Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Gold Digger

Dancing dead

by XxlovefrankieroxX 9 reviews

Oh the drama!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-12-02 - Updated: 2011-12-02 - 8132 words - Complete

Well people,
Again I’m sorry this chapter took so long to get out but I really wanted to take my time on it. It didn’t come out as well as I was hoping still but I really don’t want to overwork it so I’m gonna leave it as it is xD
I really hope you guys like it and please gimme some feedback to let me know :] Also, THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE THE LAST.
Thanks for sticking around this long guys, it means the world.
Ray xo

Frank made his way to the river with a new lease of life inside him. He was as weak and tired as ever, and there was still a nagging sensation in the pit of his stomach trying to convince him he was never going to get out of here alive. But with the knowledge that Ben would be helping him from here on in he could force himself to think positively.

He was making his way to the river at his usual time, but this time he had his bag with him, filled with all the gold he had managed to pan so far. He was surprised by how heavy it was, his bag weighing down on his shoulder and making it ache. It made him hope that he might have enough gold, but he knew it was probably just because he was so weak that it felt heavier than it actually was. But his stomach swirled with nerves and anticipation... Ben would be bringing the scales with him tonight. Frank would finally be able to know how close he was to being able to return home, and the desperation to get out of this place was making him almost sick with worry that he would have nowhere near enough.

As he approached the river Frank could see that Ben had already arrived and was sat in the darkness with what looked like another stew pot infront of him. Frank smiled and waved shyly at him as he walked over, his stomach twisting and growling in anticipation of the food.

“Evenin’ Frankie.” Ben smiled warmly as Frank reached him and slowly sat down opposite him. “I brought the scales.” He smiled warmly, turning to take them out of his bag and put them infront of Frank.

Frank forced a smile and mumbled a soft word of gratitude as Ben pushed the scales towards him, though his use of his nickname had left his heart aching as he thought of all the times Gerard had called him that. After reading the letter Gerard was in his thoughts more than ever and he felt on the brink of tears he wanted to be with him so bad.

“I also brought this erm... just in case you were err... so inclined to use it.” Ben mumbled, his cheeks blazing pink as he produced the straight razor and bar of soap from his little bundle. He hoped he wasn’t offending Frank, he just guessed the poor guy didn’t have anything to wash with and he had always been clean shaven when Ben had seen him in the town. “You don’t have to or anything I just –”

“Ben this is wonderful.” Frank quickly interrupted him, smiling warmly as he took the offered items and squeezed Bens hand gently. “Thank you. You already do too much for me.” He sighed, so grateful to have this new friend and Ben positively beamed at him, making Frank feel even happier too.

“Well err...” Ben softly cleared his throat after gazing at Frank for a long moment and he pushed the stew pot towards him. “Why don’t you eat that whilst I weigh your gold for you?” He offered softly. Frank beamed and thanked him, handing over his bag of gold before lifting the lid on the stew pot and closing his eyes in delight for a moment as he smelt the hot stew inside.

Ben smiled fondly to himself as he took the bag from Frank and set up the scales. He kept glancing up through his eyelashes as Frank spooned stew into his mouth, chewing slowly and keeping his eyes mostly closed, clearly just savouring every last bite. His stomach tingled strangely as he watched him, keeping quiet as he poured the grains of gold into the scales and began to weigh each bottle.

Frank’s senses were being assaulted by the delicious stew as he hungrily shovelled in spoonful after spoonful. It was warming him to the core and filling his growling belly, his spirits lifted by the thought of having a proper wash with soap and the chance to shave away the beard from his face. It was almost as if that simple change was just one step closer to home, as if cleaning himself up and becoming more of a man and less of some wild beast he had been feeling like, it would take him just that little bit closer to leaving.

He opened his eyes and smiled serenely at Ben as he watched him carefully weighing out each bottle of gold. He didn’t spill a single nugget and squinted hard to read the numbers coming up on the scales in the dark. They only had the moon for light but it was big and bright that night so it wasn’t too bad. Ben scratched each figure into the dirt with a stick to keep track, trying to add it up as he went along too.

Frank sighed and ate some more of the stew, pulling the pot up into his lap once it was half full and he started scraping his spoon around the edges, determined to get every last crumb before he would let the pot go. And so the two men sat in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other’s company and thinking of wonderful things like going home and being safe. They both knew they were risking their lives but neither wanted to think too much about that.

