Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Where We Go From Here

The Kill

by killjoy_lockandload 0 reviews

Hazel and Frank head over to Gerard's for the sleepover. The element of surprise. The title is 30 Seconds To Mars

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-12-08 - Updated: 2011-12-08 - 489 words - Complete

Hey everyone! I had a little bit of time to write. I am shit tired. But here you go! Enjoy! :)

Gerard’s POV
I got the water guns, the powdered jello shit, the marshmallows, the pillows, the soda, the coffee, the feathers and the bucket of glue. Tonight will be fun.
Frank’s POV
I got changed into a David Bowie shirt and my Batman pajama bottoms. I grabbed a bag of other shit for later. You never know what Gerard might pull.
I hopped in my mom’s car, thank god she’s getting a new car soon. I’ll fix this one up and give it a new paint job and whatever it takes to make it like new.
I went on my way to pick up Hazel when I got another text from Gerard, “You have been warned.”
He’s armed and ready.
I got to Hazel’s house a bit later, right on time.
"Yes I am!"
"No you aren’t."
"What do you mean?"
"Take this. Now you’re ready!"
I handed her the long water gun. Inside there’s about 4 colors of powdered jello shit inside.
"Let’s go!"
We got in the car and drove over to Gerard’s place. I parked down the street so he couldn’t see us.
"Frank? Isn’t Gee’s place up more?"
"Element of surprise Hazel, element of surprise."
"Leave your bag in don’t want to get it ruined. We’ll come back in a little while for our stuff kay?"
We walked up the street silent, holding our water guns in one hand and each others in the other.
When we got there I busted through the door, hitting Torfro with the first blast.
“You motherfucker! GERARD! THEY’RE HERE!
Gerard came through the door.
"Well Frankie, I see you got Ray, right off the bat. Ray, don’t worry we’ll get him back. Now let’s all go talk to Hazel on the rules of the game.."
We all walked in the living room while Gerard explained to Hazel what the rules were.
"Just shoot at everyone but yourself, watch out for traps, no going outside until the war is over, no cheating and refueling your gun with extremely hot water, or freezing cold water, more is on the table. About 5 gallons more, one for each of us. Every man or wo-man for themselves. Got it?"
"Got it!"
"Good. Everyone find a base and put your gallon near it."
I chose behind the kitchen counter, Hazel has the stairs leading to Gerard’s room, Ray has the upstairs bathroom, Mikey has the front hall and Gerard took the center of it all, the living room.
"Well Hazel, I’ll see you on the other side."
"Farewell Frankie, I’ll miss you."
We laughed, kissed each other and went back to our base.
Let the war begin.
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