to wear I guess? And you have coffee dripping down your face," he grinned staring straight at his brother. Mikey's eyes widened further (if that was even possible) at the spark that just touched his brother's eyes.

The eyes which had been dead for so long.

Mikey mumbled under his breath before turning away to wipe the coffee off his pale skin.
Gerard quirked his eyebrow at his brother questioningly who shrugged in response. He sighed in defeat and turned back to his coffee, savoring the warmth that coursed through him with every sip. He loved coffee. It thawed the cold sensation buried in his heart. When music failed to block out his pain, he turned to the warmth and comfort of coffee to solve all his problems. Luckily, it actually worked to some degree.
Draining the mug, Gerard poured himself a second cup, psyching himself up for another hard day at school...


Ten minutes later, Gerard and Mikey arrived at Bellville High. Mikey ran off to homeroom to join his fellow chess-clubbers and Gerard ambled off to the canteen as usual. he sauntered down the corridor with his hands squashed into the pockets of his skinny jeans.
"Gerard!" came a high pitched squeal from behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and his eyes widened in exasperation. Andrea Simpson. A-fucking-gain. Waving at him frantically with her florescent pink acrylic nails.

Shit his mind screamed at him to hurry up. He whipped back round and sped down the hallway.

"Gerard?!" she screamed again. An earthquake of clattering erupted from behind him. He threw a swift glance over his shoulder. He grinned, biting his lip, trying not to laugh at the sight that was pursuing him. Andrea was prancing down the hall on her ridiculously high heels, perfectly straightened hair getting stuck on her thick coating of lipgloss.

Gerard turned away and slipped into the canteen, leaving behind the laughter in the hall. He ran for his mates and threw himself down on the floor behind their table.

"DON'T LET HER SEE ME!" he whispered to them ferociously. Ross grinned down at his friend with a curt nod.

"You got it dude," he whispered back, moving himself so that he blocked Gerard almost completely from view. Frank leant back against Ross, laughing at the sorry sight of his best friend.

Frank Iero had been Gerard's best friend since the first day of kindergarten, when Frank poured a bucketful of sand down Gerard's pants. Frank was scary shit. Being the school's biggest punk (although not in size), he was feared by many and the source of many practical jokes.

Frank waggled his eyebrows evilly, a wide grin plastered across his face, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous sparkle. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, the canteen doors flung open and Andrea clattered in, panting heavily, pulling her hair away from her sticky makeup. Frank whipped round innocently, taking a long drag of his Starbuck's take-out coffee. Andrea's eyes flashed round the room, scrutinizing everyone's face with a glare of pure death, blocking the entrance on the canteen.

Not seeing Gerard anywhere, she whirled round to storm out into the corridor. Gerard peeked over Ross's shoulder at her departing form, just as she collided with a taller figure and crashed to the floor. Frank snorted his coffee out through his nose and Gerard bit in his fist to stop himself from laughing out loud behind Ross's shaking body.

The victim of Andrea's stupidity walked further into the room, nonchalantly stepping over her groaning body. The girl swept her cotton candy blue hair away from her eyes and strolled over to a free table, flinging her worn Misfits messenger bag onto the bench next to her. She lifted off her orange Skullcandy headphones and stowed them away in her bag along with her iPod, pulling out a thick novel and burying her nose among its pages.

Gerard picked himself up of the floor and threw himself on the bench next to Frank, staring at her with an open mouth. Fuck, she was even more stunning close-up. The canteen had fallen quiet as they sized up the newcomer.

"...gotta be a good fuck," Sam muttered from across the table. Gerard slapped his cheek, although his eyes never left the girl.
"Fuck Gerard that hurt," he whined. Gerard turned to him and flicked his nose sharply.
"OWW!" Sam yelled, clutching his nose in mock agony. Bob sniggered and rolled his eyes at the pair.
"God guys you're so stupid! I'm gonna go sat hi to li'l' miss rainbow. Ya comin'," he drawled in his slow Illinois accent.
"Sure let's go Bob," chirped Frank, "I need to ask your advice on an idea I have in store for Andrea over there."

Bob and Frank jumped up and stepped over Andrea's whimpering body, making their way over to the mysterious girl that was slumped in the corner of the canteen, fucking up Gerard's stomach.

Frank reached up to Bob's ear, cupping his hand beside his mouth, whispering his plan. Bob crouched down slightly, listening with intensity, nodding and grinning at Frank's genius.

After about thirty seconds, they approached the girl's table. Frank cleared his throat subtly. The girl looked up at him with startlingly green eyes, outlined by a thick line of black, slightly flicked at the ends.

"Um hi. You're new right?" asked Bob slowly

She grinned showing off a straight line of blindingly white teeth, snakebites glimmering against the diffused light of the cafeteria. "You don't say," she replied sarcastically in a thick British accent.

"I like you already," grinned Frank, "also you're British, that's awesome."

"Uh thanks I guess," she smirked, one side of her blood red lips pulling up, a dimple denting the center of her pale cheek

"Anytime baby," he grinned cheekily.