After a long while Frank had eaten all of the stew and he laid the spoon inside the empty pot before putting the lid back onto it. He then made his way to the river to drink some water and wash his hands and face with the soap. Ben still had some gold left to weigh and Frank felt quite surprised by how much there was. He tried not to let it build up his hopes though and instead simply lathered soap over his jaw and chin and used the razor to awkwardly shave away all the hair that had grown.

It was difficult with only the gushing river to use as a mirror but he took his time and despite his shaking hands was able to shave without cutting himself.

Ben smiled softly as he watched Frank shaving, pouring the last of the gold into the scales and weighing it with careful precision before adding that figure to the ones he already had. He then added up everything again to make sure he had calculated it right as he went along and smiled warmly once he found he had. It was a lot of gold, but he knew that some men always just wanted more so he didn’t know whether it would be the amount Frank was hoping for.

“Hey Frankie, I got your gold figured out.” He called with a smile, walking over to join the man as he shaved on the river bank. Frank looked up at him and smiled, washing the rest of the soap from his face before turning to face him properly.

“Yeah? How much do I have?” He asked with a small giggle, his stomach churning nervously as he prayed it would be the right amount.

“Mm, well... Oh, you missed a spot.” Ben noted, tapping a patch of hair left on Frank’s jaw and making the younger man blush.

“Oh I... I did?” He mumbled, touching his fingers to Bens as his cheeks blazed. “I’ll just err... get that. Don’t tell me about my gold until after!” He gasped, turning and soaping his face again, grabbing the razor frantically to shave and jumping in slight surprise when Ben touched his wrist.

“Here, let me.” He smiled, turning Frank to him and cupping his face as he gently took the razor from him. Frank swallowed thickly and considered telling Ben to stop, that he could do it himself, but he supposed he had just proved he couldn’t do it himself and so he simply sat very still as Ben tenderly shaved his face for him.

Ben concentrated hard on not cutting Frank, his free hand holding his face still by resting gently against his jaw. He leant closer to get a better look, angling Frank backwards a little so that more moonlight could spill over his face. As he shaved away the last of the hair, leaving Frank’s skin smooth and clean, Ben felt his stomach flip a little at how handsome Frank became. He had almost forgotten how good looking the man was and he bit his lip as he leant back and smiled hesitantly.

“There.” He smiled gently, Frank’s cheeks ablaze with a blush that burnt right to the bone and he quickly turned away to splash water over his face and get rid of the last of the soap. Once he was done he turned back to Ben and gasped in shock, almost falling backwards into the river at how close the older man was.

Ben slipped his arms around Frank’s waist and quickly levered him up before he could fall, resulting in bringing them even closer to each other, their lips barely an inch apart.

“B – Ben!? W – What are you doing?” Frank squeaked, resting his hands on Ben’s chest to try and push him away, but no sooner had he touched him than he could feel his frantic heartbeat against his palm; the warmth of his skin through his shirt. It had been so very long since Frank had had any human contact and he felt his heart throb painfully as his breath hitched in his throat.

“I... I just... I want you to know I really care for you Frankie... I... I don’t really know why, I guess I just saw how close you and Gerard were and it kills me to see you struggle like this when Gerard was such a good man. I know you must be too to have been so close to him...” He mewled, his eyes searching Frank’s as he leaned even closer, his lips tingling as he almost felt them touch Frank’s. “I’ll help you as long as you need...” He purred.

Frank gulped softly and forced himself to come back to his senses, smiling uncertainly as he gently pushed Ben away.

“I – Thank you Ben... It... It feels good to hear you say that.” He said gently, forcing a smile though his heart was racing uncertainly in his chest. He was glad that Ben was here and helping him, but the pain Sam had caused him was still fresh and despite Ben’s gentle touch he feared what he might try and do. “Please can I know how much gold I have now?” He asked quietly, trying to change the subject as he subtly wriggled away.

“O – Oh, of course. I’m sorry.” Ben chuckled, it having completely slipped his mind and he rubbed the back of his neck as he told Frank the weight of his gold and then it’s approximate value. Once he had he quirked an eyebrow at the younger mans stunned expression, his eyes wide and jaw dropped. “What?”

“R – Really... That much?” Frank breathed, his heart starting to race again but this time with excitement. “You’re sure?”

“Absolutely.” Ben nodded, biting his lip. “Why? Is it a lot less than you were hoping?” He mewled sadly, Frank laughing and shaking his head as he suddenly became overcome with happiness and launched himself into Ben’s arms, hugging him tight.

