Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How Wrong We Were to Think We Knew Anything

The End of the Beginning

by Anthrax_Angel 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-11-17 - Updated: 2011-11-17 - 918 words

Jen’s POV

Suddenly my whole life is in hyper-drive, paramedics and cops, ambulances and hospitals I slip in and out of reality and dream I think someone said I had a concussion. Eventually I’m in a hospital room talking with a social worker, well she’s talking I’m just thinking “can I see Mikey” I ask. “Jenifer we need to talk” the social worker says. I remember her name is Tanya “please I just need to see him please” I beg he was all I want in that moment, I wanted him to know I was okay. “You can see him after we talk” I sigh and she continues to talk, I answer her questions but she always has more after a while I stop playing nice. “I’m done till I see Mikey” I say crossing my arms in front of my chest she thinks for a minute “fine” she says leaving I let out the breath I was holding. I start tapping my fingers against my arm then I see the door open “Jen” Mikey says collapsing onto my bed “Mikey” I say wrapping my arms around him.

“How are you” he asks his forehead resting against mine “better now” I smile closing the space between us “ewww” I hear from the door. I laugh “shut up it’s my room and I’ll do as I damn well please” Mikey stands up and all the guys takes turn giving me hugs. “So what happens now” Gerard asks I shrug “technically Janet signed adoption papers but she can say no thank you, in which case I get shipped off to my aunts in Cleveland.” They’re quiet for a long time “you can’t leave” Frank says and I don’t know what to say “what about your dad” Ray asks I thank him silently for the change in subject. “Jail for I have no idea what my conversation with the cops is till blurry” I say shaking my head “and the baby” I hear Bob ask. I don’t answer right away “it’s gone” I say simply not sure how I felt about it, Mikey sits on the bed and takes me into his arms, I hear the guys leave one by one,

We stay like that for a long time “Jenifer” I hear someone call from the door “Janet” I say confusion coloring my tone. “Can I come in” she asks “sure” I smile as Mikey sits beside me on the bed his arm around me, Janet sits in the chair next to the bed. “Jenifer I’m so sorry” she starts I raise my hand to her “there is nothing to apologize for Janet you didn’t do anything.” “That’s just it I didn’t do anything I should have said something done something” I take her hand in mine. “We do our best, we all did our best” I tell her she buts her head down on the bed and begins to cry “the social work said you signed the adoption papers” I say when she calms down. She nods and I smile “I’m willing if you are” she seems a little stunned “I promise I can behave mostly.” She begins to laugh “I think we can do this” I nod and give her a hug.

Mikey’s POV

I can’t believe how much my life has changed in a matter of weeks, Jens back home and her dad is going away for a long time. “Boo” Jen says wrapping her arms around my chest I spin her around me so I’m facing her “boo you” I say lowering my lips to hers. We head to the cafe and find the guys chilling at our table, “sup lovebirds” Gee says as we sit down, “shut up Gee Frank and J are way worse than us and you know it.” We laugh as the aforementioned couple sits down “are not” Frank argues “you are so don’t deny it” I say “fine” he says as J cuddles up to him. Ray fake gags and we all laugh “be nice they’re still in the first two weeks” Jen says sticking up for them “actually I believe yesterday was their two week anniversary” I say. “Well then you two need to stop this shit be love dovey on you awn damn time” Jen reaches across and pushes their heads apart. “Hey what about you and Mikey” Frank flings back “when was the last time you saw me and Mikey like that munchkin” Jen throws back. Frank thinks for a minute then sticks out his tongue Jen just smiles smugly.

When the day ends I drop the guys off at my place then drive Jen to her house going in with her I sit on the couch and smile, “what are you thinking about smiley” Jen asks siting in my lap. “I was just think how lucky I am” I tell her kissing her neck, “Really and how luck are you.” I laugh “I have great friends and somehow I managed to keep the greatest girlfriend ever” she turns and smiles kissing me softly. “I’m luckier I managed to get out from under my dad and snatching up the most amazing boyfriend this world has ever seen” I smile and kiss her. “Guess that makes us the luckiest couple ever” I joke “I guess it does” she smiles and I see our futures, happy and together.
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