Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > We Are Falling

4- Alcohol & Ice Cream

by XxPerfectTomorrowxX 2 reviews

Brendon & Hayley find ways of coping with what is essentially their non-dating break up.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2011-12-19 - Updated: 2011-12-19 - 971 words - Complete

I'll be okay. I have to be. The words I continued to repeat to myself refused to sink in and I wasn't completely sure that I would be okay. Why did I push Brendon away like that? I checked my phone for the millionth time that night to see another confused text from Brendon. He kept asking what he had done. Couldn't he see that the problem in this equation was me? Not him. God, he was perfect. He was utterly amazing. He didn't need me. I had to make him understand that.

Finally I pulled myself out of bed and texted Amy, letting her know that I was coming over. Fifteen minutes later I had left a note for my parents and was out the door, starting up my truck. It didn't take me long enough to get to Amy's. I was still sorting out my feelings towards Brendon when I did. She was waiting outside with a giant smile on her face.

"Whats up?" I asked, placing a fake smile upon my face.

Amy stared at me for a second. "Well now I can't tell you. You're upset. What's up Hayley?" She asked, concerned.

I shrugged, "It's really nothing."

She gave me a look that said she wouldn't drop it so I quietly added, "I just don't want to talk about it right now. Maybe later?" Later as in never.

She sighed and let it pass. "Well, guess what is happening the day before your birthday?" She asked, grinning widely.


"Panic! At The Disco is coming to town! Guess who got two tickets?" She sounded so excited. Hell, I was excited. Panic!AtTheDisco rocked!

"You?" I asked, hoping.

Amy nodded, "We are gonna rock our hearts out! Then there will be a meet and greet... We get to meet them!" She squealed, something she rarely did. "I'm so gonna have them sign my picture of them then I'm going to hang it on the wall and I got us both white t-shirts so that they can sign those two!"

I smiled, not wanting to rain on her parade. It sounded like too much social interaction to me at the moment but the music would be nice... It would be crowded, a place where I could drown in my thoughts with a great background song... "Awesome!" I added, mustering as much excitement as I could.

Amy smiled, still not pressing me about what was wrong. I was extremely grateful for that. "Now come on. I've got ice cream inside. You're obviously sad. Chocolate chip mint is awaiting you!" Oh, how she knew the way to heal my heart.

It's too bad it was only a temporary fix. The bruises just reformed.

Brain freeze here I come...


(Brendon's POV)

I slammed my phone against my desk, cursing loudly. It immediately vibrated and I still quickly grabbed for it, hoping it was Hayley. It was Ryan. He wanted to hang out. I didn't want to ever leave my room, unless it was to go see Hayley. I didn't want to see anyone other than her. Sure, I was being immature but it was a pretty big blow for her to just... say goodbye like that.

I was going to tell her that I really liked her.

Twenty minutes later, three calls from Jon and a text from Ryan, knocks began on my door. I got up, groaning and opened it to find Jon, Ryan, and Spencer standing outside with worried expressions. "Who died?" I asked, in a lame attempt at a joke.

They all looked relieved immediately. "Dude, we thought you did!" Spencer said immediately. "You never leave your phone anywhere and you always respond!"

"I could have been asleep." I said, annoyed that they had shown up. I planned to spend the night alone, moping.

"You even text in your sleep." Ryan said.

I groaned. Wow. I was lame.

"So, what's wrong?" Jon asked as they all walked inside.

I shrugged, "Nothing. I just didn't hear my phone go off."

"Bullshit." Ryan said. Was I really that transparent? "Spill." He commanded.

"Girl trouble." I said, attempting to be vague.

"Hayley." Jon fake moaned.

I glared at him, "What the fuck?"

Ryan laughed, "That's what you do in your sleep." He stated, rolling his eyes. The guys have no idea that I haven't even met Hayley in person or that I met her online and only communicated with her electronically. I would get so much shit for that.

... And I had no idea that I moaned Hayley's name in my sleep.

"So, is it this elusive Hayley?" Spencer finally asked as Jon headed to my kitchen to find food.

I decided there was no point in hiding it. I mean, I wouldn't tell them the complete truth... but I wouldn't lie either. "Yeah, Hayley kind of... broke up with me tonight." We weren't dating, at all... but it sounded like a better version of 'this girl I really like refuses to talk to me now because I wanted to meet her for the first time since I met her online.'

"Damn dude! I didn't even know you guys were dating." Jon yelled from the kitchen.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Brendon... I know you really liked her." Ryan added.

Spencer nodded, "Sounds like we need a guy night to lift your spirits!"

In absolute horror after remembering our last 'guy night' when Jon's girlfriend broke up with him I tried to think of what the rest of the night had in store for me. Quickly checking my phone I realized Hayley still hadn't texted me back. I was going wild tonight.

Bring on the alcohol. There was always alcohol.

"Time to get some alcohol." Jon said, walking out of my kitchen with cookies. I smiled and nodded. "Alcohol sounds good." I replied.
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