“No! Oh my God Ben, it’s more than I could have dreamed! I can go home!” He cried, tears of joy in his eyes. “I can go home!”

Ben gasped softly and wrapped his arms close around Frank, resting his hands on his back as he slowly grinned and laughed. “Really? Oh my God... Frankie this is wonderful!” He beamed, squeezing Frank close and laughing along with him as they lay back in the grass and just held each other, Frank giggling madly from relief and happiness that made his head spin.

The happiness was short lived though and suddenly he gasped, sitting up with a look of pain to his eyes. Ben slowly leaned up on his elbows and bit his lip, looking questioningly at Frank as the younger man nervously started biting at his already bitten down nails.


“I... I don’t know how to get back home.” Frank mewled quietly, turning to look at Ben with tears in his eyes. “How do I leave the town without being caught?” He whimpered, Ben smiling hesitantly as he sat up properly and shyly laid his hand on Frank’s to make him stop biting his nails.

“Actually I... I had an idea about that.” He said softly, his heart missing a beat when Frank turned wide, glistening eyes on him. It was clear Frank was trying not to get his hopes up, but hope still shone in them like a beacon.

“You... You did?”

“Yeah, I err... I went to see when the next wagon out of the town is just in case, and it’s six days.” He said softly, Frank biting his lip as he thought about having to stay for another, unnecessary week. Though he supposed he should be grateful it wouldn’t be another month or something.

“Okay, so I aim for that?” He asked uncertainly, still not sure how he’d be able to do that without being seen.

“Well... No.” Ben mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. “I couldn’t think of a way to sneak you on there that wouldn’t be really risky, so I came up with another plan.”

“Okay.” Frank smiled, crossing his legs and looking expectantly at the older man. “Let’s hear it.”

Ben bit his lip nervously, hoping that Frank would like his plan. It wasn’t brilliant he supposed, but it was the best he could come up with on such short notice. And he wasn’t exactly a genius, he was just another man trying to find his fortune.

“Well I thought that instead of waiting for the end of the week and everything, since you have all the gold you need that maybe I could just take you to the next town myself.” He said softly, Frank looking at him in confusion and he quickly continued. With more conviction this time now Frank hadn’t stopped him immediately. “I thought that I could pack up a wagon with a load of supplies and tell people I’ve had a letter from the closest town – I’ll say they’re running low on food or something and so I’m gonna take them some rations. I’ll leave really early in the morning so no one will be up yet, and I’ll hide you in one of the crates until we get to the next town where no one will recognise you, just in case.”

Frank was quiet as he nodded slowly, tapping his chin thoughtfully and considering this. It seemed simple enough, and if he was hidden in a crate then even someone did happen to be up then he still wouldn’t be noticed.

“So... How will I get to you, and into the crate?” He asked, smiling softly to show he liked the plan and just wanted to finalise details. Ben grinned as he realised this and leaned forward a little, whispering his plan to Frank and the two men grinned as they began to finalise everything.

Frank decided to leave the night after next, meaning that he could give Ben time to spread the word that he needed to take provisions to the next town, and for Frank to have one more night of panning. It wasn’t necessary, he had more than enough gold but a little part of him just wanted that one final night, where he could pan with the knowledge that he would be leaving soon after.

The plan then would be for Ben to come and meet him in the very early hours of the morning, sometime before the dawn where he and Frank would be free to walk through the town undetected. Frank would then hide inside an empty crate which Ben would then load onto a wagon with other food supplies. It was dangerous to travel at night when animals could sneak from the darkness so Frank would then be left to wait until dawn, when at first light Ben would ride from the town, taking Frank with him.

During the next day Ben spread the word that he would be leaving early the following morning to a different town. The men were all confused at first but after he explained about needing to take rations to the town who were struggling for food they simply accepted it without question. Some panicked that it meant Hangtown would soon be struggling for food also but Ben weaved intricate lies to keep them all calm and soon the plans were set. He would leave before dawn when everyone was still sleeping, and as far as he could tell, no one was suspicious about his true motives.

Ben panned on the river all day as normal, keeping his concentration focussed on the task and ignoring the stares he was receiving from Sam. He was mostly used to them by now, the older man always staring at him, but it was still a little unnerving. Especially when Ben was feeling so nervous about getting Frank out of the town without him being caught.

