Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Burn This City Down

Chapter Twenty Six - Innocence Is Gone

by McrmyBVBparawhore

"What the hell happened to you last night?" Static asked

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2011-12-11 - Updated: 2011-12-11 - 2528 words - Complete

A/N Hey, I might not be able to update again today, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Thanks to mychemicalbitchbot for reviewing the last chapter and please review! Sorry if there's any mistakes or typos. Enjoy ;)

Chapter Twenty Six - Innocence Is Gone

Static was woken up at four in the morning because she could feel her baby kicking her. She moved so that she was on her back instead of on her side. Static rolled up her Back To The Future shirt she slept in and put her hands on her belly. She wanted to sleep in another bed when she got there because it used to be Kobra's bed, but there weren't anyother beds free. Static was offered to sleep in Poison's and Acid's room, but she said that it didn't feel right sleeping in their room.
"You know, your dad used to be a fighter. I think that you've already inheritated that off of him since you keep kicking me, kid. I know you might not want to know this, but you were made in this room, that was another reason why I didn't wonna sleep in here."
The baby carried on kicking, making her smile. Ever since the first time they'd kicked, she felt like she had already become a mother, it felt like she really was having a baby instead of just hearing that she was having a baby.
"I wish that your dad knew about you before he died, Bug. I've got a feeling that he really would've loved you, just like I love you. I mean, yeah, you make me wanna scream sometimes, but I still love you." She ran her hands over her stomach again. "I'll always love you as long as you're not a pain in the ass when I'm in labour." She added, she smiled at her baby. She was still terrified of becoming a mother, but she warmed to it, she was kind of looking forward to it, she just wanted to give them a better life.
When the baby made it impossible to go back to sleep, she got up and started cooking some food. Ever since she'd gotten pregnant, she'd been craving eggs along with other things she usually hated like lemons and apples. One craving that was pissing her off was ice cream, she desperately wanted ice cream, but they couldn't get it from the black market because it melted the second it got into the desert.
The sun was only just beggining to rise, there was a dim light coming from outside, but it was enough to be able to see what she was doing in the kitchen.
When the eggs were ready, she put them on the plate and let the rubbery egg touch her tongue. Normally the taste would've replused her, but since the baby wanted it, she loved it.
People started coming in one by one wanting breakfast because she'd woken them up due to the smell.
She unwillingly made breakfast for everyone else.

"What are you talking about, Gerard?" Frank asked his friend, confused.
"Alexandria invited us to the wedding."
"Shouldn't we ask Korse if it is okay first?" His brother asked.
"I don't see why we should, Alexandria was okay with us coming to their wedding."
Gerard didn't tell them about the dreams he'd had the night before, he didn't feel comterble telling them.
He could tell that Frank was talking, but his mind had wandered off to Alexandria again. He'd not been able to get her out of his head, she was all he'd been able to think about.
"Gerard?" Frank asked when he saw that his friend was day dreaming. "Gerard?" He said it louder this time and snapped out of his trans.
"What?" Gerard asked.
"Are you feeling okay? You seem to be out of charater."
"No, I'm fine, Frankie, don't worry about it, man."
"Frankie?" Frank didn't remember ever being called Frankie since his memories had been earased. "Since when have people called me Frankie?"
"I am sorry, I do not know where that came from." Gerard was confused, where did Frankie come from?
"It is okay, Gerard."

