Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Finally Free
Part 2 - Meeting again
2 reviewsHow does Gerard face his actions, after a train ride of passion with Amelie? He falls for her, but she's nowhere to be found. Is she even in the right state of mind?
Finally Free
(#) XxPerfectTomorrowxX 2011-12-19
I really like this story... quite a lot. I'm curious as to how Gerard is going to help Amelie. And I'm sorry... I may just be a bit slow here but her condition is having panic attacks? Or is there more? On set by work?Author's response
Hi Kristi,
Yes, she has panic attacks, I'll be describing more of it soon. Thank you so much for your thoughts, it means a lot to me. I hope I can keep your interest in the story!
AFinally Free
(#) killjoys 2011-12-19
Love it loved it loved it!
i did enjoy the ending.. def coming back for more :)
but how can Gee help!
more when you can please?
Mary xAuthor's response
Hi Mary,
Yep, I'll definitely keep it going, just sorting my thoughts straight. Let me know if you have any suggestions?
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