Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans > Silence


by Ncisfan1212 0 reviews

Bruce finds out...

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-12-11 - Updated: 2011-12-11 - 138 words - Complete

Bruce Wayne awoke the next morning and immediately sensed that something wasn't right. He went to Dick's room to find an empty, unmade bed. Instead of panicking, Bruce calmly made his way to the batcave. He looked at the security cameras in Dick's room and watched as he was sedated and dragged off by the Joker. Cursing to himself, he slammed his fist onto the desk. Suddenly, a video appeared on the screen. Bruce watched in horror as his son was beaten unconscious. He inspected his son closely when he woke. His face was bloody and needed cleaning. He seemed groggy and unaware until he saw the camera. Then, there was only snow. This was obviously made for Bruce Wayne's eyes. Well, Batman conceded, if it was Bruce Wayne the joker Wanted, It was Bruce Wayne he'd get.
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