Categories > Original > Drama > Its_Izzy_TMB 's fanfic


by TheMidnightBeast 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2011-11-30 - Updated: 2011-11-30 - 1337 words - Complete

"Stefan? Stefan? Wake up!" A warm hand gripped his shoulder and shook it slightly. Stefan opened his eyes a fraction. He could make out a dark outline of someone standing over him.
He opened his eyes.
He was back in his flat, still in front on televison, still with dubstep blaring out of the speakers. He sat up.
What the hell?
Pizza on the coffee table.
Beer on the sides.
Some had split on the floor.
He shook his head and ran his hand through is hair. Ashley was sitting opposite him, looking concerened. Stefan's eyes widened and he gasped, starting to back away. His head connected with the wall behind him.
"Ouch!" he said, his head reeling.
"Be careful!" Ashley said, wtihdrawing his hand. "That's exactly how you fell unconsious just a minute ago!" Stefan blinked.
"What?" he said, rubbed his head.
"I don't know, Stefan. You tell me." Stefan looked straight at him, to see if he was just having a laugh, but Ashley's face was deadly serious. Stefan didn't say anything. Ashley stared right at him.
"I just went into the kitchen, came back out, you were looking at me as if I was just some sort of madman. You kept backing away from me, and then you hit your head. Fell unconsious." Ashley looked away, cleary upset with the situation. Stefan blinked, taken aback.
"You were coming at me, with a knife. You were going to stab me!" Stefan's voice was hoarse and cracked. The situation had clearly disturbed him. Ashley looked shocked.
"What? I never did that! I came back from the kitchen, with a knife, only to cut the pizza! I didn't advance towards you, ready to kill you! If I was, I don't remember, I guess it was just a joke. I think I've been sniffing too much stuff." Stefan snapped his head up.
"You told me about the reciept for the drugs that Natalie found," he said, almost at a whisper. The colour drained from Ashley's face.
"I was joking," he said. His face was so serious and shocked that Stefan almost believed him.
"Really?" he said.
"No," Ashley replied, a smile spreading across his face, not quite reaching his eyes.
"That part's true. But you're my friend, I thought I could tell you anything." The smile dissapeared.
"You'll probably think I killed Joe though, but that's not true, I swear now." Stefan was so confused, shocked almost. So Ashley hadn't tried to kill him? It was all a joke? Seriously, his mind must be playing tricks on him. Either that or he'd drank too much.
"Right..." he said, still a bit dazed. Ashley's expression softened.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or upset you. It was bit dodgy, to be honest." Stefan rubbed his head again, feeling the beginning of a headache forming.

"He tried to escape, but he couldn't. There was no way out. And soon the murderer would kill him..." Alex shut the book, and sighed. Typical. She had heard enough about murder, from Holly. Honestly. She kept thinking Joe's death was a murder. Alex felt a bit sorry for her to be honest. It clearly was something she was never going to get over, even with her new boyfriend, Stefan. Alex stood up, and went into the kitchen. She had better things to worry about than Holly and murder.
She glanced at the clock on the wall. 3:30pm. She wanted to give Ashley a text, making sure he okay, but after the awkwardness of the day before, she felt he'd get angry again. Besides, she felt awful for accusing him like that. Oh well.
She grabbed the kettle and poured water into a mug. Reaching for the tin that had the teabags in it, she looked out the window and out to the back garden.
No shoe in a tree this time. That was still a complete mystery to everyone. She could tell everyone thought it was Ashley, expecially after this drug thing. What the hell was that about? Ashley was too good to ever take drugs, or get involved in any funny buisness anyway. It was a bit idiotic, to be honest. Natalie was just over-reacting. Anyone could have put that reciept in her pocket. Might have even been Joe... after all, even Holly had told Alex that he used to deal in drugs... so there. There was no proof at all.
Satisfied, Alex took a sip of her tea.

"Hey, when you coming over to mine? I miss you. x" I texted Stefan. He was still at his flat, with Ashley. My own flat seemed empty without someone in it with me. I wanted him to come and snuggle on the sofa and watch movies. I had spent too much time thinking about Joe and everyone else I had hardly had any time with just me and Stefan. It was getting on my nerves. I still believed Joe's death wasn't an accident, but tonight, I wanted to forget about it. My phone beeped. 1 new text.
"Heey, be over in about 5 minutes. x" I smiled. I got up off the sofa and looked in the mirror briefly. I wasn't wearing anything over the top; just jeans and a T-shirt and big fluffly slippers. Luckily my make-up had stayed nice all day and still looked alright now, so I wasn't worried about that. I didn't think Stefan would mind either, anyway. Suddenly, the doorbell went. I was a bit surpised. So much for five minutes, I thought, as I walked down the stairs. Not that I was complaining. The quicker he got here, the better. I opened the door, a gust of wind greeting me. I shivered as I remembered this was the same kind of coldness that brushed over me when I opened the door to the policewomen.
Stefan was standing on the doorstep, smiling. He looked a bit pale.
"Hello," he said. I smiled back at him.
"Hi! You must be freezing," I replied, stepping back so I could let him in. He came in, his fluffy hair all messy under his hat. I smelled that familiar scent of Lynx and smiled, closing my eyes.
"Hey, don't fall asleep on me!" He said, laughing, taking off his shoes. I laughed with him. Stefan came slightly closer and hugged me tightly, kissing me and the same time. A shiver ran through me; I always felt like this when with Stefan.
Letting go, he smiled and walked through to the living room, and sat on the sofa. I hurried in after him, wanting to make him feel comfortable as possible.
"Anything to eat? Drink?" I asked. Stefan shook his head.
"No thanks, I ate earlier, and I've had a bit too much to drink," he replied, watching me.
"Okay," I said, and sat beside him. The Big Bang Theory came on and we both sat for a moment, before my eyes grew tired and I slowly put my head on his chest, listening to his breathing. His arm wove it's way around my waist and hugged me tightly. I felt really tired so it felt nice to relax for once.
"Holly..." Stefan suddenly said. I sat up, feeling the tension in his voice.
"What is it?" I asked, feeling slightly annoyed, as I was enjoying that. Stefan looked at his lap, twisting his hands together.
"Ashley told me something today, and I think you should know. I don't really know what to do, to be honest." I looked at him, biting my lip.
"What is it?" Stefan looked up, and took a deep breath.
"Ashley told me it's him who put that drug reciept thing in Natalie's pocket, meaning he takes drugs." I nodded, slightly stunned but kept on listening.
"And," Stefan continued, "Didn't you tell me Joe once took drugs too?" My eyes widened, shocked.
"What?" Silence grew between us.
"You''re telling me that you think it was Ashley who Joe was dealing with?!"
Stefan looked at me.
"Yes," he replied.
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