Categories > Cartoons > Avatar: The Last Airbender > Roses of the Valley

Chapter Seven: Rain in the Valley

by Giroro5X 0 reviews

Wow, first chapter in over a week, since I was away. I'm not entirely confident in this chapter, since I feel there was a pause in the flow for my writing. I hope you guys enjoy it, I'd really ...

Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Other - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-06-20 - Updated: 2006-06-20 - 4633 words


It was not long before Wen Lan's life had taken on a certain routine, one that she found herself enjoying thoroughly. Each morning she would share breakfast with Chin-Hwa, discussing and debating issues of both philosophy and nature before greeting Xiu and Gang on her way to the tea house.

Once there she would prepare several kettles of tea, the plum flavor having grown popular with the patrons once they had learned it was the demon's favorite. As things settled she would make her way towards the mountains, having memorized the path to the demon's cave.

Each day, it was the same. He would face away from her, consciously positioning himself so that it would be impossible to see any aspect of his face as he drank. Wen Lan had no qualms with this, not wanting to impose or offend her host. She remained at the entrance to the cave, sitting calmly as they carried on their conversations.

These conversations had started with as banter, the sort you exchange with a stranger in passing. Soon enough, observations of the weather and tea became discussions of Bai-Jing, its people and status. In time, this birthed the sharing of great tales and legends of their nations and people.

Initially Wen Lan feared that she was more a nuisance than a guest, his back giving no indication as to whether he truly cared for the myths of the Fire Nation. This fear was put to ease when she arrived at the cave entrance one day, finding that he had laid a blanket and some straw over where she usually sat.

She would remain there each day, smiling warmly and enjoying his company until the kettle had run dry.

Each day the two would bow to one another, exchanging words of gratitude. She would head back towards the village as he stood at the edge of the rock shelf, watching her. Looking up just before the mountain obstructed her view she would find him nodding slowly towards her.

Each day, she would smile and nod in return as her cheeks took on a faint blush.

Arriving back at the tea house, Min would insist on her explaining every moment of their time together, commanding that she not spare a single detail as the two worked in the kitchen without pause.

The day would always end with Wen Lan returning to Chin-Hwa's estate, joining him for dinner as the two continued their discussion from wherever they had left off earlier.

Finishing their meal, they would make their way to the garden. There, Gang continued his perilous training of Chin-Hwa's guards, Xiu remaining close to Wen Lan and Chin-Hwa while complaining about the stubborn old oaf pushing himself and the others too hard.

Every evening, after admiring the stars and wondering if the stranger was doing the same from his cave, Wen Lan would retire. Rising to bow, Chin-Hwa would impart some jewel of wisdom, wishing her pleasant rest. Wishing him the same, she would return the bow and proceed to her quarters.

It was a predictable routine, but she loved and appreciated each aspect of it.

"Gang, have you seen lord Chin-Hwa?" Wen Lan stopped as she passed the garden, looking towards her old friend as he continued putting the other guards through intense conditioning.

"The old man?" Gang faced towards his lady, casually dodging as one of the guards threw a punch. Thrusting his knee into his gut, he knocked the assailant aside before scratching his head. "I saw him this morning speaking with a bunch of messengers, why?"

"I just thought it odd that he did not join me in breakfast, this morning." In the short amount of time Wen Lan had known the old noble, she already found herself constantly subjected to his insistence that every day must be started with the three proper foundations; a breath of fresh air, a filling meal and an earnest smile.

"Probably still busy speaking with those messengers, they all seemed t'be in some sort of hurry," Gang wagered a guess as he ducked, standing up straight to launch an oncoming guard towards the ground. He quickly motioned his hand to summon the next, still keeping his attention on Wen Lan.

"I do not wish to disturb him. If you do see him today, please apologize that I was not able to see him before I left for the tea house," she bowed politely.

He lifted his hand, grabbing an oncoming guard by the face as he nodded. "Yes, my lady."

"Oh, and Gang?"

