Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Orphan

Lyn-z stood on the glass roof of the greenhouse, frantically wondering what to do. If she climbed down to run into the house, she might slip and really hurt herself. And besides, what if Emily crept in and killed Gabriella while Lyn-z wasn’t looking? Lyn-z wiped more snow out of the way to get a better view of the surroundings below her.
Through the snow, she could see Emily walking into the greenhouse with the gun in her hand. Lyn-z prayed in her head that Gabriella would remain silent and not make a sound. But as Emily got closer and closer to Gabriella’s hiding place, Gabriella squeaked with fright. Emily pulled back some leaves and saw Gabriella huddled up by herself.
Lyn-z knew she had to do something “Emily, don’t touch her!” Lyn-z screamed.
Emily heard her and looked up. Just in time, Lyn-z remembered that Emily had a gone and dodged out of the way as Emily shot up at the glass roof. Gabriella turned around and started running off. Emily didn’t like this and started shooting in Gabriella’s direction but luckily Gabriella ran fast and didn’t dare to pause.
But Emily started running after her, and Emily had longer legs than Gabriella. Emily had Gabriella cornered and pointed the gun at her, a grin on her face as she realised Lyn-z would be there to witness the death of her own daughter.
Lyn-z ran across the roof, not caring if she slid in fell. When she was right above Emily, she jumped up and down as hard as she could on the glass. The heels of her shoes cracked the glass a little before the whole thing crumbled down. Lyn-z went crashing into the green house. Emily looked up and screamed. Everything went silent after Lyn-z fell onto Emily. Neither one of them moved.
Gabriella blinked, starting to cry. She took a cautious step forwards. Was her Mother dead? What was she supposed to do now?
Luckily, Lyn-z sat up and rubbed her head. She stood up shakily, checking to see that was definitely okay. She was. Lyn-z grabbed Gabriella and held her close “I phoned the police, in the car on the way over.” She re-assured her before noticing that Gabriella wasn’t wearing her hearing aids and couldn’t hear her at all.
Lyn-z couldn’t bear to stand in that room any longer. From where she was standing she could see Gerard and Emily’s dead bodies. She could also see the remains of her dead daughter Jessica’s plant. So after reaching down and stealing Emily’s gun, she carried Gabriella outside. Together they watched as the police cars finally drove up to the house.
One police officer got out the car “What happened in here?” He asked the other police officer as he climbed out “Oh my god is that guy okay?”
The two of them ran inside to inspect Gerard. Four other police officers approached the building. Two of them crept up the stairs and two others went to the greenhouse, noticing the huge whole in the ceiling. Underneath the cracked window, the police found nothing but a small blood stain.
Down by the lake, Lyn-z was rocking Gabriella back and forth constantly telling her that everything was going to be okay now even though Gabriella couldn’t hear her. Suddenly Lyn-z was shut up by someone shoving her from behind.
She dropped Gabriella and rolled over to see what was going on. It was Emily who was holding the knife she’d used to kill Gerard. Lyn-z leaped to her feet and punched Emily in the face. For a moment she felt strangely satisfied. After all Emily had done to her, it felt good to finally cause her at least a little pain.
But Lyn-z soon realised that Emily could cause much more pain to her with a knife. She reached into her pocket to pull out the gun but it was gone. Lyn-z didn’t have time to search for it so when Emily thrust herself at her, Lyn-z grabbed her shoulders and shoved her over. Emily and Lyn-z wrestled with each other for a while, before the two of them began to roll down the snow bank. They fell onto the frozen over lake, skidding across a little. Lyn-z was underneath Emily though she was trying hard to fight her off.
Gabriella sat up, a little dazed. She looked down at the lake that she’d nearly drowned in and saw her Mother fighting with Emily. Of course Gabriella was scared of Emily but she was also angry. Emily had already taken her Dad from her and she’d nearly taken Ryan too. Gabriella wasn’t going to let her take her Mother.
So Gabriella sat there for a minute wondering what she could do. That was when she noticed the gun sitting right next to her. Gabriella knew it was wrong to kill but she didn’t care. She grabbed the gun, got to her feet and aimed it at Emily.
Gabriella’s aim wasn’t the best and she shot the space between Emily and Lyn-z’s legs. But her shot did have some effect. The ice began to crack and before they knew what was going, Emily and Lyn-z fell into the lake.
Lyn-z tried to re-surface but once she was under the ice, it was hard to find the hole she’d just fallen through. She could find nothing but ice. Finally after lots of searching, she found the hole. She pulled herself through and took a deep breath before something grabbed her leg and pulled her back down. It was Emily of course. Emily stabbed her leg with the knife. It hurt but Lyn-z didn’t have time to waste. She kicked Emily as hard as she could before swimming back up to the top.
Once Lyn-z was up, she gasped for breath before noticing Gabriella had taken a couple of terrified steps onto the ice. “Go back!” Lyn-z gasped, pulling herself out “Go back, it’s not safe!”
Obediently, Gabriella crept back to the safe snow. She watched her Mother try to scramble out of the freezing water.
When Lyn-z was nearly completely out of the water, Emily reached the surface behind her. Emily gasped for breath before grabbing Lyn-z’s leg. Lyn-z turned to face her, so scared about what she’d do “Please don’t let me drown Mommy.” Emily said sweetly.
But Lyn-z could see Emily hiding the knife behind her back. Lyn-z could only see Gerard’s dead body, Ryan lying in hospital and Gabriella running for her life. She could only see Emily trying to stab her with a knife, cutting Jessica’s plant up, pushing Arianne down the slide and murdering Sister Megan. She was not going to let Emily win.
So Lyn-z glared at her before shouting at the top of her lungs “I’m not your fucking Mommy!” Lyn-z pulled her leg forward and kicked Emily as hard as she could in the face.
Emily’s neck snapped and her head went right back. She fell back into the lake, sinking down to the bottom, unable to do anything about it.
But Lyn-z didn’t feel guilty. She wasted no time scrabbling completely out of the lake and up to the snowy bank. Gabriella was crying when she finally reached her. Lyn-z wrapped her arms round her and lifted her up. She kissed the top of her head “It’s going to be okay now.” Lyn-z told her, carrying her towards the house for them to phone the police.

[A/N] – There’ll be one more chapter.
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