The day seemed to drag for Ben but eventually sunset began to approach and men started packing away their things. Ben followed suit, washing his hands quickly in the river before getting up and leaving with the first few of the men. Sam was still staring intently at him, but the further Ben walked away the less obvious the prickling in his neck became.

Ben slung his things into his cabin before heading down to the bottom part of the river to wash. There were some other men there but since he had been so quick to get from the panning section of the river to here he was hoping he’d be able to avoid the rush of men that always came by at around sunset. He didn’t really want to talk to anyone in case they started asking more questions about his leaving; he was trying to give as few details as possible to make the lying easier.

Ben stripped of his clothes and stepped into the river, he and the three other men in there all careful not to look at each other and wash at a safe distance from one another. No one seemed to be in a very talkative mood which suited Ben just fine and he got busy lathering his bar of soap all over his body to get rid of the grime coating his skin.

Just as he was scooping up water to wash the soap bubbles away a hand on his shoulder made him jump almost a foot into the air.

“Jesus! What you doin’ creepin’ up on a man like that!?” He demanded as he whirled round, his stomach lurching and his cheeks flaming red as he saw who it was grinning back at him. Sam’s gold teeth glinted in the half light coming from the setting sun as he chuckled wheezily.

“Apologies Benjamin, I didn’t mean to frighten’ ya’.” He smirked, leisurely rubbing a bar of soap over his biceps and shoulders as he stared intently at the younger man. Ben took a step backwards, deeper into the river so that the water came up over his navel as his stomach roiled in disgust. Sam was taller than most of the men, and as he stood in the shallower part of the river he was proudly showing off all of his body, making Ben feel sick.

“What do you want Sam?” Ben demanded, trying not to sound too impolite. He didn’t want to cause any trouble, not right now, when it was so crucial that he drew as little attention to himself as possible.

“We-ell now, I just wanted to see when you planned to be leavin’ us is all.” Sam purred in a mock sweet tone, idly washing the upper half of his body and then smoothing the soap down lower as Ben tried to avoid looking at him. “Quite a shock to hear about the problems this other town be havin’.” He added politely, Ben scowling to himself as he finished washing the soap from his skin.

“Yeah well, it was a shock for me too. I’ll be leavin’ at dawn, so if you’d excuse me I have to go pack.” He snarled, trying to walk past Sam but the older man grabbed him by his wrist and tugged him back again, turning so they continued to face each other.

“Of course, of course. But just before you go, a word of warnin’...” He said, still smiling sweetly as he released Ben’s wrist and continued lathering soap over his body, Ben scowling and waiting for him to speak. “I can’t help but have noticed that you’re never in the tavern anymore... I wonder why that could be.” Sam drawled, washing lower and making sure Ben looked as he lifted his penis and began lathering soap around it.

Ben blushed deeply as his gaze was pulled down to look where the soap was travelling, and though he didn’t mean to stare he couldn’t help but look a little too long as he noticed the awful wound on Sam’s manhood. It had healed, but left an ugly, jagged scar. It looked like chunks were missing and Ben’s cheeks blazed as he wondered what had happened, if Sam could even obtain an erection like that...

“If I find that you’ve been sneaking off at night to help someone...” Sam continued, apparently not bothered by Ben’s stare. The younger man quickly looked away and back to his face, still blushing deeply as Sam smirked at him. “Then I think we both know that that would be very bad for you.”

Ben gawped at the older man like an idiot for a long moment, his hands shaking as he shook his head quickly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He snapped a little too quickly. “I don’t go to the tavern anymore because I work extra hard, and I’m tired. I get to sleep early. Now if you don’t mind.” He snarled, finally managing to turn and stride away, Sam not trying to stop him this time.


Frank panned on the river all night like usual, though this time he kept to a leisurely pace, smiling to himself as he thought about going home and finally being able to help his family. Whatever gold he panned now would just be a little bit extra, but Frank decided he could use it to buy a nice gift for Gerard. The thought made him smile wider and sigh to himself, eager to get back to New Jersey and where he belonged again.

As the night began getting later and later Frank went back up to his cave to gather together all of his things. He looked about and had a heart stopping moment as he gazed at the tiny, enclosed space he had spent the last god knows how many months in. He couldn’t lie to himself and say he would miss it, because he couldn’t wait to leave the damn place. But deep down he supposed it was a little sickening to be leaving, this tiny space had become something of a sanctuary to him and he felt almost bad for leaving. But the thought lasted only a second and then his eagerness to return home was back and he made his was back down to the dark river without looking back.