"Oi don't start nothing," she warned lightly, folding the corner of the page in her book and placing it gently down on the table.

"Mind if we sit with ya?" Bob asked.

"Not at all," she grinned gesturing to the bench opposite her. Frank threw himself down, grinning at Gerard's jealous face quickly over his shoulder. Bob sat down more slowly, casually propping his feet up on the table, leaning against the cold wall.

"So, since you're like new round here and probably know, like, no-one do ya wanna hang with us at lunch or somethin'?" smiled Frank.

"Sure! Thanks. You're lot aren't the most welcoming bunch, ya'know"

"Meh. Tell me about it," he sighed dramatically, shrugging.

"Shut up, Frank. It ain't that bad," cut in Bob, reaching for the book on the table. "Ah, a Potterhead I see," he grinned, waving a worn copy of 'The Deathly Hallows' in the air.

"Yep! You gotta love J.K.Rowling!"

"That you do, that you do... I've probably read it over 50 times," laughed Frank.

"High-five for that then dude!" she grinned, slapping her tattooed hand against Franks equally illustrated one.

"YAY! You speak American already!" yelled Frank, jumping up and down on the bench in excitement.

Bob rolled his eyes and hit Frank sharply over the back of his head.

"OWW! THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR BOB?!" Franks pretended to look hurt, rubbing the dyed red back of his hair. The girl snorted with laughter into her take-out coffee, wiping her mouth before breaking into loud laughs. Her laugh was so contagious that soon all three of them were rolling around, laughing hysterically.

"I'm gonna go see what they're laughing at," grinned Ross, stepping over Andrea's 'hurt' body, which was still sprawled across the middle of the canteen floor, and joined the others at the table next to Frank who had stolen the remains of the coffee from the girl's polystyrene cup.

"Oh hey there Ross," wheezed Bob, "... this is uhh..." started Bob, gesturing to the girl.

"Eliza," she giggled.

"Oh cool, you're British. that's awesome," grinned Ross, holding out his hand for Eliza to shake.

"Cool, hi!" she smiled shaking his hand strongly. "Who else is over there?" she asked, standing slightly to glance over Ross's muscular shoulder.

"Oh Sam, Jack, Chase and Gerard," Ross recited, gesturing to all of them. "I'll get them to come over and say hi."

He jogged back over to the table, grinning at Gerard's glazed expression as he stared at the girl.

"Looks like Gee's found himself a li'l crush," he grinned, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Shut up, Ross, no way," Gerard mumbled, embarrassed. He looked down and hid behind his long hair to hide his flaming red cheeks.

Chase reached over and clapped him on the shoulder. "Come on bro, lets go introduce ourselves," he suggested quietly, sweeping his blond hair out of his electric blue eyes.

"...Eh," came the response and Gerard stood up reluctantly, sighing to himself and looking down as he shuffled over to her table with the other guys surrounding him. They stepped over Andrea once more but Gerard being Gerard, he tripped over her spiky white stiletto heels. Jack chuckled and caught him from falling. Andrea's breath caught in her throat as she realized that Gerard had been in the room all along. She picked herself up, burst into tears and clattered out of the room, her pink plastic bag getting caught in the swinging doors of the cafeteria.

Everyone looked up, startled at her sudden departure. Eliza looked over at the approaching guys, smiling and shuffling over to make room for them on the bench next to her. Four of the boys fell back slightly, letting the fifth go first. He seemed to be their leader. The fifth boy looked up from behind his chestnut brown hair and looked at Eliza. His lips parted slightly as he stared dumbstruck at her pale face and gorgeous smile. His stomach was attacked by an angry swarm of butterflies, jolting him back into reality as they whirled around, churning the unhealthy amounts of coffee that filled his digestive system.

"Uh... h-hey. Um I-I'm Gerard, this is Sam, who probably wants to fuck you, this is Chase, Jack and I assume you've met the other three?" grinned Gerard's his outer confidence returning as he introduced his crew.

"Oh cool I'm Eliza. And Sam if you do want to fuck me then go fuck off," she grinned at the poor boy, returning her curious glance to the Gerard kid. He was different from the others; she could feel paranoia and depression radiating off him into the surrounding air. "So, uh... you gonna sit guys?" she gestured to the bench uncertainly.

"Oh sure," stammered Gerard looking startled. He made his way hesitantly round the table and sat down next to Eliza, the other's sitting down with ease, resuming their previous conversations. Eliza and Gerard sat in an awkward silence in the corner, glancing at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking.

Although Eliza managed to hold a cool composure, her mind was raging a war with itself and the pit of her stomach was lurching uncomfortably. Gerard was extremely sexy and her mind was scrambled as she sat there stealing glances at the broken soul slumped next to her. She cleared her throat softly. Gerard's head snapped up in her direction.

"So..." she started quietly.

there we go! chapter two of this wonderful masterpiece!! ~ahem...~ not really but hey! thanks for reading! i'm sorry I update so slowly, I have SHITLOADS of homework and i have to balance three stories AS WELL AS my homework and its kinda hard :/ anyway i will update as soon as i can! thanks for reading guys btw (:

lina xo
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