Categories > Games > Resident Evil > In love with the enemy

In love with the enemy

by 1wingedangel 0 reviews

I am Maricela Saddler, Osmund Saddlers daughter, I go as a spy for my father, with Leon after he rescues Ashley from the church. But what happens when I fall for my fathers enemy? Leon/OC in later ...

Category: Resident Evil - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Romance - Characters: Leon S. Kennedy - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2011-11-27 - Updated: 2011-11-27 - 1779 words

Chapter one.

I am Maricela Saddler. I am nineteen years old and live with my father in Spain, Lord Saddler. My father plans for me to have every bit as much of power that he has, and will get once he takes America. I love my father, and I know he loves me. He isn't a bad guy, but he can be a ass when he is in a fowl mood. Such as now. Father had an American named Jack Kruaser kidnap their president's daughter and they have sent an American agent to retrieve her.

I sighed as I looked at myself in the five foot mirror. I had my American mother's sapphire blue eyes, but my Spanish father's black hair. I was tall, 5'9, and I was thin. I wore a light lavender purple floor length dress that looked like a ball gown. My hair was curled and pinned on top of my head with black combs with emeralds in them. I also had my mothers pale skin. I had on a golden locket that held a picture of my mother in it. I was sad, I missed her so much.

She died when I was two, of a Spanish illness, leaving me in my father's care. There was a knock on the door and a Spanish voice rang through.

"Princesa Ela, su padre quiere verlo en la iglesia." (Translate: Princess Ela, your father wishes to see you at the church. )

"Si,Sí, gracias." (Yes, yes, thank you.) I opened the door to the castle where my father and I were staying with Ramon Salazar. I fallowed the monk down the hall way and saw Uncle Ramon. I waved to the short man.

"Hi uncle Ramon!" I cheered. He smiled and nodded to me before passing. The monk named Isiah led me out of the castle down many under ground passages until we got to the church. I saw my father outside watching a blond man holding a gun go inside the church.

"Papa, are we going inside? It is cold out here." I shivered and complained.

"You should have brought a cloak." He stated and walked toward the church. We entered and walked up to the front of the church. After a few moments the blond man and the girl came into view.

"We will take the girl." Father said. The two Americans looked at us.

"Who are you?" The man asked.

"If you must know, I am Osman Saddler, and this is my beautiful daughter, Maricela Natillda Saddler." He said. I stared at the agent.

"He's cute." I mutter under my breath. It mustn't been to low because my father stopped what ever speach he was giving and turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow.I shrugged.

"What? I'm a girl...and he is." All three of them looked at me weird. I groaned and rolled my eyes walking forward. The agent stepped in my way and looked like he was threatening me. father stepped forward.

"If you touch a hair on her head I will have your head on a plate in a matter of seconds." Father growled to the agent. I continued to step toward the girl. She had blond shoulder length hair, brown eyes, wore a orange sweater shirt and a plaid skirt.

" are scrawny..." She huffed.

"How dare you!" She growled. I rolled my eyes.

"Girl, you watch your mouth, you are in my home." I said. I eyed her clothing again and turned to my father.

"Papa, she is going to freeze to death. Why didn't we get her a warm dress?" I asked all three of them looked at me shocked.

"Well princess, those dresses are yours, not a foreigners." Father said.

"But she is a female, you need her, why risk her getting sick? Like mama." His eyes grew hard at the mention of mama.

"Enough, Maricela, come here now!" He bellowed. I sigh and pace towards him. He continued his speech and then some archers came in the church and aimed for the Americans. The jumped out of a window, arrows nearly hitting them in their heads. I leaned in close to papa.

"Papa, let me go with them...I am good spy." I say.

"No. It's to dangerous mi hija" (My daughter)

"Please papa...I am girl, your baby girl and am nineteen years of age. I can be careful." He sighed and nodded. I squeal with happiness and hug him. I walked calmly out of h=the church, but as soon as the doors closed I picked up the hem of my dress and ran in the direction of the path beside the church. I saw them walking down there a bit a head and ran faster shouting.

"Hey, hey espera! Espere a que los estadounidenses me!" (Hey, hey wait up! Wait for me Americans!) They turned around as I came up to them.

"You Americans must be hard of hearing. I shout load." I say breathlessly.