Back on the river bank Frank sat down and waited impatiently for Ben to arrive. He hoped he wouldn’t stand him up, but he knew he wouldn’t do that. He had helped him so much already, there was no reason he had given to not do this now.

Frank was only left waiting a few minutes and then he noticed a figure coming out of the darkness, splashing through the shallow water of the river to where Frank was sitting. As the figure came closer Ben’s face could be seen in the dim moonlight and he smiled softly at Frank as he approached him, his heart jumping in his chest.

“Hey.” He greeted softly, Frank beaming and getting up to his feet quickly.

“Ben! I’m so glad you’re here, I was worried you mightn’t show!” Frank beamed, laughing at his own stupidity as he flung his arms around the older man and hugged him tight. “I’m so grateful for all you’re doing. I really can’t thank you enough.”

“Yeah well, don’t thank me until we’re safely out of the town alright?” Ben chuckled uneasily, looking about just a little. He didn’t want Frank to see how nervous he was, he knew that would only make the younger man panic more. But after his encounter with Sam in the river he felt paranoid and a little shaken, terrified that the older man was going to appear out of the darkness.

“Of course.” Frank giggled, oblivious to how uneasy Ben was due to how excited he was. He was bouncing a little on the balls of his feet and he still has his arms draped around Ben’s neck. When the older man realised this he turned back to face Frank properly, his cheeks tingeing pink as he looked into his sparkling, hazel eyes.

“So... Shall we get going?” Frank asked softly when Ben just gazed stupidly at him. Frank suddenly realised he was still holding him and quickly drew his arms away, going to step back but Ben slid his arms around his waist and pulled him closer again, a strange look in his eyes. “Ben?” Frank mewled; fear starting to make his heart race but the hand that came up to cup the side of his face was gentle.

“Frankie I... I just want you to know that I’ll miss you when you’re gone.” Ben whispered softly, Frank gulping a little. “It’ll be a much lonelier place without you...”

“Oh well... erm... well I can write to you if you like and...” Frank bit his lip as Ben began to lean closer. In turn Frank leaned back, trying to keep distance between then but Ben didn’t seem to take the hint, instead he used the hand on Frank’s cheek to grab his jaw and yank him closer again, Frank gasping and squeaking in shock as Ben’s lips collided with his.

“Mmmph!” Frank’s heart missed a beat and then began to pound erratically in his chest, his stomach lurching as he pushed his hands hard against Ben’s chest. Flashbacks of the night with Sam assaulted Frank’s mind and he felt ready to vomit into Ben’s mouth, his desperate squirming soon making Ben release him and he stumbled backwards. “What are you doing!?”

“Frankie I... I’m sorry. Frankie I –”

“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” The sound of Frank’s voice seemed to explode through the quiet night and both men suddenly fell silent, staring at each other with stunned faces. Frank’s lips were trembling as he stared at the older man, unsure now as to what to do. He needed to go home, and if Ben was still willing to take him then he had no choice but to go with him. But was that safe?

“Frank... I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me, I –” Ben suddenly stopped talking as something caught his eye and he turned to stare in horror at a tiny flickering light in the distance. Frank looked over at it too and felt his stomach lurch again, fear seeping through him and making him feel unsteady on his feet.

“Oh God...”

“Go down river.” Ben whispered quickly, rushing to Frank and grabbing his shoulders. “Walk down that way and just keep going until you get to the very start of the town. Wait by the river for me there and we’ll leave straight away.” He ordered in a rushed whisper, pushing desperately at Frank to make him move but the younger man was frozen.

“B – But, just come now why stay here?” He whimpered, Ben understanding the somewhat vague question and pushing at Frank again.

“Ben! Don’t think I don’t know you’re there!” An all too familiar voice came out of the darkness and Ben sighed as Frank shook softly.

“He already knows I’m here, but he may not have seen you so go. Now! I’ll deal with him and meet you down there.” Ben snarled, pushing Frank as hard as he could and finally he seemed to come back to his senses and he turned and began to dash down the river towards the beginning of the town.

Ben sighed with relief and closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath and trying to compose himself. He too was feeling tense and shaken, terrified about who was approaching him and what he had just done. He couldn’t explain why he had kissed Frank, the urge had hit him suddenly and he hadn’t thought about it. He would apologise more though when he met with him again, he didn’t want this to ruin the small friendship they had formed.

