Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mark of the Sky

The Savior is Born

by Truthchild8 1 review

A child like no other

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-12-22 - Updated: 2011-12-23 - 553 words

On Earth 1995

In a small hospital in a rural town in the middle of East Texas a strange child is born…

Doctors Analyze:

I, Dr. Dsa observed at the time of 12:00 midnight on the day of December 12th a strange birth.
A laboring woman came in around the time of 9:26 and 9:30 stating that she had gone into labor. When asked who she was and where she was from, she only gave the answer,

“Elizabeth Mead, please, help me, I am Elizabeth Mead”

My interns quickly moved her to the OB and shortly after she began to go into hard labor. I came in around this time. No matter the amount of medication we gave her, Elizabeth, still cried and screamed in extreme agony.

At first I thought that she may have been an addict searching for medication to alleviate withdrawal symptoms. Alas, that was not the case. She was truly in extreme pain. Eventually she gave birth.

The child was like none any of us had ever observed, her skin was a royal purple and patterns, like that of tattoos, traveled and circled around every inch of her body. The child cried as any other newborn would have but the cry was not sharp or piercing it was truly musical, hypnotic almost. A nurse swiftly took the baby from our hands and placed her in a cradle.
We tried to revive the mother but had no such luck. A nurse found a note that was sealed inside woman’s pocket along with a small package. The letter read as such,

To whom it may concern,
I am aware I will not survive labor so I write this letter. My child has no family outside of me. So I assume she will be placed as a ward of the state. But I will name her, which is my right as her mother. Her name shall be Eroina Whey, because you are truly a heroine, my dear Eroina. The package that accompanies this letter I would like to be given to her on her 16th birthday. Eroina, I loved as any mother would. I knew you would to be a wonderful daughter. You shall be a child, a girl, and woman like no other.

With Love and no regret,
Elizabeth Mead

After reading the letter my interns and I turned to the cradle to examine the strange child and were astounded.
The child appeared to have changed. Her skin was now a pale color much like any normal person. Her tattoo like patterns had vanished all except a spiraling star shape that rested on her left wrist. Her hair was a ebony color just as it had been before. Her cry also had not changed it was still sweet and endearing.
She was placed in the care of the state under the name, Eroina Whey as her mother had requested. As much as I would like I will most likely never learn what became of the child. I am assured though that she is truly a mystery to any human medical doctor.

Never has anything like her been heard of.

Author’s note: Hey guys! No rate and reviews???? tears Rate and Review please?!?!?!?!?! I hope you like I’m covering that base ground now. The story will start VERY soon hang in there :D
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