Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > The Boy Next Door

I Lie To You

by ERGoddess 1 review

Heather tries to convince Courtney everything will be okay...for now.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2011-12-23 - Updated: 2011-12-23 - 671 words

Making sure I wouldn't have a mental breakdown-and making sure that Brendon wasn't watching me, but I never knew because he seemed to pop up out of no where-I made my way to Courtney's. Every step I took I felt like he was watching me yet he was no where in sight. I was beginning to feel paranoid and kept waiting for him to come behind me and ask where I was going. 'Calm down, Heather. He's not around and that's all you need to worry about.' I told myself then took a deep breath. I stepped onto the door step and raised my hand to knock before setting it down. What was I going to say her? We didn't exactly like each other and she probably didn't know what I knew. 'Looks like she's just going to deal with it.' I thought then knocked.

She opened the door then glared at me but surprisingly didn't shut the door in my face. "What do you want?" She asked, keeping the right side of her face away from my line of sight. She had good make up yet I could still see the bruise that Brendon left.

"I know what happened," I told her quietly, looking around quickly. She gasped, stammering for a reply before grabbing my arm and pulled me in, shutting the door.

"How do you know?" She asked facing me. I could see the full extent of the damage and it was bad. The bruise he had left was starting to turn yellow yet you could still see the black and purple through the make up. Just looking at it made me to tear him into little bits.

"I saw through my window. Not everything!" I added as the shocked look began to settle on her face. "Only where he slapped you and pushed you down." She looked at me for a full minute before breaking out in tears.

"Oh Heather! It was horrible." She sobbed. I wasn't really good at consoling people besides telling them to suck it up but this was a different situation. I brought her to the couch and sat her down, patting her back a bit awkwardly.

"There, there. It'll be alright...?" I said not sounding too sure of myself.

"No it won't!" She said, face in her hands. "It won't be alright,"

"Yes it will! We will go to the police and tell them what happened." I told her. Her head snapped up so quickly I thought she was going to give herself whip lash. She grabbed onto my shoulders tightly, eyes wide.

"No! You can't tell! Not anyone!" She sounded so panicked I thought she was going to have an anxiety attack.

"Calm down. Look, once we go to the police they'll handle everything. Brendon won't be able to hurt you or anyone else ever again." I said but she didn't seem to be listening to my logic. She shook my shoulders and looked directly at me.

"No...Brendon said that if I told anyone-anyone, police or otherwise-that that would only be the start of what he would do to me. Heather, I'm scared. He's not like normal people. I'll go outside and he'll be there though I checked to make sure he wasn't out there." She sobbed again and wiped her eyes. "The police can't do anything against him."

Our logic clashed yet I had a feeling she was right. The police would show up and he probably wouldn't be there. So how was I supposed to take him down? "Don't worry, Courtney. I'll take care of Brendon." I said, standing up. She looked at me doubtfully but nodded.

"If you can...I wish you luck." She wiped her nose and sniffled, standing up to let me out.

"Psh. I don't need luck." I said as I walked out the door and shut it.

"Oh, but you do..."

A/N: Hmm, sort of a cliffhanger ending. Rate and review? They would make my Christmas Eve a little more special.
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