Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > In Love With The Wrong Person

Party and Something More

by killjoy247 0 reviews

Jen is forced to go to a party with Gerard and the unexpected happens, so I decided to change the end a bit cuz i thought it was crappy :D please r&r

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-12-17 - Updated: 2012-01-15 - 1943 words

"Please mom, I really wanna go to this party,"I hear Gerard beg from downstairs. I laughed to myself. Yeah, beg like the little bitch you are. I'm thirsty.I got up and went downstairs. When I got to the kitchen I saw Gerard and Donna. She looked at me, then back at Gerard. "Fine, if you wanna go, you have to take Jen,"she said. "What?, why?, why can't I just take Mikey?,"he asked. "Because I want her to go, either she goes or you don't go?,choose,"she said. Don't I get a say in this?After a minute of him thinking, he said,"Fine". As he walked by me I heard him say 'I hate you'."Why are you making me go?,"I asked. "Because I want you to be a spy for me, tell me everthing he does, for some reason I don't trust him,"she said. I sarcastically gasped. "You don't trust your own son, now what type of mother doesn't trust her son,"I said.

"I know, I know, but he has done so many things these pass few months that it's hard for me to trust him,"she said.Interesting."What type of things?,"I said curiously. "Well, he started drinking and soon enough he became an alcoholic, but thank god he stopped and he started smoking, but he hasn't stopped,"she said. "So you want to keep a sharp eye on him?,"I asked. "Yes, can you please do this for me?,"she asked. "Will I get paid for this?,"I asked. "How much do you have in mind?,"she asked. "Will 30 dollars settle it?,"I asked. "Yeah, I guess,"she said. "Deal,"I said. "Deal,"she said. We shook hands and I started walking towards the stairs. "Wait, why don't you just ask Mikey to do it?,"I asked. "Their brothers, they'll back each other up,"she said. "I like the way your mind thinks,"I said. "Thank you,"she said. I walked to my room and started looking for my suitcases, but I couldn't find them. For some strange reason I wanted to look in the dresser. When I looked inside, all my clothes we folded and placed neatly inside. I found a note and it read

'I hope you don't mind that I put your things away xxoo Donna'.When did she put this in here? Probably when I took a shower ealier.I decided to wear a tight Misfits shirt, black skinny jeans, black studded belt, and my black and white converse. After putting them on I put on some black eyeliner and straightened my hair. Okay, I'm good. When I walked downstairs I saw Gerard pacing back and forth. "Are we leaving?,"I asked. He turned around and he stared at me. After what seemed forever, he finally said,"Come on, let's go". We walked out and started walking.

We were waiting outside for someone to open the door. "Hey, what's up Gerard,"some guy asked Gerard. "Sup Frankie, can we come in or are you ganna leave us out here?,"he asked. "Yeah,come in,"he said moving aside. We walked in and the place was packed. "Are you ganna introduce me?,"asked Frankie. "To who?,"Gerard asked. He pointed at me. "Oh, this is Jennifer, my new sister,"he said. "Hi, I'm Frank Iero, but you can call me Frankie,"he said. "Hi, i'm Jennifer Harley, but I perfer to be called Jen,"I said shaking his hand. "Come and meet the rest of the gang,"he said as he was pulling me. "Hey guys, this is Jen, Gerard's sis, Jen this is Bob and Ray,"he said. Bob was the blonde guy with blue eyes and had a lip piercing. Ray was the guy with an epic afro and brown eyes.

"Hi, nice afro,"I said. "Hi, thanks by the way, everyone loves my beautiful hair,"he said. "Ha ha, hi,"said Bob. "Hi,"I said. "Okay now that you all introduced yourselfs, she can leave,"said Gerard as he was pushing me. "No, she looks cool,"said Frankie. "Oh,believe me, she's not,"said Gerard. "Dude, just leave her here,"said Bob. "Fine, fine, but it's not my fault if she hears something she doesn't wanna hear,"he said. "Like?,"asked Frankie. "I hooked up with Tyler,"he said. "Did it feel good?,"asked Ray. "Hell yeah!, she knows how to go down on a guy,"said Gerard. Nasty ass man whore."High five,"said Bob. They high fived each other. "The ladys love me,"said Gerard. "Your mom and grandma don't count,"I said to myself. I guess I said it a little to loud, because when I said it Gerard gave me an evil glare. "Haha, high five,"said Frank. I gave him a high five.