"Hmm?" He looked up towards her as he lifted his fist towards the flailing guard.

"Please do not push them too hard," she smiled, nodding towards the guards.

"Fine, fine," grumbling, he released the guard's face. He turned towards them, barking. "You heard her, weaklings! You get a five minute break! Then we do fire drills!"

Groaning, they all collapsed and soaked in their moment of pause.

"Lady Wen Lan!" Xiu called excitedly, hurrying towards her.

"Good morning Xiu," she bowed her head and smiled as she continued down the hall.

"Good morning, my lady!" Xiu beamed, bowing as she held something close to her, concealing it with her arms.

"What is it you have there?" she tilted her head, studying the object.

"My lady, I felt so guilty when it broke, so I've been working to repair it since we arrived in Bai-Jing," Xiu extended her arms, offering the now mended hat that the old woman had insisted on giving Wen Lan during their journey to the valley.

Surprised, the beautiful noble took it carefully, studying its features.

The hat looked exactly as it did before, a small orchid design resting beautiful on the front. All traces of the fracture had been erased, the hat looking almost brand new.

Deeply moved and grateful to have such a kindhearted friend, Wen Lan bowed deeply. "Thank you, Xiu."

"No, thank you!" Xiu bowed just as deep, rising back up before flexing an arm and grinning. "Because of that, I found out I'm pretty good at mending! I could get rich doing this!"

She laughed, warmed by Xiu's fiery spirit. "I agree; this is beautiful work! I shall show it to him today," she placed it over her head, wearing it proudly.

"Him...You mean the Demon?" Xiu blinked.

"Ah...Yes," Wen Lan nodded. "My apologies, it's just...I don't like calling him that."

Xiu smiled softly, nodding. "I understand, no worries! We just have to figure out something else to call him!"

"Perhaps I'll ask him about that today," she smiled, bowing again. "Thank you for your kindness, Xiu. I will return shortly before sunset."

Bowing, the servant smiled. "Good luck, my lady."

Wen Lan proceeded towards the tea house, smiling as she breathed in the morning air. After seeing her off, Xiu readied herself for her morning errands.

"Xiu!" Chin-Hwa called out as he hurried towards her, a slight urgency in his tone.

"Eh? What's wrong, lord Chin-Hwa?" she finished slipping on one of her sandals, brushing some dust off of the bottom of her robe.

"Where is Wen Lan?" he did not answer the question, merely pointing out who he was searching for.

"She just headed out to aunt Min's, why?"

Gang approached from behind Chin-Hwa, taking the five minute break from training to investigate why the old man was in such a hurry.

"Blast, I was hoping to meet with her before she left," he muttered, contemplating.

"What's wrong?" Gang asked as he stood beside Chin-Hwa, folding his arms.

He stroked his beard as he considered the situation, trying to develop some strategy or approach to it. "Surely you're both aware of the several messengers that arrived this morning?"

"The ones that looked all panicky?" Gang asked.

"Yes, they've each been sent by the local nobles, as well as some from outside the valley," his eyes narrowed.

"Why are they all here?" Xiu was slightly nervous by Chin-Hwa's demeanor.

"To announce their masters," he grumbled.

"Eh? Nobles are coming?" her eyes went wide. Frustrated, she narrowed her eyes and began yelling, waving her hand out towards the mansion. "Why couldn't they come and announce it earlier?! Do you know how long it's going to take the other girls and I to get this place good enough to house a bunch of nobles?!"

"Calm yourself Xiu, they aren't here to admire my home," he grumbled quietly, still contemplating.

"Of course they're here to admire your home, it's all nobles ever do! They show up saying that they're just there for a visit, but they're really there to look around and see if they're better than you or not! Well I'm not giving 'em the satisfaction!" she began storming away towards the servant quarters in effort to rally the troops, Chin-Hwa taking her arm to stop her.

"They're here for Wen Lan," he continued staring forward.

"What?" her eyes went wide.

"What?" Gang glared, already agitated by the implications of the answer.

