Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Louder than Thunder

One of Those Girls

by Dead1724 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-12-01 - Updated: 2011-12-01 - 1372 words

Literature. What a horrible class to have last block. This day was dragging on and on and on...
And sadly, this class there was no Gerard, or Tia. Gerard was in two of my classes, and Tia was in three. But the fourth class I had to be alone, sadly enough. And I was scared. Exie was in this class.
I plopped in a desk in the middle of the classroom, beings it was one of the few that wasn't taken. The teacher walked in and beings I hadn't seen Exie yet, I thought I was going to be safe.
"Sorry Mr. Mason," I heard her oh-so-innocent voice just as I looked down at my desk.
"It's fine Miss Phillips , take a seat." I looked up to see her gracefully glide to the desk directly in front of mine. Just as Mr. Mason started talking I noticed go through her over-sized New York hand bag she used for a back pack and pull out a piece of paper.
She wrote in it, folded it up, then reached over and handed it back. I contemplated whether or not to take it, but I decided to just go with her for now to avoid a lot of regret.
"Want to tell the truth now?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, Exie." I wrote back.
"Stop being such a-" she had a word marked out, I seemed like the F-word would have fit, "-liar."
"I'm not lying. It's not my fault those drugs are making you delusional." I wrote back, pretty convinced I would regret that.
She turned around for a second and looked at me evilly.
"Everyone knows you and Gerard Way are going out. Stop being a liar, you're already getting talked about enough. But anyway, nice way to go... for your first boyfriend." I heard her laugh as she wrote that and as I read it.
"I wanted to know if he was over that 'little' crush he had on me. He only went after you because he can't have me. I would never go out with someone like him."
"Maybe he's just sick of all your shit like everyone else."
Exie started writing something pretty with a lot of force. I smiled--I had ticked her off. Before she was finished I heard a loud beep, "10th grade please report to nurse's office. 10th grade please report of nurse's office."
I gave Exie an evil smile and escaped into the mob of 10th graders. Just when I thought I was free, I felt someone yank my shirt to pull me back.
"You're going to pay for that smart mouth of yours." Hatred was burning in her eyes.
"What are you going to do?" I raised my eyebrows, "Start rumors about me? You think I care what these people think?"
"No," she smiled, "I saw the way you were looking at him." She let go of me then marched off to the nurse's office, her heals clicking away. I stood there, frozen. The first person I had ever liked and she was going to take them away.


I woke up sometime during the night, I didn't look over at my alarm clock because I was much too weak. I couldn't breathe through my nose and the pain from swallowing made me cringe. Now the flue epidemic seemed much more believable.

Mom went up to my room sometime around seven, after hearing my alarm clock go off with no signs of stopping.
"You're burning up, Ayla." She said with her hand on my forehead. "You stay right here and get warm," she put another blanket on me, "I'll go call the school and get you some soup."
I spent the whole day sleeping, eating soup, sleeping some more, watching television, then sleeping again until almost three, I got up and took a shower and hoped it would make me feel better.
"Ayla!" My mom called for me "You have a visitor!" she said, but before I could even get up, I heard Tia coming up the stairs. They knocked and opened my door. It was Gerard.
"Oh!" I said surprised, "Hey." I was happy I put some make up on.
He smiled. "I came by to give you your work that you missed."
"Thanks," I smiled again.
"Sorry you the flu."
"It's okay, I was getting sick of school anyway." I kidded. :P
He laughed.
I had been thinking about what Exie could have possibly done today, I was going to try and be sneaky. "So...did anything...interesting happen today."
Gerard thought for a few seconds, "nope."
"Anything in art?"
"We painted the class room today. It was pretty boring."
"We didn't put much detail, though, so you'd-" Gerard paused when he cell phone rang, playing the misfits. He took it out of his pocket and put it to his face, "Hello?...Yeah mom, I'll be right there." He hung up the phone. "I guess I'll see you in school when you feel better. Mom's going out to dinner with Dad, and I'm stuck taking care of Mikey."
I frowned, "guess he wasn't lying after all."
"If only he had been." he said, then waving goodbye before walking out of my room.

Only thirty minutes after that, Mom called to me saying that I had yet another visitor, this time it WAS Tia.
"Hey. I said I could just take you your work, but Gerard insisted..."
I smiled and Tia put an odd expression on her face. "What?" I asked her.
She sighed and sat down on my bed, "you like him, right." I put an odd look on my face, I could only imagine what I looked like. Butterflies in my stomach fluttered all over the place from me thinking about Gerard, and admitting that I liked him, but I also felt nervous and scared that she would laugh in my face.
"Yeah, I do."
Instead of laughing, Tia put a huge grin on her face. "You two are so cute!" She squeaked. I was smiling too, until hers faded.
"What's wrong?" I asked nervously.
"Exie sat with Gerard today."
Ohhhhh no. "Exie? You mean Exie in...Exie?!"
She shook her head. "What the crap?!" I yelled. She shrugged, "Exie must have asked him because he never would of had the nerve to ask her."
"But why? Why NOW must she start liking him? But...she does have a boyfriend at least," remembering that helped me to feel a bit better. She wouldn't cheat right after taking sleazy pictures, would she? She couldn't be that stupid...
"" I looked at Tia with huge eyes. "Don't tell me..."
Tia looked like it was the worst thing in the world to have to tell me the bad news. She slowly nodded her head.
"She broke up with him?!"
"Yeah...But I don't see why she would want to go after Gerard now. I mean she's always hated him. But it's so weird…the same day you start talking to him…so does she. Sounds like she's up to something."
"It's because she knows that I like him!"
"You told HER and not me?!" she yelled.
"No! NO!" I calmed her down and explained what happened.
"She is up to something then. She's trying to steal him, so you can't have him. Though it's not like she'd ever go out with him."
"What?! You can't just say that!"
"What?" she said, confused.
"No. That's not like you, you always think of the impossible, of an alternative. Don't just tell me that she's going after him. I mean can you imagine that? After all those years...them two getting together?!"
Tia kept a straight face. "She's going after Gerard, Ayla. There's no doubt about it. Well, pretending to anyways--just to keep him from you."
Well that ruined my optimism. "But why?!" I didn't even know what I wanted to hear, or what she could have told me that was believable. I guess I just wanted her to plainly say that Exie couldn't possibly be doing this to me. Of course Gerard would go back to her, and he would forget that I ever existed.
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