Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Burn This City Down

Chapter Fifteen - The World Might've Ended, But The Drama Sure As Hell Hasn't

by McrmyBVBparawhore

"Poison, I want to." She looked into his hazel eyes. "I don't want to hurt you." "You won't."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Erotica - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2011-12-06 - Updated: 2011-12-06 - 2281 words - Complete

A/N Last update for today. I might/might not be posting one tomorrow for reasons I've already explained. This is a pretty important chapter to the story and it's got some crazy shit in this one! Please review if you can and I'll post a chapter as soon as possible! Sorry if there's ony typos or mistakes. Enjoy ;)

Chapter Fifteen - The World Might've Ended, But The Drama Sure As Hell Hasn't

A week later, Acid ran into Death's room so she could get some pills, but they'd just reached the end of their last box.
Acid sighed. She knew that she'd have to sneak into Battery City to get more pills. She hated going into Battery City, it was the last place on the planet that she wanted to go to since the chance that she'd get caught was higher than the chance of her escaping. She decided that she'd leave early in the morning, she would be able to leave Death with the rest of the Killjoys so they could look after her for a few hours. The only reason she used to bring Death with her when they left to get pills was because Death had no where safe to stay while she was in Battery City. She knew that Death was in the safest place possible, even if some Draculoids did find them, then they could easily fight them off.
She was coming up with a plan in her head. She knew that the chance of her coming out of Battery City was low and she wanted to be with Poison more than anything, so she'd make love with him the same night and leave early in the morning. It sounded like a good plan to her
It was getting late, so she walked over to Poison in the hope that she would've slept with him in a couple of hours.
She held his hand and pressed her lips to his cheek.
"Hey." He said.
"Hey, can I talk to you privately for a second?"
"Sure." They walked to their bedroom and he sat on the bed with her.
"Look, I know that what happened last night was just me being a typical teenager, but I was thinking maybe we could do it tonight? I promise you that I'm ready, I just want to be with you." It was the truth, she did want to be with him more than anything.
"You're one hundred percent sure?" He asked her.
"I'm positive."
"Then okay. If it's what you really want, we'll do it tonight."
"That's not good enough, you have to want to do it, too."
"How can you say that? Of course I want to do it with you, I've wanted to for what feels like an incredibley long time."
"So tonight?"
"Yeah, tonight's perfect."
He kissed her cheek and they walked out hand in hand.

Static walked out of the convinience store with what she went in for. She ran back into the car, trying not to get any acid rain on her skin, it wasn't that bad, the acid ran only stung slightly and it wasn't bad enough to damage the car she was in.
Static read the instructions on the back of the box and took it out. Static rolled up her shirt and she placed the small white stick onto her stomach, the only one they had left was a BL/ind one. She had to wait for a couple of minutes before the result came up.
All the possiblities ran through her head. What would she do if she was right? What would her and Kobra do if she was right? A couple tears ran down her face.
It started beeping when it was time to look at the result.
She looked at it and started crying heavily.
The result read four weeks pregnant.
She was pregnant with a baby who's father wasn't in love with her, he really did love her, but she had no idea how he felt about her. She'd always thought that getting married and having children had been taken away from her when the bombs hit, yet there she was looking at a positive pregnancy test. Because it was a BL/ind pregnancy test, it was one-hunred percent accurate so there was no chance of it being a false alarm.
"Why? Why do you chose to be made now of all times, huh?" She asked her stomach. "You know, I always thought that when I had a baby that I'd be in love and married, I'm in love, but I know that your father doesn't love me back. He doesn't even know that I love him. I'm gonna be some mom, I'll bet that you can't wait to come out of there." The last part was sarcasm.
Static pulled her shirt down again and she started driving back to the diner. She'd already made up her mind on what she wanted to do, it wasn't a hard desion for her.

Cherri waited for her siser to come back from the convinience store, she had no idea what she wanted to get from there or why she was in a hurry to go. She just hoped that her sister was okay since she'd been acting out of character lately.
When Static walked through the door, Cherri walked over to her sister
"Hey, you get what you wanted?" Cherri asked her sister.
Static nodded. "Cherri, I think it's time for us to go."
"You mean go as in leave?"
Static nodded slowly.
"I just think that everything should just go back to normal, I've loved staying here with dad and Grace, but we've stayed here for too long now. What if BL/ind think that we're staying here with Rose and they come after us?"
Everything Static was saying made sense to Cherri. "You're right. When should we leave?"
"Tomorrow morning."
"Tomorrow morning? Why the rush?"
"I just thought that if we left in the morning the more day light we'd have to look for a different place to stay."
"Fine, tomorrow morning it is. I'll tell Rose and we'll start packing tonight."
Static nodded and walked into her bedroom. She silently cried because of the mess she'd managed to make. If she hadn't gotten drunk, she never would've slept with Kobra, they never would've been friends with benefits and she'd never would've gotten pregnant. It was all her fault.
I've already messed up my life by getting pregnant, you're doing the right thing by leaving. Kobra'll never know about the baby and he'll never have to deal with being a perant and with being a Killjoy at the same time. She told her self.
Once she was done crying, she started packing her things and she wrote a letter to Kobra for when she left.

