Categories > Original > Drama > I Need You.

Bad Dreams

by CarsynTMB 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] [R] - Published: 2011-12-10 - Updated: 2011-12-11 - 359 words - Complete

Mum passed out after God knows what she and the man she had come home with had done, so I had fallen asleep on the old, stained couch. I heard the floor boards creaking underneath someone's feet, and I flickered my eyes open, half expecting a slap or an insult by my mother. I flinched, but opened my eyes slowly. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw a figure in the dark. I whimpered in fear, and I saw him raise up some rope from the ground. I was too tired to process what was happening. Too young and too tired. He tied my hands above my head and took off my clothes... I woke up shaking, screaming, and clawing at my wrists. Stefan was still holding me, so he grabbed my wrists, that were now dripping beads of blood. "CHRIST BLESSING!!!" I started to cry again as he looked at me. "I'm sorry. Lemme go get a towel for your arms." I nodded and sniffed. A few minutes later, a very tired ash and Stefan walked into the room. Ashleys eyes widened when he saw me, so he sat down by me and rubbed my shoulders. "Are you alright?" I nodded. Stefan sat by me with a bowl of warm water, and a washcloth. He started to wipe away the drying blood. I winced in pain, but I let him wash off the blood anyway. "You sure you're ok?" I nodded again and looked at my toes. Stefan finished cleaning my arms, and wrapped white bandages around them. I sniffed and thought of my little sister. With no one to protect her from mum. I looked at Ash, then Stefan. "I... I need to get my sister. God knows if she's ok." Ash nodded in agreement and so did Stefan. I was filled with relief when Stefan said this. "What we waiting around for? Let's go get your little sister. What's her name again?" I smiled. "Journey. Her name's Journey." Ashley smiled too. "Well... let's go get Journey then, shall we?" I laughed and cried at the same time and stood up. Journey, here we come.
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