Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us


by sixbucksandadrpepper 5 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-12-15 - Updated: 2011-12-16 - 405 words - Complete



Rain fell in torrents as the silent funeral procession was lead underneath a canopy, protecting them from the droplets. Under the canopy was a podium lined with red roses, some dyed black. In front of the podium sat a shining black casket laden in flowers similar to the ones on the podium. A priest stepped up to the podium, scanning the crowd. He had never seen one so large. This man who had died must have been very loved.

The processioners filled the seats, and when those were full they stood near the back. The priest looked at the people in the front row. They were sure a diverse bunch, he noted. There was aman with a curly brown afro, sitting quietly holding tight to a burly blonde man with a lip ring. Next to them sat a younger man of about twenty five or six. He had glasses that he kept shoving up the bridge of his nose. When the priest's eyes slid to the last man in the row, his heart filled with sympathy. The man sat with his head bent forward, his tattooed hands clasped tightly in front of him. He would periodically reach up to angrily wipe away tears. He acted as though he shouldn't be crying.

After everyone was settled, the priest began his speech about life and death. When he had finished, he watched as one by one, the black clad mourners came forward silently and touched the casket, paying their respects. The last person to come up was the tattooed man from the front row. He knelt down to the casket and touched it lovingly, saying something that was inaudible from where the priest stood. As the man stood up, he shoulders hunched in sorrow, he placed something small and silver on top of the casket. He gave it one final look before turning to go. The priest watched as he left the cover of the canopy, stepping into the rain.

After everyone had gone, the priest stepped from the podium and observed that casket. The tattooed man had placed around, gleaming silver ring on it. He must want it to be buried with the coffer. The priest picked it up carefully so he could give it to the gravedigger to bury. When he picked it up, something caught his eye. There were four tiny words engraved into the inside of the ring: "'Till my dying day."
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