Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Aokigahara


by AhoyMikeyo 3 reviews

Amazing new chapter by Emily (Vengfulscout)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-11-09 - Updated: 2011-11-09 - 649 words


The whole group were sat around a small campfire, the sounds of cracking and the flames blazing filled the forest. Everyone was silent, the shock of what had happened washing over them like the sea lapping up the beach across the sand. It was Chloe who eventually broke the horrible silence "How could this have happened?" No one answered, lost inside their own worlds and the loss of Jezebel Dean. Ray was sitting further away from the group, sobbing terribly and made little chocking sounds a few times, Abbie sitting next to him trying to comfort him but to no luck. “There has got to be a reason” Ashley said, looking over to his sister, and then dropped his voice so Ray wouldn’t hear “How can someone’s head come clean off their body like that?” Chloe shook her head and returned to sitting quietly. Everyone else had not spoken a word, all of them huddling next to boyfriends and girlfriends or just by themselves, taking it in still. “I’m going for a walk” Every face looked at Emily, her face bowed, getting to her feet. “Em, don’t go. It’s dangerous” Frank said, looking up worried. Emily shook her head, turned and headed out into the darkness, picking up a torch as she went.

It was eerie in the dark alone, trees pushing in on every side, the claustrophobia creeping into her mind. Emily ignored these thoughts and continued her unknown path. I’ll just go round in a circle she thought then I’ll head back to the guys, No harm done. Oh how wrong she was.

It seemed to get darker, if that was even possible, in the forest, the campsite getting further and further away. At this point, Emily stopped, rested against a tree and stood completely still. She remembered the look on Jezebel’s face, her life less body, the blood... A sharp rustle shook the young camera girl out of her thoughts and she looked around, switching the torch on, shaking a little. “Frank?” she called, wondering if he had come out to find her “Annabelle? Erin? Gigi, Is that you?” No reply and now Emily was afraid. Another movement made her jump and swivel round “Please...Guys this isn’t funny!” she cried, feeling tears come to her eyes. Then, something grabbed her shoulder. She turned and screamed.

(Back at camp)

“Do you think Emily’s gonna be okay out there?” Annabelle asked “I hope so” Gigi replied, gripping Bob’s hand and leaned on his shoulder “But, whatever hurt Jezebel is out their still” A few people agreed. “Come on” Chloe said “We should get some sleep or...” A shrill, terribly scream ripped the calm air, making a few birds take off from the treetops. They knew there was only one person who it could be. “EMILY!” Frank shouted and took off into the forest, followed by Erin, Annabelle, Gerard, Bob, Gigi and Abbie, everyone else stayed, stunned into shock. They ran as fast as they could through the trees, getting cut by branches and thorns until they saw something on the ground “Emily’s torch” Erin muttered, then flicked it on and the light fell on a sight that made Erin gag.

A body, mauled beyond recognition was slumped up against a tree, cuts and slashes everywhere and the blood splattering the trees and muddy ground. Everyone’s mouths opened and a few tears began falling already. Even though it was hard to tell, it was unmistakable that the body was of Emily Toye. Gerard turned from the body and faced the rest of the group “Well, there is something that is for certain” he said, quietly and hoarsely “We are not alone in this forest”

A/N Oh my gosh! I loved this so much Thankyou Emily, you are a saint!

See you guys soon C:
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