Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > The Boy Next Door

I Know What You Saw

by ERGoddess 1 review

"I will not be intimidated."

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-12-22 - Updated: 2011-12-23 - 556 words

I was terrified of going out the house the next day. I knew he was out there. Waiting for me with those sharp, deadly brown eyes. He was waiting to grab a hold of me, pin me down like Courtney and- 'Get a hold of yourself!' I thought as I got dressed. 'He shouldn't scare you. He won't do anything out in the open.' I nodded and took a deep breath taking a chance to peek through my blinds which I had left closed all morning. I looked to his window before scanning around, pleased to see that he wasn't out. 'Probably finding more girls to rape.' I thought with a scowl and left outside. As long as I didn't see him today I would be perfectly fine.

"Heather," I jumped and screeched as I heard his voice. But how...? "We need to talk," I looked at him and that smirk that he always held on his face was gone. He looked more dangerous, more sinister, more...evil. Underneath that hot exterior was a monster. "Now," he growled. I looked around but saw there was no one to witness in case he decided to do something. 'Not in the open,' I reminded myself. I gulped and followed after him to the backyard, standing near the tree that divided my yard from his. He waited for a moment, just glaring at me as though that would get me to admit to what I saw. I stayed silent. "I know you saw," he finally said, folding his arms over his chest.

"I...don't know what you're talking about." I said, avoiding his gaze. "I didn't see anything."

"Don't lie to me, Heather. I know you saw." He hissed in my ear. He then grabbed my chin and turned my face to look at him, nails digging into my skin. "And you won't tell anyone." He growled, his voice dead serious. "Capish?"

"Y-yeah..." I said nodding. I didn't know how much longer I could stand there before I just fell to my knees with fear. He let my face go but then backed me up against the tree. He put his arm over my head and smirked at me, leaning in close so I could feel his breath on my face.
"And if you even let it accidentally slip out I will do to you ten times worse than what I did to Courtney." he told me. 'How could something so hot be so damn evil?' It was an irrational thought yet I thought it anyways. He then touched the underside of my chin and gently kissed my lips. "I'll see you later, Heather. And remember to keep those lips shut. Later." he said and walked away, winking at me.

I stood there before my knees finally gave out on me, those last words echoing through my head. 'Remember to keep those lips shut.' "Brendon..." I whispered, my mind working a thousand miles per hour. "I...will not be intimidated." I growled standing up. Yes, he scared me. Yes, I knew I would probably regret this. And yes, I knew he was dangerous but I would not be threatened like that. I would reveal Brendon for what he was. "You do not threaten me and get away with it."
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