Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We'll wake the Thought Police

Wake up Call

by akeala1089 3 reviews

Push drugs and keep us all dumbed down, and hope that we will never see the truth around

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2011-11-18 - Updated: 2011-11-19 - 1232 words

Leila's P.O.V. (Oh yes, I went there)

Frank is mad. I can tell he's mad, it's easy enough to guess. It was beating day a few days ago, and I haven't seen him in a few days. They've started making The Drug doses bigger, so I'm not needed as much. But boy, is Frank mad.

He walks into the room like normal, like a zombie. But as soon as the door closes, I can tell he's upset, mad. He's furious. Livid seems more appropriate.

"What happened?" I ask quickly, trying to figure out the dilemma. He wasn't this mad after beating day, what's his sudden problem?

"The inspector raped Gerard." He says quietly, in a way that makes you know a storm is coming. Not that we ever get storms here.

"What?" I gape, genuinely dumbfounded.

"The inspector. Fucking. Raped. Gerard." He says, biting his lip to keep from screaming. That wouldn't go over well, other people could hear it.

"He did?" I ask, still a little concerned. How does Frank know this? Are Gerard and him close? Did he see it happen? Did Gerard tell this to Frank? Is Gerard lying?

"That's what Gerard says." Frank states, his jaw clenching and un-clenching. Mixed in with the anger, though, is hate, and sadness.

"How do you know Gerard isn't lying?" I ask, and instantly regret it.

"Gerard wouldn't lie, not to me!" He almost yells, his voice getting louder with each syllable. Such hate and anger shouldn't be able to emanate from such a small teenager.

"I know, but..." I say, trying to calm him, and save myself. "Tell me what happened."

He sighs, trying to collect himself before carrying on. "The inspector called him to his room after work." He starts.

"Do you know which inspector?" I ask, cutting him off a bit.

He shrugs. "Handle bar mustache. Gerard came back really late. He had bruises all over his body, and cuts on his wrists from a chord of some sort. He came into the room, and he wouldn't say anything. Then he started crying. Like, the-world-is-ending crying. Shaking all over. He told me what happened. That the inspector fucking raped him." Frank spits, clerly upset.

"This could give us grounds and proof to shut this place down." I say slowly. He nods. "I'll request to see Gerard. Patch him up. I think we have a rape kit around here somewhere." I say, looking around to figure out if it's in plain sight. I sigh, looking over at Frank's tense body. "Hit it." I command, pointing to the wall.

"What?" He asks, clearly confused.

"Just do it." I command, my patience growing thin. "Hit it like you mean it."

He does. He throws a punch at the wall, like it's the inspector he has come to hate so much. "Fuck!" He exclaims, wincing at his now bleeding hand.

"Feeling better now?" I ask, getting out bandages to wrap up Frank's injured hand.

"Surprisingly, yes. I always did like hitting things." He muses (A/N Hee Hee this story is based of a Muse song) as I wrap the bandage around his knuckles. "Gerard's going to wonder what happened."

"Frank...Do you like Gerard? Romantically, I mean." I ask. It's been bugging me since this whole thing began. Since he'd waited for Gerard after Beating day. I can add. Two plus two equals...

"Yes." He says, momentarily surprised. "But if you tell anyone, I will not testify against this place to the government."

Then, like a drama queen, he walks out. The drama is almost more because of the zombie-ness exhibited as he opens the door and disappears into the land of Drug, work and Gerard.

XX One Gerard Later XX

riiiiiing...riiiiiiing.... goes the phone, as I impatiently tap my fingers on my office desk. I'm finally making the call. I'm calling the government. I haven't heard from them, except a message from Frank. I only have one call. It's now or never, though. Finally, an answer, the click of the phone being picked up.

"Agent Red?" An unfamiliar, masculine voice answers, using my codename.


"Is this an emergency, or have you substantial proof of human rights being violated?" The voice answers again, calmly, collected, everything I want to be but am failing at.

"Of sorts." I say calmly, trying to figure out how to put this.

"Tell me what happened." The voice commands, in an imposing way tat makes me just blurt it out.

"I have proof that a boy was raped by one of his superiors." I blurt out quickly.


"Is that not enough to shut this awful place down?" I whisper, my dreams failing.

"No. Even in our world, people are raped by their bosses all the time. Of course, they have to deal with pressure and sorts but no, it isn't enough." The voice says, pausing. "Is there anything else you'd like to add?"

"Beating day." I realize.

"Excuse me?" The male on the other end of the world asks.

Beating day. They beat the workers, making sure the Drug works. Some of the workers aren't effected by the Drug, and it's a way they rat out the undesirable people with brains left." I explain.

"...You should have called this in before." He says.

"It only got bad a few days ago. I had to patch up a man who was beat up pretty bad. It's usually not very bad." I explain to him, I didn't even know about it until that day with Gerard. One of those things I'm supposed to hide. Arthur and I were told not to tell the other doctors about inspection day, beating day. It's wrong.

"Just go about your norma routine. I'll see what I can do. You can expect to be out of that Hell in the next few months." Then hangs up. A few months. There are thousnds of people living here, so I suppose it won't be easy finding them places to live. But a few months. What could happen to Gerard and Frank in a few months?

Well, I haven't been posting as cosistantly as usual so I'll make it up with funny things from my life.
Elizzel(my friend): You know, sometimes I think it'd just be fun to beat smeone with a yard stick.
Short converastion excerpt from me and my friend.
Elizzel: Powerful movement.
Me: Hot chocolate.
Elizzel: I like grammar. I'm a grammar nazi.
WTF? Like, we completely ignored the other, but we DiDn't and that's what makes it funny.
Elizzel: You gunna go to jail sometime: You scarin my thumb! (Best gangster impersonation)

Wow. Has anyone seen the Lindor truffles commercials? 'Cause in some of 'em, I swear those chicks are getting off on chocolate. I start laughing everytime I see one of the commercials. My family is like "WTF?" and I don't tell them because I don't want to mentally rape their brains with chocolate. Oh, one last question. How much herp could a herpderp herp if a herpderp could herp derp? Yea, I went there. (I don't actually know where I went. Just something kids at school say which I find mentally deficient.) So yea, R&R with your love. I love connections to your life, like the chess club one! So R&R or I will do violent things to your face via the internet. XP
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