Categories > Original > Drama > Minesweeping

Nice to meet you

by katieblathers 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-11-20 - Updated: 2011-11-20 - 705 words

Nice to meet you

Stefan woke up feeling refreshed and full of energy, ready and raring to start the day ahead! LOL, JK! His head was pounding, like there were four tiny gnomes inside it smashing it to pieces with hammers. Bruises and cuts masked his legs, wondering how he got them. He could barely move, every time he did a numbing pain in his side would start throbbing, leaving him no choice but to stay still. His phone vibrated underneath his pillow, lightly shaking the headrest almost like it was a very minor earthquake erupting.
2 unread message
Dru: Hey mate! You got a nice hangover?;) Haha, up for another night out?
Cerys: Heard about your antics last night, you alcoholic! Enjoying your hangover?xx
I don’t need to introduce you to Cerys but let’s refresh your mind. She’s Stefan’s best friend. She’s the same age as him and she has lengthy, glossy, chocolate hair. She went to a different college to Stefan so they didn’t see each other as often as they used to even though she still lived close by but they still kept in touch and would go out partying almost every Saturday.
He chuckled to himself a little before replying back to Dru:
Yeah, lovely hangover thanks! And of course x
And then replying back to Cerys:
I’m loving it thanks. Fancy joining me and the gang tonight? Going clubbing again.Xxx
He got an instant reply from Dru, saying:
Siiick! Be at Punk tonight for 8. X
Stefan replied back with a simple Okay x
Before reading Cerys’ text – Would love to, can I bring Abi?xxx
Of course you can, be at Punk for 8.Xxx was his reply.
Alright, see you there Stef. X
It took Stefan a while to eventually get out of his bed but when he did, breakfast was waiting downstairs for him.
’Seriously Stefan, stop getting pissed every night. You know mum’s got work on Saturdays and Sundays so that leaves me stuck here with you, being forced to fucking look after you!’ Emily fumed.
‘Ommm, you said a naughty word! I’m gonna tell mum of you’ Stefan teased her.
‘No, Stefan please don’t!’ she begged.
‘Keep your knickers on, I was only joking! Plus, mum’s used to me swearing all the time’ he revealed, scoffing his face with coco pops.
‘Eurgh, Stefan you’re such a pig! You’ve got cereal all down your t-shirt!’ she moaned.
She was almost treating him like she was his mum.
‘Anyway, you got any plans for tonight?’ Emily asked.
‘Yup. Going clubbing, looks like you’ll have to look after me tomorrow as well!’
‘Do you have to?! I fucking hate looking after you, I mean I shouldn’t look after you anyway. I’m only 13 and I have my equal rights...’
‘Tough tits’
She let out an annoyed scream before storming out the kitchen.
Stefan lounged around the house until 8 o’clock, making Emily’s job even more difficult. But eventually the time arrived for him to leave.
He arrived at Punk being greeted by Ash, Dru and Anna. Everyone else arrived a bit later.
Stefan hadn’t seen Cerys for 2 weeks, so when she arrived he greeted her with a hug. Cerys bought her friend along, Abi. Stefan, Ashley and Dru had already met Abi before and Ashley got on with her quite well...
‘Oh, by the way Stefan I’ve invited my friend tonight if that’s alright with you?’ Abi told Stefan
‘Yeah, that’s fine. When will she be here?’ he asked.
‘Soon. I’ll introduce you to her; she’s definitely your type!’
A grin spread across Stefan’s face, he was intrigued to find out who she was.
After about 10 minutes, Abi’s friend finally showed up. They made their way over to Stefan.
He felt a tap on his shoulder.
‘Hey Stef, this is my friend, Alice.’ Abi introduced her, both smiling.
Stefan’s heart leaped out of his chest. That was the girl. From the club last night. That was her.
‘Nice to meet you’ Alice grinned.

I realise it’s predictable but oh well...
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