"It appears rumors have already spread across the valley and beyond that I've taken on a beautiful successor," he explained, closing his eyes as he folded his arms.

"So? Why's it any of their business?" Xiu was angry, and doing poorly in hiding it.

"Because, they've somehow determined that this successor is of appropriate age."

"For what?" Gang continued glaring.

He stood silently, closing his eyes and he sneered, almost spitting the answer. "...Marriage."

"Ah, good morning! I apologize for being late," Wen Lan bowed.

He sat quietly, facing the other direction. Glancing towards her, he nodded slightly.

"The tea house was so busy this morning, plum tea has become very popular," she explained.

"It is because you brewed it," it was a compliment thinly veiled as an observation. Over time he had become less hesitant in speaking and paying compliment to her.

"You are too kind," she smiled as she poured him a cup, placing it down beside him before returning to her post.

"A new hat?"

"Ah, yes! It was given to me before the incident on the river. It broke there, and Xiu mended it. It is fortunate for me that she finished it this morning, it looks like it will rain soon" She removed it, holding it carefully in her two hands. "Would you like to see it?"

He nodded, turning slightly as he offered his hand.

With a slight nod of her head, she passed the hat to him before composing herself, folding her hands politely in her lap.

"This is excellent work," he noted as he rotated the hat. He traced his finger over the design, "an orchid?"

"My favorite flower," she nodded her head softly, smiling in admiration of Xiu's skill.

Silently, he offered the hat back to her before facing away, tipping his mask back as he drank from the cup slowly.

She took the hat, her face having a sudden nervousness in it as she glanced towards him, recalling her conversation with Xiu. Setting the hat aside, she refilled his cup and returned to her spot quietly.

He glanced back towards her, the eye of the mask remaining fixed upon her. "What is wrong?"

Slightly startled, she looked up towards him, hesitating with her words. "I...Do not know how to ask it..." She was not scared to incur his wrath, what she feared was offending him; worse yet, shattering the sense of comfort that had filled the cave over time.

The eye of the mask remained staring, motionless.

"Xiu and I...I told her this morning that I would show you the hat...And then when she inquired as to who I meant, she referred to you as...'The Demon.' I told her I was not comfortable calling you that, though..."

"Why not?"

She was surprised by the question. Unsure of the answer, she continued nervously. "Well...A demon is something that exists even when there is no desire for it, something that destroys everything in front of it, regardless of what it is."

He watched her silently.

"You, though...You live for the same cause I do; for peace. And I believe that is something that all men desire. A demon destroys...But you, you protect."

The cold eye remained gazing.

"So, I don't feel it is appropriate to compare you to that...At least, not if there is something you would rather be referred to as. I felt I should ask you if there was something else I could call you, some other name for me to use."

Slowly, his gaze turned back towards the wall as he remained silent.

Wen Lan looked towards the ground, gripping her robe as she bit her lower lip. That which she had feared, destroying the warmth the cave had gained in their time together, had become reality.

Quietly, she refilled his cup. Sitting back down, she carefully composed herself and fended off the distant urge to cry.

The sound of the wind did little in filling the silence.

Chin-Hwa was well reputed as a wise and compassionate noble, one with a large amount of property and what was rumored to be a seemingly endless amount of wealth.

Having no successor, Chin-Hwa had decided long ago that upon his death, his land and wealth would be divided up among the people of the valley, as well as select individuals he had encountered in life. This decision disappointed many of the Earth Kingdom nobles, who had dedicated a large sum of time and money into brown-nosing.

Now, with the rumor of Chin-Hwa's young female successor having spread far and wide, nobles found themselves with an opportunity to achieve that which had been impossible years ago.

If a noble were to marry into Chin-Hwa's estate, they would be entitled to his assets upon his death.

It was for that reason that every eligible noble male within traveling distance had been dispatched to Bai-Jing.

