Categories > Original > Romance > Dancing with Death

Chapter 23

by Vampirechick1159 1 review

"Weeks came and went."

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2011-12-21 - Updated: 2011-12-22 - 471 words - Complete

Weeks came and went. News of my “fight” with Tina spread like wildfire. For the next few weeks Michael gave me dirty looks, Tina’s followers tried to start fights with me, and anyone who couldn’t stand Tina followed me around like I had the answer to life. Gerard was as silent as ever. I started skipping the classes I shared with him. I didn’t want to see his face anymore. He made me feel vulnerable and stupid, simply because I couldn’t focus in his presence. The one class I couldn’t get out of was biology. He’d always be giving me looks that made me mess up while I was trying to write notes during experiments.
I only called him once during the whole period of time following the dance. ONCE. I left him a voice mail (he didn’t answer—shocker) telling him how sorry I was and how desperately I had to make things right. I wasn’t asking him to be my unofficial boyfriend again. I just wanted things between us to be peaceful.
I was pretty much miserable.
One Wednesday I was hiding under the bleachers rather than going to literature. I was about to finish my book when I heard footsteps approaching.
“Hey,” said a voice that hadn’t spoken to me in exactly a year.
I turned to face Josh, my ex-boyfriend. “Can I help you?” I’d dumped Josh for reaching down my pants one too many times (which means he did it once and I smacked him before walking away).
He sat next to me. “What’s up?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight. My parents aren’t gonna be home, so we can sit on the couch and…watch movies and stuff.” He winked.
I rolled my eyes and got up. “I don’t think so.”
“Come on,” he said, standing, sliding a hand under my butt.
“Get off!” I yelled, smacking him across the face and shoving him away.
“Please, babe, just come over. I miss you.”
“Yeah? Well I don’t miss you. You’re a self-absorbed pig, and I couldn’t care less how much you miss me.”
“It would make that loser you were with at the dance jealous.”
I laughed without humor. “And what would that do besides piss him off? You misunderstand me. I actually think things through, unlike every other girl you’ve gone out with. I don’t stoop to new lows to get attention. Just leave me alone, Josh. I broke up with you because you’re a moron and I can’t stand you.” I turned to walk away and heard a thud behind me. I glanced back to see Josh on the ground, Gerard standing a few feet behind him.
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