Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > This Is War.

Seeing Hogwarts For The First Time

by Echelonkid30 1 review

After getting off the train, Jared, Shannon and Tomo meet a mean blonde haired boy and travel across a river to Hogwarts.

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-12-19 - Updated: 2011-12-19 - 444 words

By the end of the train ride the three boys were so close they could've been life long friends; even their cats were getting along. Ivana had been invited to sit in another compartment by a sweet blond girl called Emma. They were happily stuffed with their shared sandwiches and pumpkin pasties off the trolley. When the train pulled into the dark station they rushed onto the platform amongst the rest of the excited students, all dressed in their robes. In the distance there were a faint cluster of lights, which had to be Hogwarts. Someone barged past Jared, making him drop Bucephalus.
“Hey! Watch where you're going!”
The boy faced him and Jared saw thick, slicked-back hair and a malicious smirk.
“What did you say to me, scum?”
“Watch where you're going lightbulb!”
The evil blond boy snorted and kicked Bucephalus aside, making him screech.
“Don't call me that!”
“Oh, you're American? My father said that the wizards there are stupid and worthless just like the fat muggles.”
Jared screamed, launching himself at him. Shannon jumped forwards and grabbed his arms, holding him back.
“No Jared! He's not worth it!”
The blond kid sniggered “There's more than one of you? Oh, Hogwart's standards are really dropping.”
Jared lurched at him, managing to smack him hard in the jaw. Tomo grabbed his other arm, he and Shannon only just able to hold him back.
“YOU'RE A PSYCHO!” Terrified, the boy ran off clutching his face.
“You need to calm down!” Shannon told Jared.
People were looking at them strangely. They were used to it, and Shannon knew that it was going to be hard for them to make friends in this school too. Jared looked around for Bucephalus, who was waiting for him under a bench and happily jumped up into his arms and began purring.

Together the three boys followed the crowd of their peers to the end of the platform. Then they went with the rest of the first years with the massive gamekeeper to the lake, where they clambered into wooden rowing boats. Jared and Shannon were in the front and Tomo and a strange boy called Matt sat behind them. Tomo and Shannon roared with laughter as Jared, unsteady on the slimy mud, almost fell into the murky water. Everyone caught their breaths when they caught sight of the magnificent castle. The stunning brick walls looked as if they had shot out of the hilltop, with spiralling turrets and a million places waiting to be explored. Everywhere you looked there was something breathtaking and a light twinkled in every window, giving the castle a magical feel.
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