Death walked into the kitchen, hung over from the night before. She'd spent most of her time drinking after her sister died, she was only fourteen, but things like age didn't matter in the Zones anymore, if you wanted booze, you got booze, it didn't matter how old you were.
Death's left arm was sore from getting tattoos, you could barely see her normal skin color anymore. A week after her sister and the Fabulous Killjoys died, she started getting tattoos, but after a couple of months, they'd slowly started to spread down her arm until you could barely see her normal skin color anymore. One was particularly painful because it'd gotten infected, it was her first tattoo that was done with cheap ink and dirty needles, it was a black heart with a banner going across it saying We'll Carry On, it was something her father said to her before he died and it ment a lot to her. Her most recent tattoo was around her wrist, it looked like fake stitches as if her hand hand been sown back on, she knew that Fun Ghoul had it done before he died, for her it was a tribute to him. She had a tribute to her sister, too, it was a Bullet saying Acid Bullets on it, it was simple, but it was one of her favourite tattoos. The rest of her tats were mainly patterns or lyrics. Dr. Death went crazy when she came back her tattoos, he didn't know about the first one she got since it was on her shoulder and covered by long sleeves, but when she got more, he went crazy on her. Death had also dyed her hair, it was dark green now, like she'd always wanted.
Death had fallen into a depression when her only sister died, most of the time she was either in her room, out drinking or getting more tattoos, the last two were more likely than the first. She didn't realize how bitter she'd become because of her hate for Better Living, she was too caught up in her depression to even think about how she treated other people.
"'M surprised we can even see your face now, kid." Dr. Death said, they had another fight last night so they were still angry with them. That was all she seemed to do whenever she was in the diner, fight with people.
"It's my body, Dr. Death, I'll do what I want with it."
"You're fourteen, Death."
"And your point is?" Death had a black eye since she'd gotten into a drunken fight the night before.
"What the hell happened to you last night?" Static asked, brushing Death's green hair out of her face.
"It's nothing, okay? Just chill out."
"What happened, Death?"
"Some drunk bitch got into a fight with me last night, don't worry about it."
"You shouldn't even be drinking." She said.
"You drink." She threw back at Static.
"Yeah and look what I got out of it, a dead boyfriend and an unplanned pregnancy." Static wasn't in the mood for a fight, but her voice was filled with venom.
"Well I'm not gonna sleep with the first guy I see, so no dead boyfriend or unplanned pregnancy for me." Death's voice was filled with just as much venom as Static's was.
Death and Static were glaring at eachother.
"Come on now, girls." Dr. Death said.
"I'm going out." Death said, putting a red jacket.
"I don't know yet, just out."
"Don't you dare get more tattoos." Dr. Death warned her.
She didn't reply, she just walked out the door. She got into a car and started driving to a bar. Cherri had taught her how to drive incase of an emergency. That was her way of curing a hang over, getting drunk again. She knew that it wasn't even noon, but she didn't care, she wanted booze so that was what she was going to get.
She put the radio on and 30 Seconds To Mars started playing. 30 Seconds To Mars were a band that played in the Zones, they were having a concert later that day and she fully intended on going to it.
When she got there, Papa Roach, a friend of hers, was sitting there with a bottle of wisky in his hands.
"Hey, kid, how you doin'?" He asked.
"Fine. I need a drink, a strong one, too." Roach was in his thirties, but he was probably the closest thing that she could call a friend nowadays.
Roach didn't work at the bar, but he went behind the counter and got her some brandy.
"'S the strongest thing I can find, kid."
"That'll do." She took a gulp from the bottle.
"So, anymore tats you want doin'?" Roach was the guy who gave her all the tattoos she had.
"Yeah, I was thinking maybe getting 'Break me down,' on my ankle."
"30 Seconds To Mars?" He asked with a drunken grin on his face.
She nodded. "Yeah, it is."
"You know, there's someone I want to introduce you to a friend of mine. Death, this is Avenger. Venger, this is Death Day." Avenger was a tall boy, around fifteen, with dark blue hair that fell to his shoulders, he had chocolate brown eyes with tanned skin and a lip peircing.
"Hi." She shook his hand with a smile on her lips.
"Death's goin' to the 30 Seconds To Mars concert to night, just like you, Venger."
"Oh, really? Awesome, me and my sister are going tonight."
"Cool, I know that it sounds kinda bad, going to a concert on your own, but one else wants to go with me."
"You can come with me and my sister if you want."
"I wasn't looking for a pity invite if that's why your asking me."
"No, it wasn't a pity invite, I just want to help out, y'know."
Death thought about it for a second, she didn't want to go to a concert on her own, but she wasn't a huge fan of the idea of going with someone she'd known for three seconds. She didn't see what she had to loose by going with him . . . other than possibly getting kidnaped . . . but she knew and trusted Roach, he wouldn't introduce her to some one who would kidnap her, so she agreed.
"Alright, sure. I'll go with you."
He smiled a devilish grin and she couldn't help but return the smile, they all spent the rest of the afternoon drinking and talking about music.

