Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Aokigahara

Headless Corps

by AhoyMikeyo 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-10-27 - Updated: 2011-10-27 - 749 words

Ray squeezed some of the water from his fro in desperate need of a blow dryer Jezebel laughed, “You look like a drowned rat”
Ray pushed her playfully trying and failing to stop her giggles. The two were sitting a little way away from camp they could see the orange glow from the fire and Ray could really notice the cold nipping at his skin he pulled Jezebel close and the two relaxed looking up at the stars Ray smiled contently and gave a Jezebel a little squeeze she looked up at him her beautiful eyes framed by thick black lashes Ray found himself moving closer towards her she shut her eyes and Ray did the same pressing a chalice kiss to her lips he started moving his lips against hers the warmth between their bodies felt good and Ray smiled against her mouth. Her lips then stopped dead and Ray felt her pulling away he pulled back smiling as he opened his eyes but his smile quickly dropped into a face of horror as he watched her head slip off of her body and fall onto her lap. He choked on a scream letting go of her lifeless body blood was spurting out covering her blue top and skinnies, Ray looked around searching for the culprit of Jezebel’s murder but no one was around tears slipped from Ray’s eyes as he began screaming staring at the headless corps in front of him he can hear people coming now rushed footsteps behind him he lets out a sob looking at the beautiful girl’s lifeless face her features peaceful eyes closed. He felt a hand on his back and whipped around to find Frank rubbing in-between his shoulders comfortingly Ray buried his face into his friends chest not bothering to see who else had arrived to the scene of the crime he rose to his feet and let Frank guide him gently back to the tents desperate sobs still escaping his mouth.


Chloe stood looking at the corps shock horror on her face her brother was behind her wearing a similar expression he too finding it increasingly hard to breath the sight before her didn’t look real it was like something from a horror film the poor lifeless girl had been sliced apart with ease and Chloe guessed that she had no idea that her death was coming from the peaceful look on her face. Chloe let out a shaky breath and felt Mikey take a hold of her hand she squeezed his long fingers gently a silent tear springing from her eyes. She watched as one of the girls from the group; Frankie bent down in front of the body she whispered something inaudibly taking the dead girl’s hands within her own after nearly a minute Frankie stood up and turned to the group a sombre look on her face but a strange shine lingered in the back of her hazel eyes “ Well I think its safe to say that she’s dead”
She says her voice not fitting with the macabre seen around them. Chloe chokes on a sob turning to Mikey who pulls her into an embrace shushing away all the dark thoughts haunting her who would do something like that? To such an innocent girl and how? Her head had been sliced clean off

A/N so soooooooooo sosososososososososososososososososo sorry I didn't update Monday, I wasn't happy with the chapter and ened up making massive changes to the story I'm sorry this chpater isn't the best and its quite short I'm just slightly stuck at this point in the story cause the action is just about to start but I don't want to rush... but anyway tommorow I have no plans apart from sitting at home eating and hopefully completeing writing out this story, so there should be an update tonight for this and hopefully The Home too, because I'm going away at the weekend (MCM EXPO WOOP... if you see me come say Hi, I'll be the crazy girl with two tone hair in a Clannad uniform) so this wont be updated then, but things should run smoother after that s don't give up all hope for me just yet! also sorry I killed you Jezebel I felt bad but it had to be done for the story to work... and you wont be the onyl one I promis evil smirk anyway I'm off now so see yas laterrrssss hookers!
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