Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Just Another Frerard Story :)

I love Coffee...

by LatherTheBlood 1 review

Gerard loves coffee..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-12-10 - Updated: 2011-12-10 - 609 words - Complete

A/N: Right well this is ChemKill's one, probably much better than the one you just read, but its a collab so i get credit too mwa ha ha ha :D anyhoo, enjoy, R&R please, tell us what you think and what was you favourite part also :) xo p.s. i love myself :3


Mikey sat slumped over the arm of the sofa in the tour bus, sipping on a mug of coffee that he’d freshly made. He was studying a picture Gerard was drawing; he didn’t know what it was – Gee never told anyone what he was drawing before he was finished, typical artist – but it appeared to be a figure with longish dark hair-

Gerard began to sing, quietly at first, but getting gradually louder, his voice rising in a coffee-fuelled crescendo.

‘I love coffee! It’s coffee I love! When you say the word coffee, it makes me happy!’

Frank woke, lifting his head slightly, struggling to open his eyes. Urg! What is that noise?! He thought angrily. ‘Gerard,’ he mumbled.

‘I want to drink coffee, until the coffee is all gone!’

‘Gerard!’ called Frank, a bit louder.

‘But when the coffee is all gone, I’ll get more coffee, because it’s coffee that I lov-’

‘GERARD WAY!’ yelled Frank, now majorly pissed off. ‘Shut the fuck up!’

Gerard stopped singing and turned towards the bunk beds, seeing his and Mikey’s unmade beds opposite to Frank’s and Ray’s being-slept-in beds. Ray’s curtain was closed, but Frank’s was open slightly, his head sticking out into the dim daylight, a furious scowl on his gorgeous face.

‘Sorry, Frankie baby,’ said Gerard jokingly, blowing him a friendly kiss.

Frank’s heart jumped – Gerard and he were always kissing and flirting onstage for entertainment and wow-factors, but recently, the two had begun to see the gestures as something they both enjoyed more than they should, and had begun to do it offstage too. Gerard smiled stupidly and closed his notebook, getting up and skipping merrily towards Frank.

He bent down to whisper in Frank’s ear flirtily, ‘You really should go to bed before five in the morning.’

Frank rolled his eyes. ‘Well, you shouldn’t be up singing god-awful songs before three in the afternoon.’

‘S’cuse me, Frankie?’ Gerard raised an eyebrow.

‘You heard,’ said Frank, grabbing Gerard’s hair, grinning madly.

Losing his balance, Gerard toppled into Frank’s bunk on top of the pint sized guitarist to his immense embarrassment. They both gave a strangled yelp and Ray, who was sick of the noise, threw back his curtain, looking down into Frank’s bunk, his ‘fro nearly touching the floor.

‘Will you lovebirds shut up? Bloody fuck each other quietly…’ He trailed off, burying his head in his pillow again.

Gerard and Frank fell out of the bunk and shuffled away from each other, blushing furiously. ‘Fuck off, Ray,’ grumbled Frank. They made their way back to the coffee machine.

‘Shut it, Mikey,’ moaned Frank, scowling at the younger Way, who was in fits of laughter.

Gerard gave his brother a punch on the shoulder, and Frank sat down opposite the lanky man.

‘I love coffee…’


A/N: So...? Did you like? LatherTheBlood thought I took waaaaay too long to write, but it didn't really. Please R&R.. and also (wee rant here) Piers Morgan is unbeliveable! He's askin Peter Andre loads of awkward questions about stuff he clearly doesn't want to talk about and makin him cry, and just goin way too far. Urrg he makes meh angry. Rant over. Love yous :D
ChemicalKilljoy xo
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