"Poison, I want to." She looked into his hazel eyes.
"I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't."
"Just promise me something?"
"If I hurt you, if you think of what that heartless bastard did to you or if you just want me to stop, tell me."
"I promise."
"I love you, Ace."
"I love you, too, Poison."
Acid pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor. She ran her hands up and down his bare chest and she burried her face in the crook of his neck.
"I love you, I love you." She repeated.
Poison slid his hands under her shirt and gentley pulled it over her head, displaying her red lacey bra. Poison stared at her chest for a second, then she undid the buckle on his belt. She pulled the zipper down on his skinny jeans and she slid them down his legs. He stepped out of his jeans and he was only wearing boxers. Poison's hands found the clasp on her bra, he tried to turn her around but she didn't let him.
"I don't want you to see it." He knew that she ment that Acid didn't want him to see the scar on her back. Acid looked down so she didn't have to look him directly in the eyes.
"Don't hide from me."
She looked up again. "I could never hide from you."
She turned around so he could see the scar. The scar was a couple of shades lighter than her skin color. He undid the clasp and he lowered his lips to her scar, he started kissing it softly.
"Every inch of you is beautiful, don't for a second think it's not."
She didn't reply. She dragged the bra away from her body and she let it fall to the ground.
Poison turned her around again, both of their chests bare. Poison lay her down on his bed and he undid her skinny jeans and pulled them off of her legs. Her panties matched her blood red bra. Poison left a trail of kisses that started at the top of her knee up to the top of her thigh, where he reached her panties. He took them off and the only thing separating them were his boxers. He decided to give her one last chance to back down.
"You're sure you want to do this?"
"If I wasn't sure then I wouldn't be doing this right now. I want this."
He pressed his lips to her right nipple and ran his tounge over it until it hardened in his mouth.
"Fuck." She moaned.
He moved his mouth to her left nipple and did the same thing until it hardened in his mouth. He slid a finger inside her, teasing her. She moaned and he loved the sounds she made because of his fingers fucking her. He kept on doing it until she was extremely wet.
He took of his boxers and he slowly slid into her, trying to make it as painless as possible.
She gasped when he entered her, but it wasn't in pain. He started out slow so he didn't hurt her, but her moans in pleasure encouraged him to go faster. One of his hands was resting at the back of her waist while the other hand was on the back of her pale neck.
Poison moaned in pleasure going in and out slightly quicker than before. Acid knew that Poison was trying to be careful with her since the last time she'd been with someone was when she was raped.
"Faster." She said. He obeyed her wishes and started going in and out faster.
"I love you." He wispered in her ear.
"I love you." She said back to him.
He started thrusting in harder, which left both of them gasping for air. He kissed her neck, creating love bites on her neck.
"Poison." When she moaned his name, it drove him close to insanity. Never before had his name sounded so amazing on someone's lips. He started going in faster and harder. Acid had never felt something more incredible in her life. The love she felt for Poison was undescribable, she loved him more than she ever could've dreamed of loving someone in her entire life.
She dug her nails into his back, not realising that she drew blood. Poison didn't acknowledge the fact that she drew blood, he thought it felt . . . good. He liked the pain.
"Fuck, faster." She begged. She could feel herself reaching the best part. He could feel her walls tighten around him and he decided to go slower, he wanted her first orgasm to come slowly so she could appriecate it more.
"Poison, please. Go faster."
He could feel himself building up to the best part, too.
"Fuck!" She almost shouted when she came. When he came seconds later, she felt his release shoot inside her.
He collapsed next to her, both of them breathess and gasping for air.
"That was . . ." She couldn't find words to discribe it.
"I know. I love you. So much, Lexia."
She smiled at him and for the first time in years,she loved being called Lexia. She knew it was because it came from his lips and that was why she loved it so much.
"I love you more, Gerard."
She wrapped her arms around his waist and she rested her head on his chest.
"That's not possible." He kissed her passionately and she waited for him to fall asleep.

When Static was sure that Kobra was alseep after they'd made love, she crept out of bed and left the note on the pillow next to him. It was five in the morning and Acid had already left.
Static's eyes were filled with tears as she had to leave Kobra. She truely loved him, but she refused to ruin his life by telling him what she thought would ruin his life.
She pressed her lips to his forehead.
"I love you, Mikey Way." She wispered to his sleeping body.
She left seconds later with her already packed bags. Static and Cherri had told Dr. Death about them leaving, but they asked him not to tell anyone else because they thought that the Fabulous Killjoys would try and convince them to stay, so he agreed not to say anything. Dr. Death just dreaded telling his grandaughter about Rose and his grandaughter's aunts leaving.
Before Static looked at her sister, she wipped her eyes wither her free hand and put her bags in their car. The three girls left the diner in silence. Static was temped to look in the rear view mirror, but she knew she'd break down crying if she did, so just stared blankly at the hundreds upon hundreds of miles of desert that was lying a head of them.
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