Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dream For The Dead

Dream For The Dead

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 0 reviews

How do some people live with the innocent blood of others on their hands? Quite easily. A tale of revenge, murder and friendship(story you auditioned for)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Published: 2011-12-04 - Updated: 2011-12-05 - 907 words

Here is the new story that some of you amazingly cool people auditoned for. I had to take it down and post it again as I was haivng problems posting the secodn chapter. SO not to be a bitch but if you left a comment of the first chapter before, could you please post it again? Thanks, hope you like the story. Hopefully it will upload right
The world we lived in sure was twisted. And scary and creepy, and not to mention dark.
And when faced with living in a messed up world everyday of your life, it could do things to you, make you crazy and twisted too. It could rot away at your brain, tainting and poisoning you until you were just as dark and crazy as it was.
Not everyone was affected by this of course, only a few incredibly unlucky people were. They were known to the world as mental people, sometimes as evil and cruel as the world itself.
These once innocent people often were ridiculed by the world, and there were only two possible futures for them. One, they would go on to prove everyone wrong and become somebody and do great things. Or the more common, second option, was that they would to terrible things, evil things. Still great but completely evil.
The dark cruelness of the world we as humans were forced to live in had the power to destroy people, to ruin them. And it often did. Normally with disgusting, horrible and sometimes even bloody results.
It was something that very few people thought about, or even realised, but it was the God’s honest truth. Some even tried to pretend it wasn’t true, they believed that the world was perfect and beautiful in every single possible. And I suppose it could be beautiful sometimes, in a dark, haunting way. But the world was not perfect, not in the way many believed. It was a cold place, full of hate and bitterness.
The harsh reality of it was that the world, confusing and surprising as it was, was messed up, twisted even.
How could the terrible, life and soul destroying events such as murders take place without the world being twisted? In a perfect world everyone would get along and be happy, there would be no problems like hunger or insane psychopaths running round blowing people brains out. In an ideal world everything would be perfect.
But what many people were also unaware of was that perfection could be perfect hell.

The first one was a long brown haired girl named Emily. She was quite shy and quiet but had a very bright future ahead of her and was much loved by her small, very close group of friends. She was the first of many, and like all of the other victims, was blissfully unaware that she would not be returning home that night…

Date: 13th October 2003
The girl was slowly making her way down the empty, badly lit alleyway in silence. Litter covered the cracked and dirty pavement, along with muddy, rain soaked leaflets for Chinese and Indian take outs. The sky up above the brown haired girl was a light blue colour and perfectly clear of any clouds and the sun was smiling down in weak, autumn rays. It was early Sunday afternoon, and Emily had nowhere of any great importance to be, true she had that history assigned to hand in on Monday but she had no intention of hurrying home just for that. She was enjoying the walk, and weak sunshine. It had been raining all week and she was just glad to see the sun.
Her faithful old IPod was sat in her inside pocket of her favourite jacket-the one with the flaming skull on the back, the familiar, comforting music blasting into her ears as she strolled along, not really paying attention to where she was going, after all she knew these streets well. She was completely at ease and unaware of what was to come, her mind freely wandering, trying not to linger any longer than necessary on sobering thoughts, wanting to only think of happy ones today.

Crimson blood stained the walls, dripping down them and onto the equally red carpet. The small box room had no windows and no light in it. A metallic, coppery scent lingered in the room, as it always did, today stronger than it had been in a while. A dark, shadowy figure was stood in the small arched doorway. It was a girl short red and black hair, whose scruffy side fringe covered one green eye. A wide smile was worn on her pale face, an evil grin that made her eyes light up. It was very clear that this girl was happy, overjoyed by the evenings events.
Another girl was sat down in the centre of the room, leaning over an unconscious brown haired teenager. Blood matted the teen’s hair, a knife was placed in her neck, and crimson seeped out of the deep, deadly wound.
Evil laughter echoed through the tiny room, the girl in the doorway moved closer and entered the room, creeping slowly over to the other girl, taking her time.
“We did good, huh?” the second girl stands, wiping her bloody hands on her black, ripped jeans, a small smile playing with the corner of her lips.
“Correction Frankie, I think we did very good…”
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