Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drama King

Drama King

by MidnightSNoise 2 reviews

Between jokes and fake flirting, the love can be born.... or maybe, the love already existed. Frerard.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-12-02 - Updated: 2011-12-02 - 445 words

Hi guys! :D!
I'm just here to tell you that I had an idea since long time ago and I really want to do this.
In this Frerard, I will tell you a real history that already happend about me and my friends and I want you to know that the real persons will be changed by the guys of My Chemical Romance, but, before, I want tell you an example of my idea...
Gerard and Frank started flirting when they had 16 (the real persons had 14 but I want it to do this a little more Frerard) just because they had an homophobic friend and they like watch him really pissed and confused. But one day, Gerard called Frank crying and confused and he decide tell to the other "I'm bisexual" and Frank said the same, Gee really want to kiss Frank but Frank doesn't know why, and then they decide to tell to each other "I like you", with some obstacles and fights the relationship starts, but everytime they keep joking in front of their friends to laugh for a while... just with real feelings.
And what do you think? I wanted for a long time do this, but I don't have much time to write it...
I had a little colaboration with two of my friends (In the history will apear 6 or 5 of the guys, I'm not sure beacuse if there are 6, I don't know who put) because the others doesn't know that I write some fanfics.
Well, now, the characters....
This is how (I dissapear. Okay no :3) the distribution of the characters that I will put in this fic.
- I (Shary) will be Frank Iero.
- Sandra will be Gerard Way
- Genesis will be Mikey Way (I'm not sure yet...)
- Andrea will be Matt Pelissier
- Thania will be Ray Toro
- Mayra (The homophobic) will be... ummmm I don't know, she maybe can be Bob or Mikey. I really don't want to put more characters in this, but I'm not sure yet...
The thing that I will write are memories and thoughts that Sandra, Genesis and I still have and we'll try to do this the better we can, we don't have a lot of time but we'll do almost the imposible to make this.
Well, you have a picture of this and I want to know if is a good idea, please please please please please! comment (:
Oh! The first chapter is now up and I hope you enjoy this.
The characters are still the same and I don't think that I will make any change but, If is it, I will advise you (:

-xoxoMidnight's Noise
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