Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Surprise!

Till Death Do Us Part

by Chatty_Pants 8 reviews

Umm... I don't know how to explain it without giving away the whole story. Just read.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-06-16 - Updated: 2006-06-17 - 1312 words

Theresa sat up in the white hospital bed and rubbed her tired eyes. She looked around the dimly lit room and to her amazement, saw Jay crying.
"What's wrong Jay? Jay, what's wrong," Theresa said as she went to shake his shoulder. To her shock, Theresa's hand went through his arm. Her eyes widened in fear as she turned around and saw her cold, stiff, lifeless body on the white sheets.
"What the hell is going on here? I can't be dead, can I?" Theresa wondered aloud starting to freak. But no matter how hard she tried to believe that this was all some crazy nightmare, it wouldn't work because she knew that this was real. "No. No! Not yet! Just give me a few more minutes please!" she cried to no one unparticular.
"That is the way the wheel of life turns. It turns by fate. Wonderful, glorious fate," a mysterious voice said behind her. Theresa turned around sharply and saw a person clad in a long, purple robe.
"I am Atropos. The messenger who brings dead hero's to Elysian Fields for eternal rest," the strange person answered. Theresa's eyes practically bulged out of her head as all of this went through her mind. She backed away caustically as she stared at Atropos. He looked strange enough but the fact that Atropos was bald, had a robe that was longer than she had ever seen before, and had skin that was as white as freshly fallen snow made her look even more extraordinary. She stood by the bed for a while until she could speak.
"Jay told me all about you. You were sent to bring him down to Elysian Fields but he fought against you. My friends and I saved him. But wait a minute. I thought that Hermes was the god who had lead the souls down to the underworld not you. Why are you doing it now instead of him," Theresa asked as she remembered a conversation that she had had with Jay earlier in the summer.
"That's not important right now," Atropos answered quickly. Theresa gave a small smug smile but it disappeared almost as quick as it came.
"I can't be dead. I just can't. There's so much that I haven't done yet," Theresa exclaimed in utter shock.
"You are young hero and I can show you."
Atropos plucked a long purple thread from her robe and handed it to Theresa. Theresa looked at Atropos weirdly as she wondered what she was supposed to do with it. All of a sudden a bright light flashed and she saw a small little window almost. In it were some things that had happened to her in the past. She saw herself playing with her mom. Her mom looked exactly like her except for the hair. Theresa's hair was her normal reddish orange while her mothers was a light almost hazel brown. The next vision was when Theresa had met everyone for the first time. Next was the time when Odie had gotten annoyed and had called Theresa Jay's girlfriend, he couldn't stop smiling about that for hours. Then it was during Theresa's party and Jay had given her that beautiful necklace. The last one was one that she didn't even remember happening. It was just before Theresa had died and Jay had confessed his feelings for her. Just as the visions from the past stopped and Atropos had put the thread back on her clock where, to her amazement, it had melted back into it.
Theresa closed her eyes in sudden pain as tears of grief ran down her rosy cheeks. Her hand went up to her chest to feel the necklace but she couldn't find it. As this happened her mind went back to the last vision, Jay confessing his love for her. She gave a small smile but it disappeared quickly
"I'll never see him again," she cried to herself quietly.
"What did you say?"
"I'll never see him again. He'll never know how I feel about him,"
"You'll meet him again," Atropos replied.
"But by then it may be too late."
"Enough of this dilly dallying. We must be on our way," Atropos ordered.
"Excuse me?"
"I said no. I am not leaving until I do something important," Theresa said firmly.
"You will come with me right now whether you like it or not!" Atropos growled fiercely. She grabbed Theresa arm roughly and tried to pull her away. Theresa struggled against her grip to try and break free but with no avail. That's when she remembered a trick that Atlanta had taught her. She twisted her wrist slightly pulled it out. She was free! She was about to run off when she noticed Jay stand up. She bit her lip as she thought about what she should do. She sighed sadly because she knew that no matter what she did, Atropos one way or another would catch her. Theresa ran up to Jay and very carefully kissed him. She knew that Jay wouldn't be able to feel it but she did it anyways. The hard part was getting their lips to touch. She wasn't nervous about the kiss or anything, it was how hard she should press. If she kissed to hard she would go right through him but if she kissed to lightly their lips wouldn't even touch, it had to be just the right pressure. It was the happiest and saddest moment of her life. She had finally kissed the guy of her dreams even if he couldn't feel a thing, but it was her first and last kiss. She wouldn't have another chance at it.
Atropos ran up and grabbed Theresa's arm and marched off with her to the underworld. Theresa struggled and tried the same trick again but Atropos knew better. She held her wrist even firmer this time so that no matter how hard Theresa fought to get her hand free, she couldn't. When Theresa stepped into the boat that Charon the ferryman was driving she had warm tears pouring down her face. Charon looked at Atropos and held out his hand asking for the fee. She turned to Theresa and asked her if she had any money. Theresa shook her head slowly. Atropos grumbled about forgetting old Greek traditions as she looked through her pockets for the money. Atropos dropped the fee into the creepy ferryman's hand as he smiled greedily.
As the boat traveled along slowly Theresa gave a small sad smile.
"What are you grinning about?" Atropos asked nosily.
Atropos looked at her slyly before turning around and resumed her chore of looking out of the boat. A few minutes later Atropos proudly announced that they were there. Theresa sighed sadly and walked with her "companion" until they stood outside the gates of Elysian Fields. Theresa brushed the tears out of her eyes as she waked through the rusty gate that she was somewhat familiar with and entered into the attractive clearing where she saw other heroes like herself but she was undoubtly the youngest there.
"At least I got to kiss Jay once before I left. Even though he probably didn't feel a thing," Theresa thought sadly as she looked at her surroundings. "Jay, please don't forget about me."
I decided to update a little sooner than expected but I don't think anyone is really mad at me for that. I think I got Atropos wrong but she was the reason I wanted to see Road To Hades. I originally ended the story here but I decided to make it a little longer. Enjoy. Also, I think all of your plans to hurt me worked somewhat. On Tuesday I twisted my ankle on the trampoline so now it hurts when I walk. Thanks all, for the pain! Lol. Kidden but anyway please r&r.
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