Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Never Told You What I Do For A Living

Chapter 8

by striketoincinerate 3 reviews

Naughty Gerard.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-12-23 - Updated: 2011-12-23 - 755 words - Complete

Trying to keep this chapter out of either POV! More of a filler than a full chapter, not much happens here I'm afraid :( but please let me know what you all think! And if I'm not back with an update before Christmas I hope you all have a lovely holiday! xo

Time seemed to pass by ridiculously slowly. Frank felt as though, inside this appartment, time stopped; the world outside would still be moving, still crawling by, each person with their own routines, and he would be trapped here forever in a circle of coffee and small talk and Gerard. Despite the warning bells in his head, Frank couldn't shake the feeling that that would not be a bad existance at all.

Eventually, the coffee ran dry along with the conversation and both men took to staring out of the window at the city around them, as if there was a silent, mutual agreement between the two of them not to speak, not to move. Frank wanted to leave. Gerard didn't know what he wanted. Perhaps the same voice telling Frank to stay was the same voice telling Gerard that really, what he wanted was sitting only a few inches away; all he had to do was reach out and touch it. After all, he had gotten everything else he wanted, hadn't he? And he needed someone to share it with...

Gerard watched as the boy next to him shifted slightly uncomfortably. He could probably tell that the older man was carrying out a full examination of him with his eyes. He was slightly short, but that didn't really matter. A small mark on the side of his nose indicated a piercing, although he wasn't wearing it at the moment. His hair curled slightly in at one side, as did his mouth when he smiled. All in all, he was a pleasent looking boy- more than pleasant.

Frank looked at the man next to him out of the corner of his eye. He hoped it wasn't obvious he was avoiding eye contact- something about Gerard's gaze un-nerved him. 'Would you think that if you didn't know about him?' a voice in the back of his head questioned him. Frank wasn't sure. It was hard to judge what you would think of someone if you didn't know a certain thing about them- even harder still when it was something as important as what Frank knew about Gerard.

That was the first time Frank fully realised the importance of what he had seen. He could keep what he had seen to himself and his two best friends, and this man would walk free, possibly for the rest of his life. He could run from the appartment now, straight to the police station, give an address and all the other information he had gathered on Gerard and things would turn out very differently. For the first time in his life, Frank had a responsibility. A responsibility to another human being. More than one- to Gerard's victim (or victim's, plural; Frank inwardly shuddered at the idea) as well as the dark haired man himself. The thought terrified him. The room suddenly seemed to spin very quickly around him, any moisture in his mouth sucking itself inwards and his stomach threatening to bullet up his throat. Standing up on shaky legs, he muttered something non-sensical before his body collapsed and he fell with a thud, his head colliding with the glass coffee table in front of him.


Gerard admired the younger man as he lay sprawled on Gerard's bed, the ghost of a bruise already adorning his forehead. Reaching out a calloused finger, he stroked the boys jaw lightly, watching as Frank's top lip fluttered with the shallow breaths he was taking. He could keep him here forever- there would be repercussions, of course, but it would be worth it. If he kept him here long enough- Gerard shook the thought from his head violently, causing a haze to swim in front of his eyes. An uneasy feeling settled over him, and uneasiness was something Gerard rarely felt. In the space of a day, Gerard had felt a lot of emotions he wasn't aware he had. Sighing, he removed himself from the bed and into the chair next to it, pushing the glass of water he had fetched Frank closer along the cabinet towards the sleeping boy. He couldn't have known. Could he? Despite everything he told himself, Gerard could not shake the feeling that something was horribly wrong.
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