Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter 17

by sixbucksandadrpepper 0 reviews

Chapter 17

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-12-15 - Updated: 2011-12-16 - 1457 words - Complete

Chapter 17

A/N: Well, here it is. The last chapter of "We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us". I really hope you've liked this fic ^_^ I may end up doing an epilogue or something, so keep an eye out. Now that this one is over, I'll be updating my other fiction "Keep Running" regularly, and you should really read it :D I love you all, the people who read this. Thank you! -M

Gerard's POV

When I walked into the hospital, carrying nothing with me (I didn't need anything. I was dying, for fuck's sake), all the doctors and nurses seemed to be expecting me. They all nodded to me as I walked past, showing a sort of silent respect. When I found Dr. Lee, he knew exactly why I was there.

"It's time, Doc. I'm done."

Lee only nodded once before leading me to the bed I was to die in. He checked my vitals and hooked me up to an IV to estimate how long I had.

"I'd say it'll be fairly soon. Within ten to twelve hours. I'll be back in to check on you periodically. It shouldn't be too painful when you go, but you'll know when it's about to happen." He patted my shoulder before exiting, leaving me to my last thoughts. I briefly wondered if anyone would find my note before I passed. And then Iwondered what Frank was doing, before settling back in the pillows to wait for the cancer to overcome me. I shut my eyes...

"Gerard, there's someone here to see you."

My eyes snapped open to see a nurse standing over me. I glanced at the clock. To my surprise, nearly four hours had passed. Huh. Then I registered what the nurse had said.

"Who?" Damn, my voice sounded weak. This dying shit was weird.

"He says he's your brother. Michael, or something."

I squeezed my eyes shut. Oh god, Mikey. My baby brother. I hated for him to see me like this. But I couldn't exactly turn him away, so I instructed the nurse to let him in.

He looked awful. His eyes were red rimmed where he'd been crying. I guess he'd found my note. When his eyes met mine, he let out a little cry of anguish and rushed over to me, smothering me in a tight hug. He released me after a few seconds and grabbed my hands.

"Mikey," I croaked. It hurt so badly to speak.

"Why didn't you tell us, Gerard?Why?"

I shook my head. "I just couldn't. I'm so sorry."

His face softened. "I found the note. And I called Frank," he said.

Oh god. Frankie.

"He's on his way."

"What?! But he's in California. He won't make it..."

Mikey tightened his grip on my hands. "You have to hang on until he gets here. Just six more hours. He needs to see you. It'll kill him if he doesn't make it in time. So you must stay awake. Hang on for Frankie."

I looked at him for a moment before nodding. For Frankie. The next few hours passed excruciatingly slow, with Mikey at my side telling me stories of his girlfriend and stories of when we were younger. At one point, Ray and Bob came in to say their goodbyes, and even Bob got teary eyed. As each hour passed, Mikey would squeeze my hand and say, "Only ________ more hours."

It was about an hour before Frank was due to arrive (at my nine hour mark), and I felt myself drifting off. Each time I tried to shut my eyes, Mikey would shake me and whisper, "Wait for Frank. Not much longer now." Fifteen minutes until Frank was going to be here, I begged Mikey to let me sleep. I was exhausted. But he refused, shaking his head firmly. He was such a hard ass.

At my ten hour mark of being in the hospital, Mikey got up to see if Frank was nearly here. Finally. I let my eyes slide shut, relishing in the quiet. Now I could rest...

Frank's POV

Seven hours after getting off the phone with Mikey, I landed in New Jersey. I was a mess. I had spent the whole flight with my head in my hands, whimpering pitifully. Needless to say, I'd gotten quite a few odd looks. Not that I could be bothered to care. In the airport, I collected my luggage in record time and hopped into my car, going as fast as the speed limit would allow. The last thing I need was to be pulled over for speeding. Half an hour later, I pulled into the hospital parking lot and rushed inside. I spotted Mikey right away, standing by the front desk. He saw me, too.

"Oh thank god, Frank. He's really bad. They don't think he has more than an hour left."

"Take me to him," I demanded. Mikey led the way down the sterile hospital hallway, and stopped outside one of the rooms.

"This is it. I'll let you go in by yourself. I've already said my goodbyes," Mikey told me, wiping away a tear that escaped his eye. I placed a hand on his arm.

"Thank you, Mikey." He nodded and returned to the waiting room. I took a deep breath and twisted the knob on the door. I stepped inside and saw Gerard. Oh, my beautiful Gee. He was lying on his back, his eyes shut. His chest rose and fell slowly, and the soft beep of his heart monitor sounded. He just looked so broken and defeated. I slid into the chair next to the bed and took his hand. I almost didn't want to wake him, but I needed to talk to him. I knew I couldn't do anything for him, but I was going to get him to hang on for as long as he could.

"Gee," I breathed, shaking his shoulder lightly. "Baby, wake up."

His eyes flickered open, and when they met mine I wanted to cry. The brightness that used to fill those beautiful hazel orbs was gone. I could tell he'd just about given up. But I wasn't going to let him go that easily. No fucking way.

"Frankie," he choked. I could tell it hurt him to speak. "You're supposed to be in California."

"Now why the hell would I be in California when the love of my life is dying?" That drew a small smile from his parched lips. I continued. "But just so you know, I have no intention of letting you leave me. No way in hell. There are too many things we haven't done. I only had a year and a half with you being mine. I need more than that."

Gerard smiled sadly. "Believe me, Idon't want to leave you. But there's nothing you, or anyone, can do for me now. You have to let me go, darling."

I took hold of his shoulders. "Now you listen to me. You're still very much alive," I said fiercely, clenching my teeth to hold back the tears.

He just shook his head. "The life has left me, can't you see? You can't do anything! Please," he begged, looking up at me with pleading eyes. "Just accept that. Don't make this harder than it already is. I only have an hour or less, and I want to enjoy it with you, not argue about how I could live."

I dropped my head, the tears dripping onto his white bed sheets. I felt his cold fingers lace through mine.

"Tell me about how we met again."

I smiled softly and began to recount our whole life together, good and bad. I kept watching Gerard carefully to make sure he wasn't giving up on me. After a while, I felt his grip tighten slightly on mine. I could tell he was in pain. This was it. I could feel it. All these years, I never thought I'd see a man die, let alone the one I loved.

His breathing became ragged, and the heart monitor's beeps were irregular. They increased in volume, as if to alert doctors of Gerard's condition.

"Gee, stay with me baby. Stay with me," I whimpered, my heart feeling as if it was being torn to pieces. He shut his eyes and tried to pull me closer. I leaned in to him.

He opened his mouth, gasping for breath, before whispering, "So shut your eyes, kiss me goodbye..." He didn't finish the lyric. The heart monitor flatlined. I was having trouble breathing, and I began screaming, unaware of what I was doing. I remember all the doctors swarming into the room, Mikey standing at the door sobbing, and then, nothing.

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