Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Secrets

Chapter 1: Bad Dream

by TheFiresJustBatheUs 0 reviews

Gerard had to admit that the nagging voice in the back of his head seemed to know him, better than he knew himself.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-12-12 - Updated: 2012-03-16 - 627 words

Ok so this first chapter is really short the first four are all going to be mainly introductions to the band and what's going on so sorry if it's a bit boring but it should all get more exciting soon! Please Review and Rate!!

[Gerard's POV]
Fuck! Fuck, shit, bugger, balls, fuck, Fuck, FUCK! Why did I tell him? Him of all people, I could have spoken to Mikey but no rather than telling my own fucking brother how I was feeling about me and Lyn-z I had to tell that bastard! He's gonna go to the paper's, sell his story. Or what if he tells Lyn-z? Shit! I tossed and turned violently in my tiny bunk trying desperately to figure out how I was going to sort this. I should have called the police, at least then he couldn't tell anyone what I had said to him last week. No he'd have found a way to tell someone! Maybe if he told Lyn-z she wouldn't believe him, ah Lyn-z my perfect Lyn-z, I didn't deserve her not after what I had told Pedicone anyways.

I sighed deeply, hopped out of my bunk and padded my way down the bus to the bathroom. I scrunched up my face as I pulled the chord of the light and the white bathroom flickered into life. After my eyes had adjusted to the brightness, I turned on the cold tap of the sink and splashed the freezing cold liquid onto my face. It was only after I'd dried my face, that I noticed Mikey leaning against the door frame. causing me to jump.

"Jesus Mikes you scared the living shit out of me!" I exclaimed. Seemingly not bothered by me nearly having a heart attack, Mikey simply yawned, rubbed his eyes and quietly asked "What are you doing up at this time?" As if for added emphasis he looked at the non-exisistent watch on his wrist. Flustered and not wanting to offload my problems onto him I wracked my brains for an excuse "Erm... I... Urgh... I had a bad dream just needed to come and calm myself down." I struggled a smile at my little brother. "Okay..." he replied with a frown, I knew he wasn't conviced but at the same time he was too tired to really care. I switched off the light and ushered him back to the bunks.

As I slipped back into my bunk I felt my phone buzz at the side of me. I squinted at the screen and couldn't help but smile as I saw the name of the sender, Frankie. 'You ok Gee, I can hear you moving about?' The message read. I quickly texted back 'Fine just worried about all the shit going on at the minute :L'. At the bunks just a few feet away I heard Frank's phone vibrate and then I heard him sigh, we knew this would affect Frankie more than any of us he was the closest to Mike out of the entire band. We'd just have to help him as much as we could. My phone flickered into life again 'Okay night Gee x'. if only Frank knew how much that little x meant to me. He was more than just my best friend, he was my everything. But I knew I had to stand by my decision to marry Lyn-z, besides it was just a crush. A silly little crush that I would get over soon enough. 'But you've had this little crush for the past 9 years Gerard and it's still just as strong now as it ever was.' I had to admit that the nagging voice in the back of my head seemed to know me better than I knew myself.

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