Anyone near Chin-Hwa could tell that he was in no way pleased by this. He valued hard work and dedication, regarding wealth through marriage as demeaning and lazy. It was his hope that Wen Lan would merely refuse each of the suitors and be done with the matter, yet if she was not here, he was expected to host and tolerate the arrogant sons of aristocrats.

Gang, Xiu and Chin-Hwa stood in a circle, facing one another with expressions of intense thought.

This was most unusual for Gang.

"We could try telling them it was a false rumor," Xiu held a finger up as the idea came to her.

"No, if they were to later discover I had lied, Wen Lan and I would have trouble working with them later on."

"Why would we want to work with them?!"

"If we ever hope to promote and maintain peace, we'll need the cooperation of other nobles. The last thing we need is to do something that will make things more difficult for Wen Lan in time."

"I've got it," Gang narrowed his eyes, nodding slowly.

The two looked towards him hopefully.

"We kidnap them."

Without hesitation Xiu smacked the old soldier in the head, turning back towards Chin-Hwa. "What if we tell them she's away on business on your behalf?"

"Then it would be expected of me to allow them to remain here until she has returned."

"What about telling them she's sick?"

"The same case, they will remain until she is healthy. Some might even hope to charm her by visiting her as she rests."

Gang closed his eyes again, having developed another idea. "I have it."

The two looked towards him again, this time with little expectations.

"Someone will have to disguise themselves as lady Wen Lan."

There was a stunned silence as the two stared in slight surprise that Gang's idea was not only acceptable, it was better than anything that they had been able to come up with.

"I'm going to need a wig," Gang stared forward tensely, willing to do anything for his lady.

Xiu smacked him in the head again, her eyes narrow. "Idiot."

"He's right," Chin-Hwa stroked his beard as he stared at Xiu.

"Who are we going to find to stand in as lady Wen Lan, though? None of the girls look enough like her!"

"They don't have to look like her at all, these nobles have never seen Wen Lan before," Chin-Hwa studied Xiu a bit more.

"They just need to have a tough spirit and refuse them," Gang nodded, turning towards Xiu.

"Fine, but who do we..." Xiu blinked, looking towards Gang. She turned towards Chin-Hwa, throwing her hands up. "Whoa, no. No way, no!"

"Xiu, would you come with me a moment?" Chin-Hwa smiled kindly, lifting his arm to motion towards a nearby panel.

"Eh? What is it?" Xiu followed him suspiciously, her eyebrows narrowed slightly. As he slid the panel open slightly, she peered through to the other side.

On the other side, a young Earth Kingdom noble laughed as he joked with a few others.

"So?" she asked.

"Watch," Chin-Hwa looked towards the young noble calmly with stoic gaze.

As one of Wen Lan's servants passed, the noble lifted his hand and took a quick but firm grasp of her behind, cackling as he did.

Stepping back from the panel, Chin-Hwa folded his hands behind his back as he glanced towards Xiu.

She remained staring, her body shivering slightly. She turned, her fists clenched as she glared intensely. "Go get me some Earth Kingdom robes." She would not dare allow someone so vile to be even close to Wen Lan.

Chin-Hwa smiled confidently.

Gang grinned, having always admired Xiu's fiery spirit.

"I've got hearts to break," she growled.

Upon touching the kettle, she realized it had become empty. Standing quietly, she bowed towards him.

"I am sorry to have offended you. I will take my leave."

She stepped towards the path outside the cave as she silently berated herself, stopping as a voice called out behind her.

"Wen Lan."

Wen Lan was well trained in maintaining poise. Yet when one is hurt, it takes more than training and determination to conceal the heart. She did not cry, yet there was a reflection in her eyes that made it clear she was holding back tears. Not wanting him to see, she glanced aside, then towards the ground.


Hesitating slightly, he stepped towards her. Standing a foot away, his mask faced towards her as his muscles tensed.

Though still nervous and hoping to hide her reaction, she looked up towards him.

"...My name," he paused, almost choking on the words. "...It's Jung."

There was a silent pause as she stared, able to comprehend that which he had shared with her. The tension of his body gave hint to how difficult the act had been for him.