So much for not being 'cool'. "That's nothing to laugh over,"said Gerard. "That was funny though,"said Bob. "Bob!, you're suppose to support me, not her,"said Gerard. "Sorry,"he said. "Hey, Ryan's coming this way,"said Ray. "Who's Ryan?,"I asked. "Ryan is our enemy,"said Frank. "Is this your house?,"I asked. "Yeah,"he said. "Then why on Earth and outerspace would you let him in your house if he's your enemy?,"I asked. "Well.. I...I..I WASN'T THINK OK!,"he said. "I think we know that now,"said Ray. Just then this so called Ryan guy was infront of us. "If it isn't the gay as mofos are?,"said Ryan. "Jen,"I said. "Jen?, which one of this fags is your boyfriend?,"he asked. "None,"I said. "Good, Wanna dance?,"he asked. "She's not going anywhere with you,"said Gerard. "You stay out of this homo asshole, why don't go asked one of them to go ass fuck you,"said Ryan. "Why don't you fuck off?,"said Gerard. "Say that to my face,"said Ryan as he stepped closer to Gerard. "Ok, ok, ok, It's not a big deal Gerard, I'll just dance one song with him and then I'll come back,"I said. "No, I don't like him," said Gerard. "Can I talk to you outside?,"I asked him. "Fine,"said Gerard. He dragged me outside and slammed the door behind us.

"Why in the fucken world would you dance with my enemy?,"he asked angrily. "Last time I remember you said you hate me and you treat me like shit, so I can do what ever I want,"I said. Before I can walk back in the house he pulled my back by my arm and pushed me against the wall. "You are not ganna dance with him and that's final,"he said. I pushed him away and said "And you are no one to tell me what to do". I walked back inside with Gerard behind me. "Hey Ryan, you still wanna dance?,"I asked. "Hell yeah let's go,"he said as he was pulling me to the dance floor. We danced about 3 songs and I have to admit, it was fun, the whole time Gerard was staring at us with anger in him eyes. "I'm tired, wanna go out side to get some fresh air?,"he asked. I looked at Gerard and back at Ryan. "Sure,"I said. We walked outside and sat on the porch swing. "So, why did you ask me to dance?,"I asked. "Well for one, I wanted to get that faggot Gerard mad, and because you're one of the hottest girls here, everyone here knows you Gerard new sis,"he said. "How?," I asked. "Freak Iero told everyone,"he said. "Oh,"I said. "So, what do you wanna do right now?,"he asked as he started getting closer to me. "Uh, nothing really, and you?,"I asked nervously. "Something that would pleasure the both of us,"he started kissing my neck.

Ew,ew,ew,ew,ew. "C..can you stop that,"I said pushing him away. "Why should I?,"he said as he pulled me back towards him. "Because I don't like it,"I said. I pushed him as hard as I could and he made it even harder to get away. "You are ganna do what I say or I won't take it easy on you,"he said. I got the advantage to knee him in th balls. As he fell to the ground I started making a run for it, but he grabed my by my leg and it caused me to fall. He climbed on top of me and punched me in the stomach. The punch knocked the air out of me and as I was gasping for air, he gave me another blow to the eye. "HELP!,"I yelled. "The musics loud, no one can heard you," he yelled. He punched me in my eye and my ribs.

"HELP, SOMEONE, PLEASE,"I yelled. By that point all my hopes went down. His fist keep coming and coming at me non stop. I started blacking out, then the punches stop. When my vision started coming back and when it did, I looked around and saw Gerard fist punching Ryans face to the ground. "Oh my god! Jen are you okay?,"asked Frank. "I don't know,"I said getting up. "Is she okay?,"asked Gerard as he was coming towards us, out of breath. "I don't know,"said Frank. "You okay?,"he asked. "My ribs hurt alot,"I said. "Come on, let's go home,"he said. As we were walking by Ryan, Gerard turned back and pulled him by his collar. "I want you to listen to me and listen to me well, if you come even an inch close to her, I will fucken kill you, you understand?,"threatened Gerard. Ryan nodded his head.

As we were walking home, I couldn't help but to think what I was ganna tell Donna when we get home. "You okay?,"he asked. "My ribs hurt like shit, what are we ganna tell your mom?,"I asked. "I don't know, just tell her you....were jumped,"he suggested. "Yeah then shes ganna get ad at you for not being there,"I said. "Right, then I don't know,"he said. "I'll just tell her I fell down the stairs,"I said. "Good idea,"he said. "I'm sorry for not listening to you about Ryan,"I said. "You should be, he could've killed you and my mom is ganna blame me,"he said. "Look I said I was sorry, doesn't mean you don't have to make me feel more bad than I already do,"I said."I should make you feel more bad, what you did was stupid and your a bitch for that,"he said.

"YOU KNOW WHAT, I'M TIRED OF YOU AND YOU'RE BULLSHIT, I GET IT YOU HATE ME, DOESN'T MEAN YOU DON'T HAVE TO MAKE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL!,"I yelled."YOU WANNA KNOW WHY I HATE YOU,"he yelled back. "PLEASE TELL ME ,BECAUSE I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW,"I yelled. "BECAUSE I CAN'T HATE YOU,"he yelled. "What?,"I asked. "I don't know what is it about you that I can't hate you, everytime when I'm around you I get nervous and I feel like I can't go on without you,"he said. "What?,"I asked confused. "Jen, I..I love you,"he said. I didnt't know what to say, so I did the only thing that felt right, I kissed him. It didn't take long before he kissed back and god he was a fucken awesome kisser. As much as I didn't want this moment to end, I pulled away. "I love you too,"I said.
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