Categories > Original > Drama > I Need You.

D'yu Like This Place, Journey?

by CarsynTMB 1 review


Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-12-11 - Updated: 2011-12-12 - 976 words - Complete

We walked into the flat, Journey asleep in Ashley's strong arms. "Should I lay her down on the sofa...?" I nodded. "She sleeps like a log." Ashley nodded, and walked over to the couch, and gently laid her down. She snuggled herself into a ball, and wrapped her small arms around her lanky legs. I walked over to her, and stroked her long,blonde hair behind her tiny ears. "Thank you guys. You never had to do this. But you did anyways. Thank you." Stefan and Ashley nodded in approval. "You don't have to thank us." "But I do!!! It really means so much to me. No one has ever helped me or Journey before." Stefan nodded at me, and looked at my bandaged wrists. "I think we need to change those." He said, pointing to them. I looked at them. Shit. The blood was leaking through the wrappings. "I think so too..." Stefan lightly grabbed my wrist and led me to the bath. He sat me down on the edge of the tub, and he slowly unwrapped the gauze. "SHHH ow fuck." The blood had dried, and the scab had ripped off. "Shit sorry." "'S ok Stefan." I looked up from my bleeding wrist, and saw Stefan staring at me. He looked at me closely, as if he were inspecting me. He leaned closer to me, and I leaned closer to him. Fuck. We were kissing again. I leaned closer to him. He stopped kissing me. "Hey... I think your sister's awake." I lit up. "YAY!!!" I jumped off of him, and left him laughing in the bathroom. I ran to the living room and saw ashley and Journey playing a board game. Journey looked up at me, and smiled. "LOOK SISSY!!!!!! I'M WINING!!!" She held up a fist full of Monopoly money. I smiled at her bright blue eyes. "I can see that." Ashley looked depressed. "I've been beaten at Monopoly by a six year old." Journey laughed and hugged him. Ashley looked surprised. "Whoa." Journey giggled. "Sorry Ashley." He nodded, and started to clean up the board game, and put it into the box. "So... d'yu like it here Journey?" She giggled. "Yeah. It's fun." Stefan walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. "Journey... have you ever played Grand Theft Auto?" I looked at him and smiled. She shook her head. "No. What's that?" Stefan smiled at me. "Well... it's when you steal cars and shoot people." "CAN I PLAY!?!?!" Journey was bouncing with excitement. "YES!!!!" Stefan mimicked her tone. She bounced over to the couch, and sat down right beside him. He handed her a controller, and Stefan looked impressed. She was outrunning the police faster than he had ever done in this game. "How did you? I can't even? What?" She giggled. "Press this button, this button, and then this button silly!!!" Stefan smiled at her. "How did you figure it out?" She shrugged and had her tongue hanging from her mouth. "I knew. I'm six remember!?!?!" She giggled as she ran over person after person. I looked at Stefan, who was choking back laughter as she called hookers 'Mum'. "I think we should away this game don't you guy think so???" Ashley was was laughing without making a noise on the ground, and grasping his stomach. He nodded through a laugh and Stefan nodded. Journey whimpered. "A few more minutes pleaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!???!?!?!?" "No Journey." She frowned, and looked at Stefan. "Can I play with your hair???" He laughed and shrugged. "Yeah sure." She smiled and ran to the room us two were going to share. She came back a few seconds later with a bag of hair-ties, barrettes, and scrunchies. Stefan sighed as she straightened it, leaving it long, and wavy. She put barrettes innit to keep it out of his face. "You look pretty like a princess Stefan!!!" "Ash, shut up." "TWITTER TIME!!!" "OH GOD NO!!!" I laughed as Ashley snapped picture after picture of Stefan and my little sister. He was obviously going to put them on Facebook and Twitter, and maybe even Tumblr. "I hate you sometimes Ashley you know that right?" Ashley nodded as he laughed. Journey interrupted. "Well I think he looks ready for the ball, don't you prince Ashley?" Ashley stopped laughing and frowned. "Oh common!!!" Journey pointed to the floor, where she wanted him to sit. "Hey sissy? Can I borrow some make-up for princess Stefan???" I laughed and nodded. Stefan looked frumpy and Ashley looked well pissed. Journey skipped back into the room, and sat on Stefan's lap, facing him. "Stay still princess Stefan. We want you to look really pretty for the royal ball!!!" Stefan groaned and let her put make-up on his face. She smeared lipstick across his face, making him look like the Joker. She put on a glob of blue eye-shadow all the way up to his eyebrows. "There. You look really pretty!!!" Ashley looked at him, and grunt-laughed. Journey stood up, and sat on Ashley's lap. "Now it's time to make prince Ashley look pretty." "What? Boys don't wear make-up!!!" Journey frowned at him. She stood up, and ran to the back of the flat. She came back with nail polish, and st by Stefan again. "NAILS!!!!" "Oh God." She smiled at Stefan, and opened the pink nail polish lid. She painted them rather nicely, and blew air on them so they wouldn't smear. Stefan stared at his finger nails in pitty. "Now do you have a dress?" Stefan shook his head violently. "AWWW!!!" Stefan breathed a sigh of relief as Journey started to fall asleep. She passed out on the floor, and I went to pick her up. "Sorry Stefan. I have some make up remover and some nail polish remover in my bag." He smiled at me, then at a sleeping Journey.
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