Categories > Games > Resident Evil > In love with the enemy

Chapter 2

by 1wingedangel 0 reviews

I am Maricela Saddler, Osmund Saddlers daughter, I go as a spy for my father, with Leon after he rescues Ashley from the church. But what happens when I fall for my fathers enemy? Leon/OC in later ...

Category: Resident Evil - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Romance - Characters: Leon S. Kennedy - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2011-11-27 - Updated: 2011-11-27 - 1344 words

Chapter two.

I looked over to see Luis Sera, but he didn't see me as he was busy checking out Ashley.

"Looks like the president equipped his daughter with ballistics to." Luis countered. Ashley placed her hands on her hips.

"How rude! And I don't see how there is any revalence with my figure in my standing. Who are you?" Ashley practically shouted. Luis bowed dramatically.

"Ho, ho, ho, excuse me your highness...maybe the young lady should introduce herself before asking a gentleman his name."

"Her name is Ashley Graham, the president's daughter." Ashley said haughtily.

"You being the American president's daughter means nothing here." I said. Luis finally noticed I was here and looked scared.

"Princessa, if I may ask, what are you doing outside of the castle?" He asked me.

"That is none of your concern Luis. However, my father trusts you on his side. What, pray tell, are you doing here?" Luis looked like he was going to say something but Leon cut him off.

"Sorry to break this up but..." He was interrupted by Ashley's gasp. She pointed out a window.

"Look!" We all looked out the window to see now two hundred men and women.

"Ashley, Maricela, up stairs." Leon says. I ignore his request while Ashley run sup the stairs. "Maricela, go up stairs." Leon says again. I shake my head and take out my poison dagger. Leon had no time to argue, as he had to push the dressers in front of the windows. Luis loaded his gun and I set my bag on the table. We all went to the middle of the room.

"It's game time." Luis says. We gathered the stuff we could that was lying around before the windows broke and they pushed the dressers out of the way. Leon and Luis were about to shoot them but I stopped them by running up to the window and sticking my hand out like papa does.

"Stop, fight with us, not against us." I told the first six at the window.

"Princessa Ela." They say and turn around and started fighting each other. I hear a crash up stairs and then Ashley's scream. Leon tries to get over to the stairs but I beat him to it. I run up the stairs and stab the granado's attacking Ashley. I then ran to the window where more was coming up a latter. I held out my hand again.

"Dile a todos que de marcha atrás. AHORA."(Tell everyone to back .)

"Princessa Ela."

They then climbed back down and yelled at everyone.

"retiro, de marcha atrás" (retreat, back off) They all turned around and started to walk away. I could hear Leon and Luis down stairs.

"They're backing off." I turned to Ashley. She was staring at me.

"I...I...I'm sorry for the way I treated you. It wasn't your fault what your father did. And...thank you...for saving me." She whispers and hugs me. Leon came up and saw us hugging. He smiled a bit and cleared his throat.

"Luis left, time to go." He informed us. We nodded and went outside. It was poring. I groaned because the rain was destroying my curls. We saw mister merchant again and Leon sold some of the stuff he had found in the granado's pockets like the spinals. He also bought two more first aids. The merchant saw me and bowed down.

"Princessa." He greeted.

"Hello." Hi greeted back as he rose.

"That's creepy." I heard Ashley say. I turned and smirked at her. We walked into a little shack and we had to choose the left or right path.

"Let's go right." I sat and Leon turns the lever to the right, opening the path. We walked in and I told Ashley to stay back. Leon and I walked a bit forward and heard a roar. El Gigante jumped down. I recognized this one. I ran up to it and hugged his leg.

"Tiny!" It was kind of funny that his name was Tiny but he was HUGE. He recognized me to and let out a happy roar.

"Nos dan un paseo Tiny?" I asked. (Give us a ride Tiny?) He roared again and nodded his big head. He but his hand out and lowered his index finger to act as a ramp. I turned and waved at the other two.

"Come on!Rápido!" They slowly walked up Tiny's finger not trusting the beast. Tiny raised his hand and set us on his shoulder. He then started to turn around and smashed down the gate, then the next one, he carried us all the way to the lift. I knew that the door we passed had a scanner and so we ignored it and went on to the lift. Once we got off of Tiny I patted his leg and smiled.

"Gracias Tiny." (Thank you Tiny) We got on to the lift and I sat down next to Ashley while Leon took out some granado's. After the lift we went down a path and through some doors with the key Leon had found when we stopped at the lift station. We went down another path and it led to a shack.

"Something's not right...Go hide." Leon said. We nodded and ran and hid behind some boxes. It wasn't long before we heard an explosion. Ashley squeaked out 'Leon'. I took her hand and started to sing a song in a low voice to comfort her.

"Me encontré hoy en día ...
Oh, yo me encontraba, y salió corriendo ... lejos
pero algo me jaló de regreso
una voz de la razón ... Me olvidé de que había

todo lo que sé es que no estamos aquí para decir lo que siempre solía decir:
pero está escrito en el cielo esta noche

Así que no se dará por vencido, no, yo no se rompa
Más pronto de lo que parece hace de la vida alrededor de
y yo seré fuerte incluso si todo va mal
Cuando estoy de pie en la oscuridad, todavía me creen
Alguien está mirando sobre mí...

I finished the first chorus right as Leon jumped out of a whole in the shack. Ashley and I ran over to him.

"Are you alright?" Ashley asked. He nodded. We started down the path again and Ashley spoke up.

"Uh, Maricela..."

"Ela, call me ela." I interrupted.

"Ela...could you sing that song again...this time in English? I really liked it." I smiled at her and nodded singing in a low voice again.

"I found myself today...Oh, I found myself, and ran away
But something held me back,
A voice of reason I forgot, I had...

All I know is you're not here to say, what you always used to say
But it's written in the sky, tonight...

So I won't give up, no I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
and I will be strong even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me..."

I knew the whole song but I didn't wanna sing it all, it was a song my mother used to sing to me, it always calmed me down when I was upset. We went back to the lift and rode back. Leon led us to the scanner door and pulled out a fake eye. I gasped when I saaw it.

"You killed Mendez?" I asked eyes wide. He froze up and looked at me.

"uh, yea...he tried to kill me." He explained.

I smiled and hugged him.

"Muchas gracias, señor. Kennedy! Ese tipo era un culo!"

"What?" Leon asked not knowing what I said besides his name and thank you.

"I said, thank you Mr. Kennedy, that guy was an ass." I explained giggling.

"Uh, you're welcome? And you're right, he was an ass...and refused to die." I chuckled and let go of him. He scanned the eye and the doors opened.
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