Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans > Silence


by Ncisfan1212 0 reviews

All together...

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-12-11 - Updated: 2011-12-11 - 756 words - Complete

The Titans scoured the city in search of their leader, but it was to no avail. Now, they were separated in Gotham's warehouse district, each Titan searching a different side. It was Cyborg who heard the unmistakable sounds of a fight through the door. The others met him at his coordinates and went in, prepared to battle. Cyborg had his sonic cannon at the ready, Starfire and Raven floated above, hands glowing, and Beast Boy had one hand to the ground, ready to transform. Cyborg broke the door down to see the Batman and the Joker in the midst of a heated battle. Just behind them was a boy of about their age who seemed eerily familiar chained to the wall. His head hung limp as his chains rattled against the concrete wall. The Titans immediately set off to free the boy, knowing, as Robin had told them, that Batman liked to work alone. When freed, the boy collapsed to the ground, unconscious. The Titans turned to see that the Batman's battle was near won. With one swift roundhouse kick to the jaw the Joker was out cold. Batman then turned his attention to his young ward who lay limp on the filthy ground. He went over and gently shook him by the shoulder. The Titans backed off. The boy began to stir. Inwardly, Batman breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the sound of shattering glass echoed through the room. Batman looked up just in time to see the Joker crashing through the skylight. He fell straight on top of him. 


Dick awoke startled, as if out of a nightmare. He looked around a moment before remembering where he was. When he looked up, he saw the titans looming over him. He was confused as to what they were doing here, but held his tongue. If he spoke a word, they'd know it was him. Then, he saw Batman lying next to him, obviously knocked out... Or worse. There was a large gash on one side of his head, and it was bleeding badly. Suddenly, every single fear Dick had ever felt over Bruce came rushing back- the fear of being an orphan again, the fear of losing two fathers, and the ever-present fear of watching both of his father's die. To his utter surprise, Dick began to cry as he shook his adoptive father, silently begging him to wake up. The Titans could only watch, paralyzed, as the boy tried to wake the Dark Knight. It was Beast Boy who recognized the familiar boy first. The boy was Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne's adopted son. He didn't know much about him- but Beast Boy had seen him in the paper enough to recognize the face. To everyone's surprise, the Bat began to stir. He immediately looked to Dick, and gave the boy a small smile. Dick sniffed as the Batman sat up.

"Are you alright?" the Bat signed.

"I need my Daddy right now." Dick signed with a solemn expression on his face. Bruce knew what was being asked of him. He looked at the Titans, then at Dick. After a long pause, he decided that if his son trusted them, so did he. He pulled off his mask to reveal the face of Billonaire playboy Bruce Wayne. The Titans gave a shocked gasp. For a long time it was assumed by the Titans that Robin was related to his mentor. And if Batman was Bruce Wayne, then that meant... The Titans were dumbfounded. Beast Boy was the first to voice his opinion.

"Wait a second, if your Bruce Wayne, then that makes Robin you!" He said, pointing to Dick. He received no response, as Dick's back was turned to him. Bruce Waited for Dick to respond before realizing that he didn't have his hearing aids in. Bruce grabbed a spare pair that he kept in his utility belt. Dick smiled and signed back "thank you" before putting them in and turning them on. The titans watched, awed. Beast Boy was once again the first to react.

"Dude, your deaf?!" Beast Boy screeched. Dick turned and nodded. He then turned to Bruce. 

"Can we go home, now?" he signed. Bruce smiled.

"Sure Dick." the titans marveled at the exchange of sign language. Bruce once again became Batman, pulling on the famous cowl, motioned for the titans to follow, and Picked up his son, who seemed to be unable to walk. Dick lay his head limply on his Daddy's shoulder. Finally, safe and content, he fell asleep.
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