Stealing his courage Ben turned to face the light approaching him. It was much closer now and after only another moment or so Sam came into sight, holding a lantern and scowling deeply as he looked about the otherwise deserted river bank.

“Who were you talking to? I heard shouting.” He said icily, not looking at Ben but continuing to gaze about instead.

“I wasn’t talking to anyone, you’re mistaken.” Ben shrugged, blushing as Sam turned angry eyes on him.

“Don’t make me out to be a fool. I know I heard shouting.” He snarled, Ben shrugging and insisting that Sam must have heard it coming from somewhere else because, as he could see, he was entirely alone. “Alright, what are you doing on this side of the river then?” Sam asked instead, quirking an eyebrow to show he didn’t believe anything Ben had said so far.

“Just enjoying the evening... I like to take a walk sometimes. Is that such a crime?” Ben shrugged, trying to sound casual though his heart was hammering erratically in his chest. “What are you doing here?”

“I followed you.” Sam said simply, clearly still unconvinced. “I saw you leaving your cabin so I got this lantern and came up here. You’ve been up here before, carrying stuff. You’re helping Frank aren’t you?” He snarled, Ben’s heart missing a beat in horror. He gulped softly and shook his head, trying not to look as guilty as he felt.

“Of course not! I haven’t seen that guy in months, he’s probably dead.” He shrugged, his voice shaking a little and Sam scoffed, pushing past Ben to shine his lantern behind rocks and bushes, looking about for the short man he was convinced was hiding somewhere.

“I know you’re lying to me.” He huffed, eventually giving up and turning to Ben again. “Tell me where he is now and I won’t hurt you.” He said softly, his voice low but menacing and Ben took a step backwards as Sam approached him.

“I’ve already told you, I haven’t seen him for months.” He insisted, his heart racing so fast he felt breathless. “You’re going crazy Sam.” He scoffed, gasping as the older man suddenly lunged at him and seized him by the collar, yanking him almost right off the ground.

“You’re lying to me! Now you tell me where he is or God help me I will kill you!” He shouted, Ben choking a little as his hands scratched and yanked at Sam’s wrists, trying to break free.

“I – I’ve already t – told you! I d – don’t know!” He choked, gasping as Sam threw him down onto the floor and quickly moved to straddle his chest, sitting on his stomach and almost making him vomit with the force he winded him.

“I’ll kill you!” He warned again, the lantern falling to the side and Ben felt the heat of its glass warming his arm as Sam pulled a knife out from inside his shirt and held it against his throat. Ben gulped and stared at the older man with wide, terrified eyes. He tried desperately to throw Sam off him but it was no use, the man was just too strong. “Tell me... right now...”

“I haven’t seen him.” Ben insisted, clenching his teeth as he scowled at Sam. He would never tell him about Frank, no matter if it cost him his life. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“So then you haven’t been bringing him food?” Sam demanded, a flash of guilt racing across Ben’s eyes. “And you haven’t planned this trip away to help him escape?” He pushed, the guilt that showed on Ben’s face completely giving him away. Sam felt almost shocked as he looked at him. He hadn’t been certain at all that that was why Ben was leaving in the morning, but to see that he was right just made him feel even angrier, rage consuming him.

“You’re a liar.” He snarled, punching his fist so hard into Ben’s face he felt his jaw crack beneath the force. “Tell me where you’re hiding him or I kill you, I won’t give you another chance.” He insisted, grabbing Ben by the hair and yanking him up into a sitting position, Sam crushing his legs beneath his weight as he poised the knife against his stomach. “Tell. Me.

Ben gasped and coughed, spitting blood out of his mouth along with a tooth that had been dislodged when Sam had punched him. He felt exhausted already, his lungs aching from where Sam had been sitting on them and he turned to look the older man dead in the eyes, blood trickling down his chin.

“I won’t tell you shit.” He spat, pressing his hands against Sam’s chest and pushing with all his might. But the older man didn’t so much as budge as he leant forward against Ben’s palms and thrust the knife as deep as he could into the younger mans stomach.

“Then you’re a fool for trying to protect him.” Sam purred softly into Ben’s ear, Ben’s mouth hanging open in shock. His eyes were wide and they remained open even as Sam yanked the knife upwards, tearing through flesh and muscle and organs as he dragged the blade right up to Ben’s throat. Blood poured from the younger man’s mouth as his body convulsed and he choked weakly, blood splashing upwards with the speed Sam slashed through his body, but it was all over in an instant.