"Jung..." she bowed slowly, her head stopping a few inches from his chest. "...May I please join you again tomorrow, for tea?"

After a short pause he bowed his head, "I would...Enjoy that. Very..."

She rose up from the bow, looking towards the mask.

"...Very much," he finished.

Smiling softly, she lifted the hat. She nodded her head as she offered it. "Please."

"It is yours," he lifted a hand to decline.

"I live in the village," she looked towards Bai-Jing. Turning her head back towards him, she continued. "There are many places to keep warm and avoid the rain...I want you to have it here, to stay dry."

Another quiet pause, before he took the hat gently.

Walking along the path, she stopped as she came to the point she had grown to enjoy most. Looking up towards him, she watched as he stared towards her from the edge of the rock shelf.

He nodded slowly.

Smiling, she nodded back before continuing along the path.

She stopped soon after she had left the mountains, a soft rain falling over the valley. It washed over lightly, a veil of mist draping over everything around her. Staring up towards the sky as tears slowly crawled along her face, her cheeks warm, she laughed softly towards the sky.

They were not tears born of sadness, for there was nothing to be sad about, nothing to regret. For a brief period of the day, she felt that she had lost something precious. Yet in a moment, that precious gift was returned to her along with another. The tears of both relief and joy continued, Wen Lan smiling up towards the sky.

She lifted her hands, feeling as the soft touch of the water covered her palms, her smile answering the rain.

Atop the cliff, the rain washed over his body. Staring towards Wen Lan, he slowly gazed towards the sky.

"Lady Wen Lan is ready to meet with the first suitor," Chin-Hwa announced as he stepped into the room full of young nobles.

"About time," one muttered.

"Good luck," he offered. He was far from sincere, looking forward to the outcome.

"Thanks, father," the first noble teased as he entered the room where his lady lie in wait.

She sat at the opposite end of room, dressed in a beautiful robe, a fan lifted in front of her face.

He sat down very casually, smirking confidently as he opened his mouth to speak.

"This one doesn't know how to sit! No good!"

"What?" he blinked, staring at her.

"You have no idea how to sit; I need a husband who knows how to sit! Goodbye!"

"What?" he narrowed his eyes.

"He doesn't even speak the same language; he only knows how to say 'what!' Gang, be a dear and throw him out?"


"Yes my lady," Gang nodded, lifting the noble up before tossing him through the same doors he came in through.

"Next!" Xiu called after him.

Nervously, the next suitor entered.

"Too fat! Next!" Xiu was having fun with it, cocking her head to the side as she continued dismissing the young men.

"Excuse me?!" he started. He couldn't finish, because Gang had already thrown him headfirst out of the room.

The next suitor entered, this time entering confidently and sitting down properly. With regal poise, he began.

"My name is Chi..."

"No good, don't want a husband whose name begins with 'chi!' Next!"

"That's ridiculous!"

"Sir, I believe lady Wen Lan asked you to leave," Gang stood over the noble, glaring.

The suitors came and met with disappointment for hours on end, the denials including but not limited to: not having enough facial hair, having too much facial hair, starting with the left foot instead of the right, wrong eye color, too many syllables in the name, looking too much like an animal, being too bald and not smelling like fresh peaches.

"That went well," Chin-Hwa smirked as the last suitor stormed out of the mansion.

"It's because I'm a master of disguise," Xiu smiled as she waved the fan in front of her face.

"You enjoyed that too much," Gang muttered.

"It was enough to keep the suitors away from Wen Lan for awhile," Chin-Hwa smiled, looking towards them.

"Won't this make trouble down the line?" Xiu asked, lowering the fan.

"No. I suspect that when they all arrive home, their parents will be more enraged that they couldn't even initiate a courtship with Wen Lan than your performance."

"Greedy," Gang muttered.

"Exactly," Chin-Hwa sighed. "It is why I am glad, more and more each day, to have found Wen Lan," he smiled.

