Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Gerard Way vs The World

Gerard Way vs The World

by glitterfreeze1111 3 reviews

Basically Scott Pilgrim, but with MCR and different plot. I figured what the hell.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Parody,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2011-11-21 - Updated: 2011-11-22 - 521 words

Not so long ago,
In the mysterious world
Of Newark, New Jersey and surrounding areas,
Gerard Way
Was dating
A scene kid.
"Gerard Way's dating a scene-mo? How creative are you these days, Gee? Van Gogh, or paint-by-numbers?"
"I'm not playing your games Frank."
"So, you've been out of the comic book industry for like, 10 years?"
"I quit two years ago. Two."
(Gerard Way, Age: 26, Rating: Awesome)
Ray smirked. "You're dating a scene kid? Not bad."
Bob sipped his coffee, then spoke. "So, did you guys... do it yet?"
"We have done many things. We dye our hair together, paint our nails, listen to screamo. You know, the basics..."
"Have you even kissed her yet", Ray asked, raising a brow.
"I almost hugged her, but then she shouted rape", he replied with a grin.
"Well aren't you pleased", said Frank.
"I don't know what you're talking about..."
"What's her name?", asked Bob.
"Lunette James. She's into astronomy."
"So", Mikey began. "When do we meet her?"
"THAT'S FOR ME!", he said, sprinting to the door. He swung it open so fast that it took Lunette off guard.
"Do you promise to be good?", he demanded.
"Am I usually NOT good...?"
"Just promise me you'll be good."
"Gerard, what are you making this poor girl say?", Ray boomed.
"Lunette, this Ray... he's the talent."
(Ray Toro, Age: 26, The Talent)
"Come in."
"Here, Lu- let me take your coat." Gee pulled off her black wool coat and tossed it onto the pile of others that was forming on the floor. "Lunette, this is Frank."
"I'm sorry, what was your name?"
"And you play guitar?"
Was she daft? Frank just stared at her for a second. He was holding his guitar. It was, in fact, around his shoulders. He was even tuning it. OH MY GAWD.
"Cool." She sat down on the couch in front of the set up.
"Hi, I'm Bob."
(Bob Bryar, Age: 24, Lives Here)
"Hi, I'm Lunette. What do you play?" He looked around at all the taken instruments and looked directly at the vacant drums before answering.
"That's kind of a big question."
Gerard took his position at the mic. "Let's start out with 'Heartbreaking Bitch'"
"That's not the name.", Ray tried.
Frank rolled his eyes and played the first few notes, followed by the rest of the band. Lunette just sat there, staring at the band. For the whole 2 minutes and 10 seconds of the song, she was entranced. The vocals, the beat, the talent- IT WAS AMAZING!
"JUST. BECAUSE. MY. HANDS. ARE. ROUND. YOUR. THHHHRRROOOOOOAAATTT!!", Gee screamed. The band stopped playing, and Lu continued to stare hypnotically.
"You guys. Are so. AMAZING."
-Bob's room-
"She seemed nice", he said.
"Yeah, she's great."
"Gerard, if your life was a zombie, I would double tap it to Hell."
"I mean, are you just stupid or retarded?"
"Like, can I not calculate mathematical equations or something? I'm offended, Frank."
"Wounded, even?"
"...Bob, you were saying about how great she is?"
"Yeah, she seems nice."
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