Ben collapsed against the damp grass as blood pooled around him like a black lake, soaking his clothes and the grass around him. His intestines shone wetly in the light from the lantern when Sam moved back and picked it up, poising it above Ben’s body to ensure he was dead.

Ben’s eyes slowly turned a misty grey colour, his mouth still hanging open as his eyes stared blindly at the sky. The knife was still in his throat, left there like the gory end of a path that started in his abdomen.

Sam’s hands were slippery with blood but he barely noticed as he hung the lantern on his belt and casually dragged Ben’s body to the river bank where he used his foot to roll him into the water. He frowned to himself as he watched the mutilated corpse float eerily downstream, carried by the current and leaving a small trail of misty blood behind that spread through the water before disappearing entirely as it was diluted by the cold liquid.

Sam spat into the river and knelt down to wash his hands in the water. The blood went right up to his shoulders and had soaked his clothes, but he had more important things to worry about at that moment.


Frank was trembling as he waited for Ben to come find him. He had walked down the river as far as he could and then waited behind a rock. He could see the old oak tree from where he was standing, Ben’s cabin not far from there and he could hear a soft whinnying noise in the distance. He guessed it was the cart and horse that would be taking them out of this God forsaken place and he was anxious for Ben to arrive already.

It felt like he had been waiting for ages, but he knew it was just his own impatience making him feel like that. He knew that it was Sam who been coming towards them upriver and he only hoped that Ben had been right when he said he didn’t think Sam had seen Frank. If he had then things would be very hard to explain on Ben’s part. Frank wondered if in his fear he would turn against him and just help Sam capture him in order to save himself.

Frank stared at the oak tree from behind his rock and imagined himself swinging from it. He could practically feel the noose around his neck and he almost vomited from fear. He just wanted to leave this stupid town, was that really too much to ask? He wouldn’t be a bother to anyone anymore, they could all just pretend he was dead if they wanted.

But he knew that would never be good enough for Sam. After what he had done that night he knew the older man wouldn’t rest until he had seen him hanged.

Oh God... if he had just sucked his dick none of this would have happened.

Frank groaned and buried his head in his hands, trying to breathe deeply and calm himself down. He told himself that Ben would be here any second and then they could leave. Everything was going to be okay, he just needed to stop panicking...

Thunk... thunk... thunk...

Frank looked up in confused as he heard a soft knocking sound coming from close by. It was very gentle, barely even audible but it was a consistent, strange noise and Frank looked about in interest to find its source.

Careful not to be seen by anyone Frank poked his head around his rock, looking at the town and making sure no one was walking about or in the windows before he crept out from his hiding place. He knew most men would all be in the tavern by now so with one final look about he followed the source of the noise to take a look in the river.

Standing on the bank Frank could see easily into the water, frowning at a dark shape some feet downstream. This end of the river had many rocks and shallow areas and so whatever was in there had come to a halt, the current lifting the shape and making it knock against one of the rocks.

Frank frowned and moved down to get a closer look, squinting a little in the darkness as he leaned forward. His heart began to thud in horror as made out more of the shape, refusing to believe that he could be right but then a cloud slid from infront of the moon and pale light streamed down onto the body.

“Oh God!” Frank gasped, stumbling backwards in horror as Ben’s lifeless face stared up at him, mouth and eyes open, blood turning to froth around him as it was churned by the water.

Frank cried out in horror and scrambled back to the rock, kicking up grass and dirt in his panic before he fell to his knees and began to throw up over the grass. He heaved so violently it felt like his stomach was trying to come up out of his throat, his ribs aching and his throat burning as he retched loudly. There wasn’t much for Frank to throw up so soon he was just heaving dryly, nothing but some saliva and stomach acid finding its way out of his mouth before he simply collapsed down in an exhausted heap.

“Oh God... Oh God...” Frank moaned as tears streaked down his cheeks, sobs wracking his body as he curled into a ball and hid his face in his arms. He wished he could wipe the image of Ben’s body from his mind but it was as if it was burnt into the inside of his eyelids, and all he could hear was that dreadful knocking sound as the water made his skull knock against the rock again and again and again...

The soft knocking soon drove Frank to jump to his feet, unable to stand it anymore. He retched again as he glanced at the body in the river, his stomach clenching and roiling. He could hardly believe what he was seeing, but it was only too obvious what had happened. As fear made Frank’s skin crawl he began to run, blindly at first, but then with more determination as he came up with a plan.