"Korse, stop. I have told you, I wish to wait for our wedding night before we make love." Alexandria said while she was getting changed. She was only in her bra and panties.
"You are too irristable to wait for two months." He was kissing her neck.
"Korse, I am being seirious."
"Okay, my love."
He stopped kissing her neck and he sat down on her bed, they slept in different beds since she wanted to wait until she made love with Korse until her wedding night, so they agreed that they'd sleep in different beds until their honeymoon. Alexandria had no memory of ever having sex, since she didn't remember Gerard, of course, she had no memory of being raped, either. Alexandria put on a fresh shirt and skirt.
Alexandria couldn't stop thinking about Gerard from the other day, she could've sworn that she'd seen him before, but she had no idea where from. She felt a strange connection that she couldn't explain.
"I hope that it is okay that I invited Gerard, Frank, Raymond and Michael to our wedding." She said.
Korse froze. "Why would you invite them?"
"Because I met Gerard the other day and I know that he has done some terrific work for your company, so I thought that I would invite them."
"And what?"
"Nevermind." He knew that Alexandria didn't remember, he just hoped that Gerard didn't remember, either. If Alexandria did remember, then she wouldn't have said anything about inviting Gerard to the wedding. Korse knew that he would have to talk to Gerard to see if he remembered anything, he knew that he would lose one of his most valuable members of his company if he did.

At midnight, when the 30 Seconds To Mars concert was over, Avenger and Death were both incredibley drunk. Avenger's sister didn't end up coming to the concert, so it was just the two of them.
Death and Avenger got into Avenger's car, giggling like mianicas for no apparent reason.
"Can I call you Venger for short?" She asked.
He nodded and smiled a seductive grin.
"Venger, how old are you?"
"Fifteen." He replied. "How 'bout you?"
They stared at eachother for a couple of seconds until he slowly leaned in. She attacked his lips with hers. It wasn't her first kiss, she knew what the kiss would turn into and she knew that she wouldn't remember it, but she didn't care, she wanted sex and she could tell that he did, too. She wasn't a virgin, she'd lost that a couple months ago when she was drunk, so she thought she knew exactly what she was doing. She hadn't become one of those girls who had sex with the first guy she saw when she was drunk, she only slept with them if she knew them atleast a little bit. Including Avenger, she'd only ever slept with three guys.
She could feel Venger's hard on, which made her even more exited as to where it was going.
Death and Venger got out of the front of the car and went into the back, she didn't waste any time, so she took her mini dress off, showing him that she wasn't wearing a bra underneith her dress.
He was sitting down in the back of the car and she climed on top of him with the top half of her body nude.
Avenger stared at her almost naked body.
"I want you to sleep with me." She said, staring into his eyes.
"Then I'll sleep with you."
She slowly grinned and his lips started attacking her neck. She closed her eyes letting herself feel what his lips where doing to his neck. He gently nibbled the skin on her neck, biting it playfully.
Death unzipped Avenger's jeans and pulled them down to his knees, his jeans fell down to his ankles after that and then she removed his boxers, displaying his full erection. She pulled his shirt off and threw it on the seat next to them. The only thing that was standing in their way was her black panties.
Avenger yanked them off with one quick movement and thrust into her seconds later.
They carried on fucking for the rest of the night, trying to make the pleasure last as long as possible. Whenever they'd reach the climax, they'd both be ready to fuck again a couple minutes later, so they did until they both eventually fell asleep.
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