Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Secrets


by TheFiresJustBatheUs 1 review

When a person they trust betrays them, who knows what secrets will surface... My first ever fanfic so it's not amazing.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-12-11 - Updated: 2011-12-12 - 327 words

Okay so this story just kind of came to me, I always have ideas running around my head but this is the first one that's actually been written down I've read loads of fanfics but I know this won't be very good. Any reviews or advise would be amazing even if it's just to say "Rubbish" this is the prologue the first chapter should be up soon.


The day they found Michael, with their wallets in his lap frantically collecting up all their spare cash, they knew there was going to be trouble. Pete had said so all along "I don't like that Pedicone" He'd mutter "I can tell from his eyes" He'd said this religiously since the day they'd asked him to be in the band.
"I could take up drumming it can't be that hard and besides I know what's what when it comes to music, so I've got a head start." He would probably continue this rant well on into the night.
"Pete you're the owner of a guitar shop not a freaking rock god!" Gerard would shoot back. So in that case why the fuck didn't they listen to him? They always listened to Pete, despite his crazy ideas at times, he was like their unconventional and unofficial group adviser he always got things right.

Yes it's safe to say that My Chemical Romance would forever regret the day they ever laid their eyes on Mike Pedicone. They never called the police, Ray simply asked him to pack his bags and leave the tour, the others had never heard him with such a cold tone in his voice. They didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing how much hurt he had caused, and besides they knew the fans would give him enough stick. The fans were what kept them going after that night, they knew they would always pick them up and dust them off whenever the going got tough.
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