First he moved upriver so that he could cross without disturbing the body. Even so, Ben was still so close that Frank almost fell over in horror as he thought of how close the corpse was. He made it out of the river without collapsing though and began to run as fast as his legs would carry him away from the river and the awful thing left in it.

Frank knew where Ben’s cabin was and as he rounded a corner he saw it only twenty feet infront of him, a horse and cart waiting outside the door, some wooden boxes already on it. Frank ran towards it, his lungs burning and his stomach still threatening to send him into another series of heaves. He forced himself to breathe though, forced himself to focus on escaping rather than his friend’s corpse.

“THERE HE IS!” A voice suddenly roared, making Frank skid to a halt in shock. He turned and saw men running towards him from up the dirt road, Sam leading them all with blood on his clothes shown by the lantern he was holding. For a second Frank was frozen to the spot, the blood seeming to scream out at him as he stared at it, soaked into the fabric it clung to. So much blood... Ben’s blood.

Ben was dead.

Frank wasn’t even aware of his tears as he jumped back into life and continued running towards the horse and cart, stumbling so many times in his panic it was a miracle he reached the beast without falling. All the men running towards him were shouting and cheering, baying for his blood.

“Fuck, fuck...” Frank chanted through his sobs as he grabbed the ropes securing the horse to the cart and began to pull. The cart would only slow him down, the horse would never run whilst attached to it, that much he knew. But the men were so close now, he had no time...

Then Frank noticed the rifle attached to the side of the horses saddle. He glanced at it once and then back to the men running towards, Sam couldn’t have been more than fifteen feet away. Frank hesitated for just a second more before he came to his decision and yanked himself up into the horse’s saddle. He grabbed the musket from the side and prayed that it was loaded. He hoped Ben had had the foresight of a possible quick getaway and he swung round in the saddle as he aimed the gun at the main rope attaching the horse to the cart.

Sam lunged forward to grab Frank off the horses back as the shot rang out loudly. Some of the men at the back of the group screamed and panicked, gun fire went off everywhere, Sam jumped in surprise and stumbled backwards, giving Frank just enough time to fire again at another rope and sever it.

Frank didn’t have time to feel relieved that the gun had worked, Sam was already reaching for him again and he felt nails scratch against his ankle as he dug his heels as hard as he could into the horses sides and made it rear up in shock. Frank gasped and fell forwards, flinging his arms around the animal’s neck so that he could cling on tight. Sam was thrown backwards at the beast’s sudden buck but then it was running, speeding forward faster than Frank could have hoped.

Frank gasped and sobbed as the horse ran rapidly down the dirt track, jumping over the main gate of the town and then up the mountain road which Frank had come down all those months ago when he had first arrived. Behind him he could hear screaming and shouting, gunshots as the men left behind began to fight one another, everyone blaming everyone else for letting Frank escape.

The noise began to fade as the horse ran, making it to the top of the mountain path and onto the straight, flat planes that showed the effect of a constant drought. Frank recognised it all from when he arrived but he felt no relief, no joy at having escaped. Instead he kept his arms around the horse’s neck as he buried his face into its soft brown fur and began to sob in earnest.

The horse paid no attention to the man crying into its fur, though it did slow down now no one was frightening it and it galloped at a steady pace away from Hangtown.

Frank was rising and falling steadily as the horse ran, a soft breeze lifting his overgrown hair and caressing his wet cheeks as he sobbed. It felt as though his heart would never heal, taken too much beating over the months he had spent in the town. He had been so eager to get home but after everything Ben had still been killed and Frank knew it was his fault. If he had never bitten Sam, if he had never allowed Ben to help him, then the man would still be alive.

The image of his friend’s corpse in the river haunted Frank as the first rays of sunlight began to lift over the horizon, the horse’s hooves thundering over the sun burnt ground and Frank soon had no more tears to cry. He stared blankly out across the wasteland surrounding him, his heart beating painfully as he tried to come to terms with the fact that he had managed to escape... that he had actually got this far. He had thought he’d be killed before he could ever leave that town and he felt dizzy from shock, his cheeks soaked from his tears but when he reached down to touch his satchel and feel all the bottles of gold inside he felt some comfort.

He was going home... He was going home and as soon as this trip was over he would be able to save his family and then...

Then he could look for Gerard.
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