Categories > Books > Les Miserables
The Inspector's Wife
2 reviewsSophia Anlie trapped within a marriage to Inspector Javert...can she find happiness? (Yes, I had this up before, but I needed to take it down to re-read it and see if I could make it more Les Mi...
The Inspector's Wife
0 reviewsSophia Anlie trapped within a marriage to Inspector Javert...can she find happiness? (Yes, I had this up before, but I needed to take it down to re-read it and see if I could make it more Les Mi...
0 reviewsThe Javerts arrive at Montreuil-sur-Mer....
0UnratedScarlet Blood on a White Gown
With Sophia arrested, what will the events to follow have in store for her?
?BlockedDomestic Happiness
0 reviewsWith her hope shattered and a broken heart, Sophia turns to the one man she would never dream of turning to in hope to be healed/
0UnratedJavert's Census
0 reviewsDrifting away from Sophia give you an idea why Javert was going to Paris. Nb: this was based upon a scene within the 1998 movie of Les Mis and the dialogue is from that movie...
0 reviewsNow in Paris, the couple are becoming closer, but the visit is two pronged for the both of them...whilst they share the desire to become closer to one another...Javert has this census for a reason...
0UnratedSophia's Father and Sisters
0 reviewsWe are introduced to Sophia's father, Jacques Anlie, and her two sisters, Victoria and Valeria.
0Unrated"Fantine" or "The Catalyst For The Next Events"
0 reviews0UnratedThe Dreams of an Expectant Mother
0 reviewsOn August 31st, 1822, Sophia dreams...
0UnratedAdele-Renee Javert
1 reviewThe birth of their only child changes their lives again...
0UnratedSmothered By Love
0 reviewsWhilst the new addition to the family is being smothered by love from her, Sophia hides something that may ruin her new found happiness with Javert
0UnratedThénardier Attacks
0 reviewsFast forward 14 months. Whilst walking home, unaccompanied at night, Sophia encounters Monsieur Thénardier
0UnratedPhantom Child
0 reviews0UnratedEnjolras, Courfeyrac and Éponine
0 reviewsMoving on to the summer of 1832...
0UnratedA Visit to the Past
0 reviewsI wasn't sure how to rate this one....