"Get away from me! Go back to your daddy." The girl shouts at me. Leon shakes his head at her.

"No, no, no chica. You don't understand. I may be his daughter, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything he does. I think it was cruel to take chica. Me wanna help you take chica home." My English wasn't the best, but I could speak it obviously. They stared at me increadiously, but I knew I was a fantastic lier. I had lots of practice. They nodded slowly. The guy stook out his hand.

"I am Leon Kennedy, this is Ashley." He said. I smiled and shook his hand. Ashley huffed and crossed her arms. I shrugged and looked at her clothing.

"Ah! I be back! You go on, I'll find you, go, go!" I say and hurry down the path ahead of him but disappear out of their sight turning a corner and going in a secret tunnel that was the fast way back to the castle. Once I got back to the castle I went through my old cloths from last year. I picked out a long sleeved red wine dress that was narrow and floor length. I picked out some matching slippers that she could wear and put them in a back pack. Next I raced down to the kitchen and packed a basket of food. Apples, oranges, bread, water, and a knife and a jar of strawberry jelly.

Then I headed back to find them. It was almost day time and so I made my way through the tunnels. I found them in the farm, Leon was taking on some Granado's and Ashley was no where in sight. I walked up behind Leon after he finished killing them and it was a bad choice. He twirled around and pointed the gun at my forehead. I threw my hands up.

"Whoa cowboy! It's me!" He sighed and lowered his gun. I smiled at him and he shook his head and whistled. I heard footsteps and then saw Ashley. When he saw me she stopped dead in her tracks and growled. The way she had her arms crossed across her chest I could tell she was cold. Leon took off his jacket to give to her but I held up my hand to tell him to stop. I dug in my pack and got out the dress and slippers and handed them to Ashley. She snorted and turned around. I grew angry.

"Take it, will freeze if you don't." I told her. She glanced at Leon and he nodded his head. She sighed and took the dress and slippers.

"Go change in that house over there." Leon told her. She turned and went into the two story house.

"How long you been here?" I ask Leon.

"About a day." He said.

"Here." I took out a apple from my basket and gave him it. He stared at it.

"I'm fine thanks." He said.

"It isn't Poisoned." I smiled sweetly. He bit his lip but accepted it. I grinned happily and turned to see Ashley come out of the house wearing the dress. I gasped and jumped up and down clapping.

"Ashley, you are beautiful!" I exclaimed. She frowned at me.

"I know, I don't need your compliments." She hissed.

"Ashley." Leon scolded.

"No, it's okay, I understand. My papa probably wasn't nice to you. He doesn't like Americans." I explain to her. "Well, except my mother of coarse, but she is dead now, and he hates the rest of the American population." We walked up to a wooden gate. "Leon, this one is locked from the other side...maybe you could lift Ashley up and over the gate?" I suggested. Ashley seemed to like this idea. Leon got down on his knees and Ashley climbed on top of him.

She used the small amount of upper body strength to hoist herself up and over the gate. A few seconds later Ashley called.

"Leon, I got it unlocked!" She cheered. Leon opened the gate and we stepped though. We ran down a path and came to a bridge. I could sense about a hundred or more ganado's surrounding the area. I saw this guy in a cloak on and a bandanna around his nose and mouth.

"Who is that?" I asked no one. But Leon answered.

"The merchant." He said and purchased some first aid and upgraded his guns. With that we continued. We were about half way down the bridge when I heard a beep. Leon pulled out some kind of device and talked to it.

"What's up Hunnigan?" Leon asked. A voice rang out from it.

"Bad news." The female on the other end said.

"I'd rather not hear it."Leon told her.

"Well, i'm afraid I have to. We lost contact with the copter, some one must have shot it down. You guys just continue to head to the extraction point." Hunnigan replied.

"Alright, Leon out." With that said he hung up and I heard Ashley grown. We continued to walk the rest of the bridge and all the sudden Ashley gasped and pointed beside a cabin.

"Look!" We saw about fifty of them coming from that point and I turned around to see fifty more.

"Leon, there is more behind us!" I exclaimed.

"Hate to say it, but we're sandwiched all right." He pointed to the small house.

"Quick, in to that cabin!" He grabbed Ashley's hand and we raced in side. Leon closed the door behind we heard a voice behind us and I saw a wooden plank fly over my head.

"Leon, small world eh?"
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