Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Aokigahara


by AhoyMikeyo 0 reviews

Another amazing chapter from Emily (Vengfulscout)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-11-26 - Updated: 2011-11-26 - 547 words

The 7 who had seen the horrible sights returned to the camp, all had solemn and grieving faces etched on their faces. The others who stayed by the camp were silent and thoughtful. As soon as Frank, Erin, Annabelle, Gerard, Bob, Gigi and Abbie came into vision, Mikey looked up with concern and fear “What was it?” he asked “Is everyone okay? What happened?” “Emily’s dead” Gerard stated blankly and simply, feeling his heart being pulled by invisible hands. Shocked faces glanced at each other and over to Gerard and Frank, who was standing far behind, let a solitary tear fall for his lost best friend. “We found her mauled behind belief” Gerard continued, sitting by the fire, watching the flames, letting Annabelle clutch his hand, and then looked at Frank, as if he was only addressing him “ But she looked peaceful under it all, she is in a better place” Frank covered his eyes.

Ashley looked at the other figures, all frozen in a standing position and then looked down at the Emily who was alive let a few tears fall onto his shirt “ We should keep our guards up” he said, looking at everyone with concern “Two people have been killed, brutally and inhumanly. We should stay together so that means no going off on your own and certainly not at night out there” he pointed into the darkness. A few heads nodded and a few whispered small yes’s but one member was still gazing into space, still inside his mind.

Ray was still, not moving or making a sound. The shock of events that had taken place had made his blood run colder than ever before. He heard very faintly in the back of his mind “We certainly aren’t alone in here” It was Ashley’s voice then Abbie’s voice came through “But, the thing is, there’re aren’t many wild animals around here that could brutalize that much. If it wasn’t an animal, who did it?” Ray was about to stand up to go into the tent, to try and push out the thoughts in his head, when he heard something.

It was an unfamiliar and alien sort of sound. It was a noise that was crossed between a swarm of insects and a rumbling noise that was like people trampling. It was a very creepy noise. Ray froze his body and darted his head back to see the others with similar expressions to his own. He looked around the darkening forest but saw nothing. Then, it happened.

A sudden wave of dark cloud or mist flew over them, smothering them in horrible, evil and impenetrable darkness. Ray jumped up, crying out as he felt it surround him and his friends, desperately trying to bat away the fog which seemed to be unmistakably moving. All around, Ray could hear scared calls and frightened cries from the others. Ray started yelling too, calling out any random name to the darkness. He let out one final call of “GUYS!” before the shadows of the night carried him off into nothingness.

A/N So I loved this so muhc thankyou! and Sorry for the wait, I haven't had internet for the past million years but I'm back! C: see you soon!
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