Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Three bullets, three weeks, and enough death to last a lifetime

Chapter 2

by elfgirl23 0 reviews

So th kids are introduced to their mentors- Jenny and Johnny. And they also find a young girl with an afro...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2011-12-19 - Updated: 2011-12-19 - 1709 words

Frank's P.O.V:

I woke up at 3am. Yep, about 2 and a half hours sleep. Great. 

I heard a knock at the door. I prayed that it was Poison. I liked Poison. She seemed really cool, tough, clever. She was pretty too.

I opened the door warily. Arrow (I think) was stood at the door. 

"Can't sleep. There are these people gathering up all these kids. I don't know who it is though."

I thought in my mind what we should do. I wasn't good at this type of thing. Ray appearedfrom behind me, smoothing out his 'fro. 

"Get your stuff. Get dressed. Meet us here in about ten minutes," Ray ordered. 

Arrow nodded and walked off, her bright stripy hair flying behind her. 


"We're here," Love yelled from behind the door. 

I opened it to see the girls. They were clutching a number of bags. I noticed one bag was full of hair dye. Yep, Gerard is gonna like these girls.

I invited them in. Elf shut the door behind her, pulling the bags in through the door. Poison asked, "how are you?"

My heart skipped a beat. I'd never been in love before. I think this what it felt like to love someone. Those few hours I did sleep, I dreamt of Poison. About how wonderful she was. Her toughness, but how kind she was underneath the shell...

"Frankie!" Gerard yelled, "You were asked a question, so answer it!"

I shook my hair out of my eyes. I need to shave it off again. "I'm good thanks. How are you?"

Poison nodded, "Fantastic!"

I smiled a goofy smile. I must've looked like an idiot, 'coz Gerard started to laugh and point at my face. I glared at him to say nothing. He knows what I'll do to him if he says a thing...

Then there was a loud bang coming from the other side of the door. We all froze. Well, Elf didn't. She just walked over and casually opened it as if it was the most natural thing to do in the middle of the night. 

"Can we help you?" she asked

The two people stared at us, disgusted looks on their faces. I think they thought we had all been doing certain stuff...

"Yep. We're here to pick up people from room 342 and 365 who won the music competition," the lady smiled, "Are you girls from room 365?"

"Yep," Love smiled, "Sorry, who are you?"

The man smiled, "I'm Johnny, and this is Jenny. We'll be taking you to the airport," Johnny said.

They helped us with our bags and walked over to the elevator. I found one of those posh hotel trolleys and pushed it towards everyone. Elf and Mikey caught it and started loading bags on to it. 

We reached the bottom floor. This lady was sat at the reception desk. She saw us and frowned. Mainly at Elf.

Elf turned around and stuck her middle finger up, mouthing "fuck off" really obviously. I had to pinch myself to stop myself from pissing myself from laughter. 

We walked out of the hotel and found a van. Jenny clicked a button on her car keys and started loading the bags in. I looked inside the plain van to find 12 seats. It was pretty awesome. 

We got all our bags in - just - and slid into the van. I made sure to save a seat for Poison. Gerard slid onto it instead. I didn't want to make a fuss, but I wanted to sit next to Poison. 

Poison obviously saw this, and sat directly in front of me. When Gerard wasn't looking she turned her hand into a fist and pretended to punch him. 

"Guys, this'll be a four hour journey. We will stop in the middle of the journey, but just saying." Johnny announced, as if he had won an Oscar for it.

I turned to the window and sighed. This was going to be a long journey. Poison turned around and asked if I was okay.

"Yeah, just a little tired, I guess " I said. I smiled apologetically and closed my eyes as Love pulled the door shut and the van drove off for a long journey. 

Gerard's P.O.V:

2 hours later, and my legs were dead and I felt slightly sick. Frank was still turned away from me. Everyone was nearly asleep except Love, Elf, Jenny (who was driving) and myself. 

"Love?" I said, "You alright?"

Love looked up, staring into my eyes, "Yeah, just thinking about my family and stuff."

Elf leant over the seat and pulled Love's ear gently, "You thinking of me?" Elf said, laughing and fluttering her eyelashes, messin' around.  

Love flicked Elf's nose, "No. Who would think of you?" Love laughed, wrinkling up her nose in a really cute way. She was really pretty. 

Elf shrugged and said, "Mum?"

Love nodded, tears in her eyes. I thought she looked adorable. 

Elf awkwardly patted her head, and pulled out a pair of headphones from her rucksack and headbanged to music. 

