Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell me baby who do you wanna be?

Fights, fights, fights...

by mikeynoolikey 0 reviews

Lindsey gets in to some fight in school but when she comes home there is one more problem...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-01-04 - Updated: 2012-01-04 - 1027 words

Chapter 4

Lindsey's pov
It was a normal day. I met Gerard and Mikey outside their house and we walked to School.
When we arrived at school we met Bob, Ray and Frank outside.
"Hi guys" I said smiling.
"Hey pretty girl" they said.
"That's my line!" Gerard pushed Frank.
Frank pushed back and the started wrestling. I just stood there watching them, laughing. In the middle of everything the bell rang.
"Come on Lindsey, we got math" Ray said and we two leaved the wrestling game.
We sat down. And the principal (my dad) stepped in.
"Class, this morning we're going to have a talk about bulling. We've seen.that it happen mutch at this school." he said.
I raised my hand.
"Yes Lindsey"
"If you have seen it why haven't you stopped it?" I snapped at him.
"I don't answer stupid questions" he said.
"The question wasn't as stupid as you" I wispered.
"I herd that, Ms Ballato" he said.
I ignored him and took up my phone.
"Here" I gave Ray one of my earphones and we sat listening to music and ignored my dad talking.
When the bell finally rang I rushed down to the art classroom. I was having art with Gerard and we was supposed to meet up there. When I arrived I saw some jocks punching a guy. And this guy was Gerard.
"Hey, stop it!" I ran to them.
"What? Is it your little boyfriend?" one of them said.
I reconized him as a guy called Josh.
"Maybe it is" I hit him in the face.
Gerard fell on the ground and so did Josh. A teacher ran up to us. You, you and you to the principals office now. She pointed at me, Gerard and Josh.

"Mr.Way, Mr.Dawson and Ms.Ballato you can come in" I herd my dad.
The three of us sat down in front of his desk.
"As I see Mr.Dawson is the victim here." dad said.
Josh? The victim? He had punched Gerard?
"I can't belive it" I said looking at him.
"Josh? The fucking victim? So Gerard just stands there and hits him self in the head?! Can't you see his bruises? Are you fucking blind?!" I yelled.
Gerard and Josh were allowed to go.
"Lindsey, that guy is bad for you. He made you punch somebody." my dad said.
"Omg! You really don't understand anything do you?"
"Yes I do. If you keep doing this..."
I cut him off.
"Keep doing this? What di you think I am? You're supposed to be my dad. But you're acting like you hate me"
I fell tears rinning down on my cheeks.
"But probably you do hate me. You wanna know something? I wish that it was only me and mum" that was the last thing I said.
I stormed out of the room and far away from this hell hole.

Gerard's pov
I sat outside the principal's office. God, I felt sorry for her. The door flew up and I saw Lindsey walk away from the school area. I ran after. I found her sittig in front of the bushes I laid behind, choking, a few days ago.
"Honey" I said and sat down next to her.
She hugged me. I kissed her forehead. I let her cry out in my arms. When she had stopped crying I helped her up from the ground.
"Wanna skip?" I asked.
She nodded.
"Come on"

Lindsey's pov
I was skipping with Gerard. He hold my hand and we went to Starbucks. He bought two coffee and we sat down.
"So... What happened?" he asked.
"I just told him that I wished it was only me and mum"
"Wow" Gerard looked shocked.
"I don't got the best relationship with him"
We sat at Starbucks for hours, when we finally went home it was 6pm.

"See you tomorrow" I kissed him.
I went in to the house and directly upstairs. I didn't want to talk to my dad. I changed to my Smashing Pumpkins t-shirt and let my hair down. I started to read some comics until I herd my mum yell at me.
Here we go. I went downstairs and sat down at the kitchen table next to them.
"Your dad wants to say something" mum said.
"From now you're forbidden to see that boy Gerard" he said.
So this was my punishment? I was not going to allow this.
"No! You can't fucking stop me?" I yelled.
"Oh yes, we can!"
"Why? Just why cant I see him?!"
"He made you hit a guy and he looks like shit, I don't want you around guys like that"
"Since when did you care?! Okay sure, you know what I'm out of here" I walked out of the kitchen and put on Gee's hoodie and a pair of shoes.
"Where are you think you're going?" my dad took my arm.
"Let me go your freak!" I tried to get out of his hand and suceed.
I ran away from my house over to Gerard's place. It was already 11pm but he must be awake. I knocked on the door.
Mikey opened up.
"Lindsey?" he looked tired.
"Is Gee home?"
"Yeah he's down in the basement" Mikey let me in and I walked to the basement door.
I felt the tears streaming down my face. I open the door.
"Gee?" I said.
"Lynz, what are you doing here?"
"Sorry, I ran away"
He laid in his bed, watching tv.
"My dad has forbidden me to see you, so I ran away" I said.
"Come here"
I sat down on his knee and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt safe with him. He started to sing.
"I didn't know you could sing?" I said.
"Oh sorry," he stopped.
"No keep going, you have a beautiful voice." I said
"Thanks" he wispered and continued singing.
I felt so calm when he sang for me. His words started to fade away and I fell asleep.

Thanks for the review I got :)
I hope you like the story ad chapter five comes tonight :D

Xøxø Issa
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