"Lord Chin-Hwa?" A voice called for his intention from behind, the sound of footsteps filling the air.

"Hmm? Ah!" Chin-Hwa smiled, turning towards the figure.

Xiu leaned her head out from behind Chin-Hwa, trying to see who it was he was speaking with. Upon seeing him, she froze.

Gang stepped forward, doing the same as he recognized him.

"Seung, what brings you to my door?" Chin-Hwa asked, bowing gently.

"We've had the fortune of a calm in activity around the area. I decided to let a few of the units enjoy themselves in Bai-Jing. I thought it would be a good opportunity to stop in and see how you are," the new general smiled; glad to give his soldiers some well earned rest.

"So kind, Seung. I am glad to know there is someone with such a good heart leading these men," he nodded.

"You," Gang grinned, unfolding his arms.

Seung turned towards Gang, smiling nervously as the firebender stared towards him with piercing gaze. "Ah, hello Gang...How are you?"

"You owe me a rematch," he grinned.

"Now Gang, I don't think this is the time or place," Chin-Hwa glanced towards the old soldier.

Gang looked quickly towards Chin-Hwa, then back towards Seung. There was no animosity towards the earthbender. In fact, if anything, Gang respected Seung for being more skilled. Yet more than anything he wanted to take him on again. A strong opponent was paradise to him.

Unfortunately, Seung and his soldiers could not help but be intimidated by the nearly psychotic stare of the old guard.

"Fine," he continued grinning, looking back towards Seung. "But you owe me a rematch."

"...Of course...Someday, I promise," he lifted his hand as if taking an oath, feeling there was no other way out of the situation.

"Good," he folded his arms again, now excited. "I look forward to it."

"Ah, Seung, you're already well acquainted with Gang, but have you met Xiu?" Chin-Hwa glanced behind him, then to the other side. "Hmm? Gang, where did she go?"

"Eh?" Gang blinked, looking behind Chin-Hwa.

There, Xiu was nearly crouching as she faced away from the soldiers nervously.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Gang asked, taking Xiu by the shoulder and nudging her in front of the old lord.

She stumbled a bit, stopping and becoming rigid as she stood a few feet in front of Seung, blushing wildly.

"It's nice to meet you," Seung bowed.

"...Hi!" she yelled, covering her mouth immediately as her face grew redder.

Chin-Hwa tried containing his laughter at the scene, understanding it completely.

Gang simply stared as one of his eyebrows raised up curiously, wondering what was wrong with Xiu.

Blushing, she hurried past Chin-Hwa into the estate.

"Who was that?" Seung asked, watching her as she hurried away.

"Xiu, one of Wen Lan's servants," Chin-Hwa nodded. He turned towards Gang, bowing slightly. "Gang, would you be so kind as to go resume the guard's training?"

"Absolutely!" Gang grinned, walking away. As he did, he pointed back towards Seung. "Remember; rematch!"

"Right, yes," Seung waved after him. Once Gang had left earshot, he looked towards the old noble. "Is he always like that?"

"Always, yes," Chin-Hwa smiled. "Now, will you be staying the night in Bai-Jing?"

"Yes, we've already made arrangements at an inn."

"Nonsense Seung, you and your soldiers will spend the night here, I insist on it."

"Lord Chin-Hwa, I would really prefer not to impose," Seung tried to avoid becoming a burden to him.

"Imposing would be spending a night at an inn and keeping me up all night suspecting that you'd be more comfortable here. You two, go fetch the other soldiers once they're done in town and tell them you'll remain here for the night."

The two soldiers glanced at one another, then towards Seung.

The new general sighed, knowing there was little sense in arguing with the old noble. He nodded towards the two guards, smiling as he walked alongside Chin-Hwa.

"Are you sure you have the room for us?"

"Yes, we just managed to clear out all of the guest rooms, which had just been set up for many local nobles to occupy."

"Oh? Are they not coming?"

"They came; they just chose to return home before sundown."

"Why is that?"

"I have no idea," he smiled.

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