I didn't know what do to. I wanted to cuddle her, comfort her, but I couldn't. It would be to awkward. 

"Love?" Jenny asked cautiously, "let it all out. Don't be afraid to cry. Let Gerard comfort you. Do you trust him?"

Love looked up from her lap, eyelashes soaked from the tears. She nodded, "Yeah, I trust Gerard."

My heart did a flip. I don't think I could be happier. She put her head gently on my shoulder and cried. I whispered into her ear, "Feel free to get my jumper wet."

She let out a feeble giggle in the middle of her sobs. I put my arm over her shoulders and cuddled her. She smiled a really pretty smile. 

For the first time I noticed she had braces. Green ones. They really suited her. I thought they looked really awesome. 

If I knew one thing, it was Frank was pissed off at me. But that didn't matter at this precise moment in time.

Because I know I have feelings for Love. And I never have felt this way about a girl. Yes, I've been out with many girls before, but I haven't felt this way about any of them before. 

Love's sobs eventually changed to sniffs. She was stopping. I think after a while she fell asleep. 

I decided to close my eyes. No one else was awake except Elf, and she looked shut off from the world. 

I let Love fly In through one ear, travel through my brain and lock herself in my thoughts. 

Elf's P.O.V:

"5 more minutes and we're pulling off at a cafe," Jenny said. 

I bounced up off my chair and leant over the top of all the seats. "So how'd ya get this job?" I asked. It sounded kinda nosy, but fuck that.

Jenny shuffled in her seat uncomfortably, "Well, Johnny and I need to earn money, so we volunteered for this. We need all the money we can get."

I was confused, "What? Are you saying you two are poor?"

"Yeah, well, we have enough money to live in a rundown flat and buy food. We are...runaways."

"Really? What? Why?" I was really concerned. 

"Well, Johnny and I are best friends. In school we were bullied. We left school but still got a lot of hatred. At home we were abused, I was almost we both decided to run away. This is our life now. Johnny was even in the paper for going missing. I mean, we're 18, we can do what we fucking like!"

The car pulled to a halt. I was feeling troubled. Poor Jenny. Poor Johnny. And all those who made there lives misery could go die in a hole.

Ray snorted and woke up, "The hell are we?"

"At a cafe," I smiled, "C'mon let's grab a bite to eat!"

We sat in the cafe, eating burgers and hot dogs and all that jazz. Love dragged me away from my table, ketchup going down my front."

"Oh my Gawd! Gerard is so kind and hot! Don't you think?"

"Ithinkrayisbetterlookingandstuff." I said. 

"What?" Love asked, "Finish ya mouth dumbass!"

I swallowed the contents in my mouth. "Jus' replace Gerard with Ray and you got it right," I stuck my tongue out at her and ran out to the van to get a new shirt. 

Ray came out with Mikey and Arrow. "Whatcha doin'?" Ray asked. 

"Oi! Trying to change my shirt!" I said, laughing as I said it. Ray shrugged and walked about 5 steps and turned around. 

"No looking!" I shouted with laughter. He laughed and ran into the cafe to get a drink. 

"See ya later," Mikey said to Arrow, high-fiving her and running off. 

"Don't you think Mikey is adorable?" Arrow squealed. 

"No! Ray is adorable!" I laughed and found a shirt in my bag. 

"Yeah, for you, but Mikey is so mine!"

I shrugged, "Fine with me," I opened the van door, "Now if you excuse me, I need to change my shirt."

She nodded and started to walked away, "See ya later!" Arrow yelled



We were almost at the airport, everyone was awake and alive. The car was pretty hot and stuffy. I. Need. Air. 

"Ray, what are you doing?" Mikey yelled. 

"Arrow! Gimme a headphone!" Poison said. 

"Ouch! Shit!" Frank yelped. 

It was a relief to get out the loud car. I opened the back and grabbed my bag. It was pretty heavy. I was half tempted to get someone else to carry it. 

Frank found another one of those trolley things like at the hotel and loaded our bags onto it. It was nice not be heaving a bag around an airport. 

There was the door! We all waited our turn to get through the revolving door, Poison getting stuck along the way.

We then saw a little girl. I couldn't tell how old she was, 8 or 9 I guess, but she was crying and had no one with her. 

"Wassup?" I asked, "You lost?"

She sniffed, "My band have abandoned me. I don't know how to get through airports. I'm called Grace by the way. Do you think I cam come with you guys?"
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